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Kanji: 退 Radical: (しんにょう) : タイ; しりぞ(く)、しりぞ(ける); retreat
Joyo grade: 5 Stroke count: 9 Index in Nelson dictionary: 4684 Index in Halpern dictionary: 3094
Japanese Reading English
退そうたい(n,vs) leave early/(P)/
退しんたいうかがい(n) informal (unofficial) resignation/(P)/
から退けるようしょくからしりぞける to expel (a person) from an important position/
退てったい(n,vs) evacuation/withdrawal/revocation/repeal/retreat/(P)/
退ぶたいてったい troop withdrawal/
退げきたい (n,vs) repulse/repel (i.e. the enemy)/
退はいたい(n) decay/decadence/
掻き退けるかきのける(v1) to push through/
退こうたい (n,vs) retreat/backspace (BS)/
退いんたいこうぎょう farewell performance/
退いんたいぞうぶっしsecretly hoarded goods/
退げんたい (n,vs) decline/ebb/failure/loss/
退いっしんいったい (n) now advancing and now retreating/ebb and flow/seesawing/fluctuating/
ち退くたちのく(v5k) to evacuate/to clear out/to vacate/to withdraw/to take refuge/(P)/
退はいたい(n,vs) being defeated/being eliminated (from competition)/
退だったい(n,vs) secession/(P)/
退ていねんたいしょく retirement due to age/
退すいたい (n,vs) decline/decay/
退いがんたいしょく retirement at one's own request/
退しゅっしょしんたい advancing and retreating/appearance and disappearance/one's daily activities/one's course of action/one's attitude/
退いんたい(n,vs) retire/(P)/
退くいっぽしりぞくto take a step backward/
退ちゅうたい (n) leaving school during a term/(P)/
退くとおのく(v5k) to become distant/to recede/
退ていねんたいしょく (n) (compulsory) retirement (e.g. on reaching the age of 60)/
ち退かせるたちのかせる(v1) to evict/to eject/
退さんしゃぼんたい out in 1-2-3 order/
退いんたい retirement
退いんたいせいかつ secluded life/
退ふたいてん(n) determination/conviction/
退いんたい (n) retirement/seclusion/
退そうたいきゃくa full retreat/a general retreat/
し退けるおしのける (v1) to push aside/to brush aside/
退しじょうてったい pulling out of a market/withdrawing from a market/
退ぼんたい(n) out in 1-2-3 order/
退ゆうたい (n,vs) bowing out/retiring voluntarily/
退ちゅうとたいがくleaving school during a term/
退こうたいもじ backspace/
退けるとおのける (v1) to keep (someone) at a distance/
退しんたい(n) movement/course of action/advance or retreat/(P)/
を退くごぜんをのく (exp) to withdraw from the presence (of the Emperor)/
退ふたい(n) determination/
退しゅっしょしんたい advancing and retreating/appearance and disappearance/one's daily activities/one's course of action/one's attitude/
ち退きたちのき(n) eviction/
を退けるてきのこうげきをしりぞける (exp) to beat off an attack by the enemy/
を退けるひとをしりぞける(exp) to keep others away/
退ゆうたい (n,vs) bowing out/retiring voluntarily/(P)/
を退くしょくをしりぞく(exp) to resign from one's post/
退まるしんたいきわまるto be at a loss/
退じたい (n) refusal/(P)/
ある退めいよあるたいじん honorable withdrawal/honorable retreat/
へ退くあとへひく(v5) to retreat/to recede/
び退くとびのく (v5k) to jump back/