差別待遇 | さべつたいぐう | discriminatory treatment/ |
礼遇 | れいぐう
| (n) courteous reception/honorable
treatment/ |
境遇 | きょうぐう | (n) environment/circumstances/(P)/ |
最恵国待遇 | さいけいこくたいぐう | (n) most favored nation (MFN)/ |
遭遇戦 | そうぐうせん | (adj-na,n) encounter/ |
酷い目に遇う | ひどいめにあう | (v5) to have a bad time/ |
酷遇 | こくぐう
| (n) maltreatment/ |
特別待遇 | とくべつたいぐう
| (n) special treatment/ |
殊遇 | しゅぐう
| (n) special favour/ |
薄遇 | はくぐう
| (n) poor or inhospitable reception/ |
待遇改善 | たいぐうかいぜん | (n) improvement of labor conditions/ |
冷遇 | れいぐう
| (n) cold reception/inhospitality/(P)/ |
千載一遇 | せんざいいちぐう | (n) (a) once in a lifetime (opportunity)/(a golden
opportunity that may) happen only once in a thousand years/ |
最優遇 | さいゆうぐう | most favourable treatment/very warm
reception/ |
遭遇 | そうぐう | (n,vs) encounter/(P)/ |
一遇 | いちぐう
| (n) one meeting/ |
奇遇 | きぐう
| (adj-na,n) unexpected meeting/(P)/ |
厚遇 | こうぐう
| (n) cordial welcome/kind
treatment/ |
値遇 | ちぐう | (n) being appreciated by one's employer/meeting
(someone)/ |
不遇 | ふぐう | (adj-na,n) misfortune/bad luck/obscurity/ |
対遇 | たいぐう
| antithesis/pair/ |
処遇 | しょぐう
| (n,vs) treatment/dealing with/ |
知遇 | ちぐう
| (n) favour/warm friendship/ |
悲しむべき境遇 | かなしむべききょうぐう | pitiable condition/ |
優遇 | ゆうぐう
| (n,vs) favorable treatment/hospitality/warm
reception/good treatment/hearty welcome/(P)/ |
不遇を託つ | ふぐうをかこつ | (exp) to repine at one's hard lot/ |
待遇 | たいぐう
| (n) treatment/reception/(P)/ |