取り逃がす | とりにがす | (v5s) to let slip/to fail to catch/ |
乗り逃げ | のりにげ
| (n) stealing a ride/stolen ride/ |
夜逃げ | よにげ
| (n) night flight/ |
勝ち逃げ | かちにげ
| (n) quitting while one is ahead/ |
一時逃れ | いちじのがれ | (n) quibbling/temporizing/ |
見逃がす | みのがす
| (v5s) to miss/to overlook/to leave at
large/ |
当座逃れ | とざのがれ
| temporary expedient/ |
持ち逃げ | もちにげ
| (n) make off with
(something)/abscond/ |
見逃し | みのがし | (n) overlooking/letting a good ball go by/ |
轢き逃げ | ひきにげ | (n) (uk) hit-and-run accident causing personal
injury/ |
取り逃す | とりにがす | (v5s) to miss (capturing)/to fail to catch/to let
slip/ |
食い逃げ | くいにげ | (n,vs) running away without paying for
food/bilk/ |
その場逃れ | そのばのがれ | (n) makeshift/stopgap/ |
借り逃げ | かりにげ
| running away from a debt/ |
一寸逃れ | いっすんのがれ | (n) quibbling/prevarication/ |
飲み逃げ | のみにげ
| (n) leaving drinks unpaid for/ |
敵前逃亡 | てきぜんとうぼう
| deserting under enemy fire/ |
振り逃げ | ふりにげ
| (n) reaching first base safely due to
opponent's error/ |
籤逃れ | くじのがれ | (n) elimination by
lottery/ |
責任を逃れる | せきにんをのが
れる | (exp) to shirk one's
responsibility/ |
乗逃げ | のりにげ | (n) stealing a ride/stolen ride/ |
好機を逃す | こうきをのがす | (exp) to let an opportunity slip/ |
其の場逃れ | そのばのがれ | (n) makeshift/stopgap/ |
言い逃れる | いいのがれる
| (v1) to explain away/to talk one's way out
of/ |
当て逃げ | あてにげ | (n) hit-and-run accident causing property
damage/ |
見逃す | みのがす | (v5s) to miss/to overlook/to leave at
large/(P)/ |
一時逃れ | いっときのがれ
| (n) quibbling/temporizing/ |
言い逃れ | いいのがれ
| (n) evasion/an excuse/ |