早退 | そうたい | (n,vs) leave early/(P)/ |
進退伺い | しんたいうかがい | (n) informal (unofficial) resignation/(P)/ |
要職から退ける | ようしょくからしりぞける
| to expel (a person) from an important
position/ |
撤退 | てったい | (n,vs)
evacuation/withdrawal/revocation/repeal/retreat/(P)/ |
部隊撤退 | ぶたいてったい
| troop withdrawal/ |
撃退 | げきたい
| (n,vs) repulse/repel (i.e. the
enemy)/ |
廃退 | はいたい | (n) decay/decadence/ |
掻き退ける | かきのける | (v1) to push through/ |
後退 | こうたい
| (n,vs) retreat/backspace (BS)/ |
引退興行 | いんたいこうぎょう
| farewell performance/ |
隠退蔵物資 | いんたいぞうぶっし | secretly hoarded goods/ |
減退 | げんたい
| (n,vs) decline/ebb/failure/loss/ |
一進一退 | いっしんいったい
| (n) now advancing and now retreating/ebb and
flow/seesawing/fluctuating/ |
立ち退く | たちのく | (v5k) to evacuate/to clear out/to vacate/to withdraw/to
take refuge/(P)/ |
敗退 | はいたい | (n,vs) being defeated/being eliminated (from
competition)/ |
脱退 | だったい | (n,vs) secession/(P)/ |
停年退職 | ていねんたいしょく
| retirement due to age/ |
衰退 | すいたい
| (n,vs) decline/decay/ |
依願退職 | いがんたいしょく
| retirement at one's own request/ |
出処進退 | しゅっしょしんたい
| advancing and retreating/appearance and
disappearance/one's daily activities/one's course of action/one's
attitude/ |
引退 | いんたい | (n,vs) retire/(P)/ |
一歩退く | いっぽしりぞく | to take a step backward/ |
中退 | ちゅうたい
| (n) leaving school during a term/(P)/ |
遠退く | とおのく | (v5k) to become distant/to recede/ |
定年退職 | ていねんたいしょく
| (n) (compulsory) retirement (e.g. on reaching
the age of 60)/ |
立ち退かせる | たちのかせる | (v1) to evict/to eject/ |
三者凡退 | さんしゃぼんたい
| out in 1-2-3 order/ |
引退 | いんたい
| retirement |
隠退生活 | いんたいせいかつ
| secluded life/ |
不退転 | ふたいてん | (n) determination/conviction/ |
隠退 | いんたい
| (n) retirement/seclusion/ |
総退却 | そうたいきゃく | a full retreat/a general retreat/ |
押し退ける | おしのける
| (v1) to push aside/to brush aside/ |
市場撤退 | しじょうてったい
| pulling out of a market/withdrawing from a
market/ |
凡退 | ぼんたい | (n) out in 1-2-3 order/ |
優退 | ゆうたい
| (n,vs) bowing out/retiring
voluntarily/ |
中途退学 | ちゅうとたいがく | leaving school during a term/ |
後退文字 | こうたいもじ
| backspace/ |
遠退ける | とおのける
| (v1) to keep (someone) at a
distance/ |
進退 | しんたい | (n) movement/course of action/advance or
retreat/(P)/ |
御前を退く | ごぜんをのく
| (exp) to withdraw from the presence (of the
Emperor)/ |
不退 | ふたい | (n) determination/ |
出所進退 | しゅっしょしんたい
| advancing and retreating/appearance and
disappearance/one's daily activities/one's course of action/one's
attitude/ |
立ち退き | たちのき | (n) eviction/ |
敵の攻撃を退ける | てきのこうげきをしりぞける
| (exp) to beat off an attack by the
enemy/ |
人を退ける | ひとをしりぞける | (exp) to keep others away/ |
勇退 | ゆうたい
| (n,vs) bowing out/retiring
voluntarily/(P)/ |
職を退く | しょくをしりぞく | (exp) to resign from one's post/ |
進退窮まる | しんたいきわまる | to be at a loss/ |
辞退 | じたい
| (n) refusal/(P)/ |
名誉ある退陣 | めいよあるたいじん
| honorable withdrawal/honorable
retreat/ |
後へ退く | あとへひく | (v5) to retreat/to recede/ |
飛び退く | とびのく
| (v5k) to jump back/ |