窮追 | きゅうつい | (n) cornered/driven to the wall/ |
急追 | きゅうつい
| (n) (being in) hot pursuit/ |
戦没者追悼記念日 | せんぼつしゃついとうき
ねんび | Memorial Day (US)/ |
貝殻追放 | かいがらついほう
| ostracism/ |
後追い自殺 | あとおいじさつ
| (vs) following someone's example, and
committing suicide/ |
阿諛追従 | あゆついしょう | flattery/adulation/ |
深追い | ふかおい
| (n) chase too far/ |
鳥追い | とりおい
| (n) driving off birds/(historical) procession
held at New Year's/ |
犬追物 | いぬおうもの
| (n) dog-hunting event of Kamakura
period/ |
長追い | ながおい | (n) long pursuit/ |
公職追放 | こうしょくついほう
| purge of public officials/ |
利潤追求 | りじゅんついきゅう
| (n) pursuit of
profits/profit-seeking/ |
馬追い | うまおい | (n) loading a horse with passengers or baggage/driving a
horse into a pen/katydid/ |
後追い | あとおい | (n) following someone/ |
鹿追 | しかおい
| hinged bamboo water cup or trough, which makes
a percussive sound periodically as it tips over/ |
幻を追う | まぼろしをおう
| (v5) to pursue phantoms/ |
訴追 | そつい
| (n) legal action/ |
猛追 | もうつい
| (n,vs) hot chase (pursuit)/hectic
chase/ |
位記追贈 | いきついそう | conferment of posthumous rank/ |