冥途 | めいど | (n) (Buddhism) the other world/ |
一途に | いちずに
| (adv) wholeheartedly/ |
用途 | ようと
| (n) use/usefulness/(P)/ |
方途 | ほうと
| (n) way/means/ |
費途 | ひと
| (n) (way of) spending/ |
開発途上国 | かいはつとじょうこく | (n) developing country/emerging nation/(P)/ |
別途預金 | べっとよきん
| special deposit/ |
壮途 | そうと
| (n) ambitious undertaking/ |
中途 | ちゅうと
| (n) in the middle/half-way/(P)/ |
長途 | ちょうと
| (n) long way/ |
一途 | いちず
| (adj-na,n) wholeheartedly/earnestly/ |
後発発展途上国 | こうはつはってんとじょ
うこく | (n) least developed among developing
nations/ |
征途 | せいと | (n) (military or pleasure) expedition/ |
使途 | しと
| (n) purpose for which money is spent/the way
money is spent/ |
発展途上国 | はってんとうじょうこく
| (n) developing country (nation)/ |
世途 | せいと
| the world/the path of life/ |
目途 | もくと
| (n) goal/outlook/ |
発展途上国 | はってんとじょうこく | (n) developing country/(P)/ |
前途遼遠 | ぜんとりょうえん | (adj-na,n) goal/destination/ |
先途 | せんど
| (n) crisis in a battle/death/ |
三途の川 | さんずのかわ | (n) the River Styx/ |
使途不明金 | しとふめいきん | unaccounted-for expenditures/ |
中途半端 | ちゅうとはんぱ
| (adj-na,n) halfway/half
measures/unfinished/incomplete/by halves/ |
別途支出 | べっとししゅつ
| special outlay/ |
帰途 | きと
| (n) on the way back/returning/(P)/ |
雄途 | ゆうと
| (n) brave enterprise/ |
別途積立金 | べっとつみたてきん | special reserve (fund)/contingent reserve/ |
一途 | いっと
| (n) a way/the course/the only way/ |
前途有望 | ぜんとゆうぼう
| promising future/ |
中途退学 | ちゅうとたいがく
| leaving school during a term/ |
征途に上る | せいとにのぼる | (exp) to start on a journey/to go on a military
expedition/ |
半途 | はんと | (n) halfway/unfinished/ |
別途 | べっと
| (n) special/special reserve
(account)/ |
多用途ヘリコプター | たようと
ヘリコプター | multi-purpose helicopter/ |
金の使途 | かねのしと | (exp) how money is used/ |
前途 | ぜんと
| (n) future prospects/outlook/the journey
ahead/(P)/ |
官途 | かんと | (n) government service/becoming an
official/ |
帰国の途に就く | きこくのとにつく | (exp) to leave for home/ |