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Kanji: Radical: (しんにょう) : ゾウ; つく(る)、つく(り); make
Joyo grade: 5 Stroke count: 10 Index in Nelson dictionary: 4701 Index in Halpern dictionary: 3110
Japanese Reading English
造りうちづくりinside finishing (of a house)/
じんぞうにんげん (n) robot/cyborg/
じんぞうけんし rayon/
たんぞう (n) forging/
もぞうひんfake goods/imitations/
もくぞう (n) wooden/made of wood/(P)/
たいしんこうぞう earthquake-resistant construction/
じんぞうひりょう chemical fertilizer/
造るかたちづくる (v5r) to form/to shape/to make/to mold/to build up/
こうぞうへんかstructural change/
たいふうこうぞう wind-resistant construction/
ごしんぞう(n) wife (esp. of a prominent, recently married man)/
しゅぞうか (n) brewer/distiller/vintner/
ごしんぞ(n) wife (esp. of a prominent, recently married man)/
造りあぜくらづくり ancient architectural style utilizing intercrossed triangle logs/
こうぞうたい (n) structure/
じょうぞうぎょうbrewing industry/
くこうぞうぶんぽうphrase structure grammar/
造りからだずくり physical culture/
殿造りしんでんづくり(n) in the manner of Heian era palatial architecture/
造りよせぎづくり (n) joined block construction of a statue/
造りがっしょうづくり structure with a sloping or rafter roof/
くこうぞうきそく phrase structure rule/
こうぞうしき(n) structural formula/
こうぞうふきょう structural recession/
せいしんこうぞう (n) one's mental make-up (structure)/
摸造もぞう(n) counterfeit/imitation/
捏造ねつぞう(n) fabrication/forgery/falsehood/
そうぞうぬし Creator/
そせいらんぞう mass production of inferior goods/
じょういこうぞう higher structure/
さんぎょうこうぞう(n) industrial structure/
造りものづくり making things using skilled hands-on human labor/
てんまくせいぞうにん tentmaker/
みつぞう (n) illicit manufacturing/illicit distilling/moonshining/
こうぞう(n) structure/construction/(P)/
みつぞうしゅillicitly brewed liquor/moonshine/
じょうぞう (n) brewing/distillation/
こうぞうげんごがくstructural linguistics/
造りまるきづくりrustic work/
かんたいへいようぞうざ んたい(n) circum-Pacific orogeny/
贋造がんぞう(n) counterfeiting/forgery/fabrication/
けんぞうぶつ(n) structure/
を造るふねをつくる(exp) to build a ship/
せいぞうばんごう (n) (manufacturer's) serial number/
造りいしづくり(n) (made of) stone/
しんぞう (n) new/newly made/
そうぞう (n,vs) creation/(P)/
造りいりもやづくり (n) building with a gabled, hipped roof/
せいぞうぎょう (n) manufacturing industry/
じょうぞうか (n) brewer/
まんねんしんぞう woman of perennial youth/
じょうぞうしゅ(n) brewage/liquor/
こうぞうきじゅつ structural description/
せいぞうしょ(n) factory/manufactory/works/mill/
そうぞうてき(adj-na) creative/
ぎぞう (n) forgery/falsification/fabrication/counterfeiting/(P)/
もぞう (n,vs) imitation/mimic/(P)/
こうぞうおしょく structural corruption/
造りべっそうちずくり developing a villa site/
ぎぞういんforged seal/
せいぞう(n,vs) manufacture/production/(P)/
そぞう (n) molding/modeling/
こうぞういでんし structural gene/
へんぞう (n) alteration/defacement/debasement/falsification/forgery/
造りいちやずくりbuilt in a night/stopgap/hastily written/
かがくこうぞう (n) chemical structure (of a drug)/
じんぞうこ (n) artificial lake/
造藍じんぞうあい(n) synthetic indigo/
せいぞうじょ(n) factory/manufactory/works/mill/
とういこうぞう coordinate structures/
造りあらづくり (n) rough-hewn/rough work/
きていこうぞう deep structure/underlying structure/
しゅじくどうくこうぞう ぶんぽうhead-driven phrase structure grammar/HPSG/
そうぞうせつ creationism/
わかぞう (n) greenhorn/youngster/
贋造がんぞうしへい counterfeit paper money/
じんぞう(n) man-made/synthetic/artificial/(P)/
造りものつくり making things using skilled hands-on human labor/
じんぞうせんいsynthetic fiber/
しゅぞう (n) repairing/
こうぞうほじ structure preserving/
じんぞうしんじゅ (n) artificial pearls/
むぞうさ(adj-na,n) easiness/simplicity/(P)/
こうせいそこうぞうconstituent structure/
しんぞうご (n) a neologism/
もぞうし(n) imitation Japanese vellum/
にちべいこうぞうきょう ぎ(n) Structural Impediments Initiative talks/SII/
しゅぞう(n) sake brewing/
そせいらんぞう mass production of inferior goods/
しゅぞうじょう brewery/distillery/winery/
造りぼうかずくりfireproof construction/
らんぞう (n) overproduction/
せいぞうもと(n) manufacturer/maker/
えいぞうぶつ(n) building/facility/
えいぞう (n) building/construction/
造りよせむねづくり(n) house with a hipped roof/
造りこうしづくり(n) latticework/
けんぞう (n) building/construction/
ぶぶんじょうほうこう ぞうpartial information structures/
きゅうぞう (n) hurried construction/
せいぞうひんmanufactured goods/
造りにづくり (n,vs) packing/baling/crating/(P)/
もくぞうかおく (n) wooden house/frame house (building)/
せいぞうこうてい(n) manufacturing process/
ないぶこうぞう (n) inner structure/internal anatomy/
を造るしんごをつくる (exp) to coin a new word/
造りさけずくり sake brewing/
造りすきやづくり sukiya style of building/style of a tea-ceremony arbor/
せいぞうねんがっぴ (n) date of manufacture/
たくちぞうせいresidential land development/
造りてづくり (adj-no,n) handmade/homegrown/hand-crafted/homemade/(P)/
せきぞう (adj-no,n) stone-built/
ちくぞう (n,vs) construction/building/
造りすきやづくり sukiya style of building/style of a tea-ceremony arbor/
もくぞうけんちくぶつ (n) wooden (timber) building/
じんぞうせきゆ (n) synthetic oil/
かいぞう (n,vs) remodeling/(P)/
ちゅうぞうしょa foundry/a mint/
じんぞうほうせき (n) artificial jewels/
だんわひょうじこうぞう りろんdiscourse representation structure theory/
しんぞうせん (n) new (newly-built) ship (boat)/
じんぞうまい(n) imitation rice/
ぎぞうひん(a) fake or forgery/
しゅうぞう (n) repairing/
姿造りすがたづくり whole fish sashimi/
じょうぞうすbrewed vinegar/
ぶんしょぎぞう forgery of documents/
らんぞう (n) overproduction/careless manufacture/
せいぞうしゃ manufacturer/
そうぞうりょくcreative power/
かいぞうしゃ(n) remodeled car/hot rod/
造りしょいんづくり(n) traditional style of Japanese residential architecture/
ひょうそうこうぞうsurface structure/
そせいこうぞう feature structures/
てんちそうぞう creation/
ちゅうぞう (n,vs) casting/founding/minting/(P)/