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Kanji: Radical: (しんにょう) : ハク; せま(る); press
Joyo grade: 8 Stroke count: 8 Index in Nelson dictionary: 4676 Index in Halpern dictionary: 3074
Japanese Reading English
あっぱくかん (n) feeling of oppression/
せっぱくかん(n) sense of urgency/
を迫るじしょくをせまる(exp) to urge to resign/
迫るおしせまる (v5r) to draw near/
迫したせっぱくした pressing/urgent/imminent/
きゅうはく (n) financial difficulty/distress/(P)/
きゅうはく(n) urgency/imminence/
きょうはくしんけいしょうobsessional neurosis/
鍔迫りつばぜりあい(n) group of close competitors/
迫したきゅうはくした urgent/pressing/imminent/
あっぱくほうたい (n) pressure bandage/
きょうはくざい(n) intimidation/
きょうはくかんねん obsession/
し迫るおしせまる (v5r) to draw near/
きょうはく (n) threat/menace/coercion/terrorism/(P)/
きょうはくしゃ person making threats/intimidator/
に迫るしんにせまる (v5) to be true to nature/to be lifelike/
せっぱく(n,vs) pressure/urgency/tension/imminence/acuteness/(P)/
きょうはくでんわ telephone threat (e.g. of a bomb)/
せっぱく end of the year/
きはく (n) spirit/soul/vigor/
きょうはくじょう(n) threatening or intimidating letter/(P)/
に迫るめいたんせきにせまる(exp) to be on the brink of death/
きょうはく (n,vs) compelling/using duress/
し迫るさしせまる (v5r) to be urgent or pressing/
にくはく (n,vs) come close to/closing in upon/pressing hard (on the enemy)/challenge/
逼迫 ひっぱく(n,vs) stringency (financial)/impending/
あっぱく(n,vs) pressure/coercion/oppression/(P)/
きんぱく (n,vs) tension/strain/(P)/