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Kanji: Radical: (しんにょう) : グウ; ; treat
Joyo grade: 8 Stroke count: 12 Index in Nelson dictionary: 4715 Index in Halpern dictionary: 3135
Japanese Reading English
さべつたいぐうdiscriminatory treatment/
れいぐう (n) courteous reception/honorable treatment/
きょうぐう(n) environment/circumstances/(P)/
さいけいこくたいぐう(n) most favored nation (MFN)/
そうぐうせん(adj-na,n) encounter/
に遇うひどいめにあう(v5) to have a bad time/
こくぐう (n) maltreatment/
とくべつたいぐう (n) special treatment/
しゅぐう (n) special favour/
はくぐう (n) poor or inhospitable reception/
たいぐうかいぜん(n) improvement of labor conditions/
れいぐう (n) cold reception/inhospitality/(P)/
せんざいいちぐう(n) (a) once in a lifetime (opportunity)/(a golden opportunity that may) happen only once in a thousand years/
さいゆうぐうmost favourable treatment/very warm reception/
そうぐう(n,vs) encounter/(P)/
いちぐう (n) one meeting/
きぐう (adj-na,n) unexpected meeting/(P)/
こうぐう (n) cordial welcome/kind treatment/
ちぐう(n) being appreciated by one's employer/meeting (someone)/
ふぐう(adj-na,n) misfortune/bad luck/obscurity/
たいぐう antithesis/pair/
しょぐう (n,vs) treatment/dealing with/
ちぐう (n) favour/warm friendship/
しむべきかなしむべききょうぐうpitiable condition/
ゆうぐう (n,vs) favorable treatment/hospitality/warm reception/good treatment/hearty welcome/(P)/
遇をふぐうをかこつ(exp) to repine at one's hard lot/
たいぐう (n) treatment/reception/(P)/