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Kanji: Radical: (しんにょう) : ユウ、ユ; あそ(ぶ)、あそ(ばす); play
Joyo grade: 3 Stroke count: 12 Index in Nelson dictionary: 4726 Index in Halpern dictionary: 3142
Japanese Reading English
がいゆう(n) foreign travel/
遊びひあそび (n,vs) playing with fire/playing with love/
ごうゆう(n) wild merrymaking/
西せいゆう (n) westward trip/trip to the West/
かいゆうぎょ (n) migratory fish/
さいゆう (n) revisit/
で遊ぶそとであそぶ to play outdoors/
れきゆう (n,vs) touring/
むゆうびょう(n) sleepwalking/somnambulism/
むせんゆうきょう merrymaking without paying/
西せいゆうきMonkey/Journey to the West (classic of Chinese literature)/
まんゆうきゃく sightseer/tourist/
ぎょゆう (n) music playing in imperial court/
れ遊ぶむれあそぶ(v5b) to play in a group/
せいゆう (n) excursion/
せいゆうぎsex game/
ふゆうぶつ suspended particles/floating matter/
遊びよあそび(n) night amusements/
曾遊そうゆう(n) former visit/
遊びふなあそび (n) boating/(P)/
ふじゅんいせいこうゆ う(n) illicit sexual relationship/
ふゆう (n,vs) floating/wandering/suspension/
えんゆうかい (n) garden party/
ないゆうせいinner planet/
かいゆうせん excursion boat/
うちゅうゆうえい space walk/
じゅんゆう (n) a tour/
で遊ぶおもてであそぶ (exp) to play outside (out of doors)/
じって遊ぶこどもにまじってあそぶ(exp) to join children at play/
遊びふなあそび (n) boating/sailing/
くうちゅうふゆう levitation/
いとゆう shimmering of hot air/
遊びのあそび (n) an outing/
ももいろゆうぎ sex play/
と遊びをねてようじとあそびをかねてon business combined with pleasure/
ふゆうせいぶつ (n) plankton/
遊びすなあそび (n) sand pit/
遊びゆきあそび (n) playing in the snow/
遊びみずあそび (n) playing in water/splashing about/
遊びかわあそび(n) boating or swimming in a river/
雛遊びひなあそび(n) playing with dolls displayed on the Girl's Festival/
遊びわるあそび(n) prank/evil pleasures/gambling/
しゅうゆうけん(n) excursion ticket/(P)/
むゆうびょうしゃ somnambulist/
えんゆう (n) drinking party hall/banquet seat/
遊びてあそび(n) plaything/play(ing)/gambling/
らいゆう (n) visit/
こうゆう (n) friend/friendship/
しゅうゆう (n) excursion ticket/tour/round trip/(P)/
り遊びひとりあそびplaying alone/
ぎんゆうしじん(n) troubadour/minstrel/
遊びひとりあそびplaying alone/
ものみゆさんgoing on a pleasure jaunt/
しつないゆうぎ indoor games/
れんあいゆうぎ trifling with love/
まんゆう (n,vs) pleasure trip/tour/
かいゆう(n) excursion/circular tour/
遊のきゅうゆうのちfamiliar haunts/
西さいゆう (n) westward trip/trip to the West/
遊むくちずさむ(v5) to hum/to sing to oneself/to compose impromptu (poems)/