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Kanji: Radical: (しんにょう) : ドウ; みち; way
Joyo grade: 2 Stroke count: 12 Index in Nelson dictionary: 4724 Index in Halpern dictionary: 3134
Japanese Reading English
沿えんどう(n) route/course/roadside/
のうどう (n) farm road/
とくどう (n,vs) attaining salvation/
ちゃどう (ok) (n) tea ceremony/Way of Tea/(P)/
きゅうどうJapanese archery
り道かえりみち (n) the way back or home/return trip/
こうどう(n) the benevolent Imperial rule/the Imperial Way/
ごくどう(adj-na,n) profligate/
め道せめどうぐinstruments of torture/
すいどうかんwater pipe/(P)/
便てつどうびんrail transport/
でんどうしゅうかい evangelistic meeting/
け道ぬけみち (n) loophole/
ふたすじみち(n) branch roads/crossroads/
きゅうどう (n) (Japanese) archery/(P)/
せいじどうとく (n) political morality/
の道うたのみち art of tanka poetry/
ほっかいどうかいはつ ちょうちょうかんDirector General of Hokkaido Development Agency/
ちゅうどう(n) the middle road/middle of the road/mean/moderation/(P)/
きゅうどう(n) seeking for truth/
こぶどう(MA) Kobudo/Okinawan weapons fighting/
むきどう(adj-na,n) trackless/
とおみち (n) long walk/roundabout way/
かんせんどうろ main road/main thoroughfare/
り道つりどうぐ(n) fishing tackle/(P)/
あくどう (n) wrong course/evil course/
せいどうとく(n) sexual morality/
便けいびんてつどう (n) narrow-gauge railroad/light railway/
せいどう(n) politics/
さくどう(n) overhead freight-carrying cable/
道のぶしどうのはな flower of chivalry (Bushido)/
ぜんどう (n) path of virtue/righteousness/
ぶつどう (n) Buddhism/Buddhist teachings/
おんなどうらく(n) women's indulgences/
便けいべんてつどう (n) narrow-gauge railroad/light railway/
かたみち(n) one-way (trip)/(P)/
がきどう(n) hungry ghost/hungry devil/
斯道しどう(n) this art or field of study/
げどう (n) heretical doctrine/
ほっかいどうHokkaido (the northest administrative division of Japan)
こうどうじゅうにきゅう (n) twelve signs of the zodiac/
てつどうゆそう (n) rail transport (transportation, transit)/transport by rail/
おおどうぐ (n) stage setting/scenery/
いあどうthe art of drawing the Japanese longsword/
きゅうどうしゃ(n) investigator/one who seeks the way/
ごくどうもの(n) scoundrel, rake/
れ道かくれみち (n) hidden path/
ほどう (n) footpath/walkway/sidewalk/(P)/
り道のぼりみち uphill road/
り道もどりみち (n) the way back/
やまみち (n) mountain road/mountain trail/
さかみち (n) hill road/(P)/
すいどうこうじ (n) waterworks/
たいだんどうだん anti-ballistic (missile)/
じゃりみちgravel path or road/
てつどうじこ (n) railroad accident/
えんきどう(n) circular orbit/
にゅうどうぐも(n) gigantic columns of clouds (in summer)/cumulo-nimbus/(P)/
いっぽんみち a direct unforked road/
だんがんどうろ long, straight, wide-open highway/
道いひどい (adj) cruel/awful/severe/very bad/serious/terrible/heavy/violent/
れ道わかれみち(n) branch/forked road/crossroads/branch road/parting of the ways/turning point/
ほんどう(n) highway/main road/the right road/
つりどうぐ(n) fishing tackle/
でんどう (n,vs) proselytizing/evangelism/missionary work/(P)/
ほうどうきかんinformation media/press/news organs/(P)/
はやみち (n) shortcut/
しんどう (n) new road/
じんどう (n) humanity/sidewalk/
こみち (n) path/lane/
さくじょうてつどう cable railway/
ゆうほどう(n) promenade/esplanade/(P)/
ぎょどう (n) path taken by school of fish/fish ladder/
てつどうばしゃ(n) horse-drawn streetcar/
道のすいどうのせんwater spigot/
きどうしゅうせい(n) orbital adjustment/
てんとうぼし(adj-no) sun-dried/
えんどう (n) chimney/flue/
おおにゅうどう(n) large, bald-headed monster/a giant/
ひどう (adj-na,n) unjust/inhuman/
りょうぶしんとう (n) Shinto-Buddhist amalgamation/dual-aspect Shinto/
ほどうsidewalk, pavement
こうしゅうどうとく public morals/
すじみち (n) reason/logic/thread/method/system/(P)/
とうげみち road over a mountain pass/(P)/
ねどうぐ(n) bedding/
ちかみちa short cut
こうどうこう (n) zodiacal light/
の道ごりんのみちthe five Confucian filial-piety relationships/
れ道わかれみち(n) branch/forked road/crossroads/branch road/parting of the ways/turning point/
すいどうせん hydrant/faucet/tap/(P)/
せいどう (n) path of righteousness/path of duty/the right track/the correct path/
の道へあくのみちへいざなう (v5) to lead astray/to lure a person to evil ways/
じゅうどうじょう judo hall/
てつどう (n) railroad/(P)/
あくぎゃくむどう (adj-no) treacherous/heinous/
でんどうし(n) evangelist/
隧道 すいどう(n) tunnel/fielding error/
あいきどうかaikido practitioner/
しょうどう (n) advocacy/
おうだんほどう pedestrian crossing/(P)/
しゅうどうじょ(n) (Catholic) nun/
たこにゅうどう(n) octopus/man with a bald or shaven head/
けしょうどうぐ toilet set/
しゅうどう (n) learning/studying the fine arts/
しょうぎょうどうとくbusiness morality/
てんとう (n) Providence/the sun/way of heaven/destiny/divine justice/
とざんてつどう(n) mountain railway/
げすいどう(n) drain/sewer/drainage system/
り道よめいりどうぐ trousseau/
はんみち (n-adv,n-t) half a ri (measure of length)/halfway/
氣道あいきどう(oK) (n) (MA) aikido/way of harmony with the universe/
ちくしょうどう (n) devildom/incest/
らな道たいらなみち level road/
じゅうどう (n) judo/(P)/
さんどう (n) birth canal/
きどう (n) art of shogi (go)/
尿にょうどう (n) urethra/
ぜんどう (n) all Hokkaido/
しゅうどういん(n) monastery/convent/cloister/abbey/
ふどう (n) woman's duties/
ふたみち (n) branch roads/forked roads/crossroads/two ways (of proceeding)/
しゅげんどう (n) Shugendou/Japanese mountain asceticism-shamanism incorporating Shinto and Buddhist concepts/
じゅうどうぎsuit for judo practice/
まさみち (n) path of righteousness/path of duty/the right track/the correct path/
てつどうもう (n) railroad system or network/
い道くいどうらく(n) gourmand/epicure/
どろみち (n) muddy road/
だんどう (n) ballistic/
ほそうどうろ paved road/(P)/
勿れの道なかれしゅぎのどうとくnegative virtues/
いりょうでんどう medical missionary work/
おうどう (n) ecliptic/
しょたいどうぐ household goods/
ほんかいどう(n) main road/
だいしゅうどういんちょ うabbot/archimandrite/
とびどうぐ(n) firearms/missile/projectile weapon/
ほどう (n) pavement/paved street/(P)/
たいりくおうだんてつ どうtranscontinental railroad/
道にするじんどうにたいするつみ crime against humanity/
おんみょうどう(n) Onmyoudou/Way of Yin and Yang/occult divination system based on the Taoist theory of the five elements/
ぶたいどうぐ set piece/
じゃどう (n) evil course/heresy/(P)/
のみち (n) path in a field/
しどう (n) private road/
きどうらく(n) having a weakness for fine clothes/
さんどう (n) mountain road/mountain trail/
じんどうしえん humanitarian aid/
いなかみち(n) country road/
いまどうしん(n) neophyte/novice/
さんぽみち(n) promenade/walk/esplanade/
せいしきどう geostationary orbit/geosynchronous orbit/
ほうどうしゃしんnews photograph/
て 拳道てこんどうTae Kwon Do (first kanji is U8dc6)/
ほっかいどう northernmost of four main islands of Japan/(P)/
とうかいどうすじのまち towns on the Tokaido/
けんどう kendo, Japanese fencing
じょうげすいどう (n) water and sewer services/
せきどうぎ(n) equatorial telescope/
しょくどう (n) esophageal/
尿にょうどうえん(n) inflammation of the urethra/
きどう (n) orbit/railroad track/(P)/
こくゆうてつどう a national railway/
てんとうぼし(adj-no) sun-dried/
しょどう (n) calligraphy/(P)/
じんどうてき(adj-na,n) humane/(P)/
きゅうどう (n) old road/
たる道にひとたるみちにそむく(exp) to stray from the path of righteousness/
おうどうらくどArcadia, presided over by a virtuous king/
ひとすじみち(n) a straight road/
だいどころどうぐ kitchen utensils/
ほどうきょう(n) pedestrian bridge/(P)/
じょうすいどう(n) waterworks/
ほうどうかんpress office/spokesperson/
せきどうきだん equatorial air mass/
だんどうだん(n) (ballistic) missile/
こうどう (n) tunnel/(mine) level/(P)/
こうどう (n) traditional incense-smelling game/
しんとうしんじゃfollowers of Shintoism/
でんどうせんmissionary boat/
さんどう (n) road approaching a shrine/
てつどうrailroad, railway
ぶんぶりょうどう (n) (accomplished in) both the literary and military arts/
魁道おいらんどうちゅう procession of courtesans/
けものみち (n) animal trail/
りんどう (n) path through forest/woodland path/
かたみちきっぷone-way ticket/
にげみち (n) way out/means to escape/
こうどう (n) ecliptic/
ちかみち (n) short way/shortcut/(P)/
ぶどう (n) martial arts/military arts/Bushido/(P)/
さんどう(n) plank road/corduroy/(P)/
てんどう (n) Providence/the sun/way of heaven/destiny/divine justice/
ゆうりょうどうろtoll road/
ゆきみち(n) snow-covered road/
おうどう (n) principles of royalty/rule of right/
しんとう(n) Shinto/(P)/
とうめいこうそくどうろ Tokyo-Nagoya Expressway/
しゅうどうせいがんvows of religious orders/
かれ道わかれみち (n) branch/forked road/crossroads/branch road/parting of the ways/turning point/
にほんどうろこうだん (n) Japan Highway Public Corporation/
ほうどう(n) information/report/(P)/
なみきみち(n) avenue/tree-lined street/
ほそみち (n) narrow path or lane/
しんりんてつどう forest railroad/
め道せめどうぐ(n) offensive weapons/
ちゃどうぐ(n) tea utensils/
しゅうどういんちょう abbot/
よみち (n) street at night/making a night journey/
だいどう(n) main street/avenue/
こうそくどうろ highway/freeway/(P)/
えだみち (n) branch road/digression/
すいどうりょうきん (n) water rates (charges)/
こどうぐ(n) props/(stage) properties/gadgets/
とどうふけん(n) administrative divisions of Japan: Tokyo-to, Hokkai-do, Osaka-fu, Kyoto-fu and remaining prefectures/(P)/
り道よりみち (n,vs) dropping in on the way/(P)/
かどう (n) flower arrangement/(P)/
げきどう (n) drama/dramatic art/
ぬけみち (n) loophole/
あいきどう (n) (MA) aikido/way of harmony with the universe/
じょうどう(n) normal or proper practice/
うらみち (n) back lane/secret path/unfair means/(P)/
の道ふうふのみち marital virtues/
がどう (n) art of painting/
じゅうどう judo
こうどうたい (n) zodiac/
ふどうとく(adj-na,n) immorality/iniquity/impropriety/
り道まわりみち (n) detour/(P)/
び道あそびどうぐsports equipment/
てつどうこうあんかん(n) railroad security officer/
かんどう (n) side road/shortcut/
こうつうどうとく traffic ethics/
かいどう (n) highway/(P)/
じんどうしゅぎしゃa humanitarian/
じゅどう (n) Confucianism/
ふるどうぐや (n) secondhand store/
にゅうどう (n) entering the priesthood/priest/
けんどう(n) prefectural road/(P)/
だいどうげいにん (n) street performer (comedian)/
かたみち one way
むげんきどう(n) endless track/caterpillar/
だいどうげい(n) street performing/
だいどうしょうにん (n) street vendor/peddler/hawker/
かいどう (n) sea route/
の道をじぶんのみちをひらく (exp) to hew one's way out/
しゅうどうし(n) monk/friar/
とうかいどうせん Tokaido Line/
ちゅうすいどう(n) gray-water system/recycled waste-water/
の道かんながらのみち(state) Shinto/
ほうどうじん(n) press corps/
げいどう (n) accomplishments/arts/
さどう (n) tea ceremony/Way of Tea/(P)/
はどう (n) military rule/
こうどうめんplane of the ecliptic/
こうどう (n) filial piety/
りょうどう (n) supply line/supply of provisions/
ろくどう(n) six posthumous worlds/
いじでんどう medical missionary work/
しどう (n) duty of a teacher/
道ミサイルたいりくかんだんどうミサイル ICBM/
いちどう(n) one road/a ray (of hope)/
きょうきてつどう narrow-gauge railway/(P)/
めいしんこうそくどうろ (n) Meishin Expressway/
せきどうさい (n) ceremony to celebrate crossing the equator/
すいどうりょう water rates/
こくどう (n) national highway/(P)/
はちどう (n) the 8 districts of feudal Japan/
しゅらどう scene of carnage/
かたみちりょうきん one-way fare/
むどう (adj-na,n) wicked/unreasonable/
したみち (n) down-town/the lower town/
しどう (n) chivalry/samurai code/
あぜみち (n) footpath between rice fields/
いどう (n) the art of medicine/
ていどう the imperial way/principles of imperial rule/
かどう(n) flower arrangement/
しきどう (n) sexual passion/
けんどう (n) kendo/swordmanship/fencing/(P)/
そんどう(n) village road/
の道かんながらのみち(state) Shinto/
しょくどうらく(n) gourmand/epicure/
り道とおりみち (n) passage/path/route/one's way/
ちかどう(n) subterranean tunnel/(P)/
こどうぐ(n) old furniture/curios/secondhand goods/
じゅうどうかjudo practitioner/
しゃどう (n) roadway/(P)/
しょうばいどうぐ stock-in-trade/
けんどう (n) inappropriate means to a worthy end/expediency/
ちんどうぐ gadget/
道のけんどうのしはん fencing teacher/
だいしゅうどういん abbey/
むきどうぶり wild behavior/
ろどう official ethics/
じんどうてきえんじょhumanitarian aide/
とうかいどうごじゅうさんつぎ(n) fifty-three stages on the Tokaido (Edo-Kyoto highway in Edo-period Japan)/
しゅうどうせいかつmonasticism/monastic life/
しゅうどうかい(n) (Catholic) order/
こうさくてつどう (n) funicular (railway)/
よこみち (n) side street/(P)/
こどう (n) old road/ancient methods/ancient moral teachings/the way of learning/
なんぎょうどう (n) salvation through self-mortification/
さどうtea ceremony
脇道 わきみち(n) side road/byroad/digression/
どうどう(n,vs) going with/accompanying/
げ道にげみち (n) way out/means to escape/(P)/
道にかるやまみちにかかる(exp) to come to a mountain path/
はなみち (n) passage through audience to stage/
でんどうしゃ evangelist/evangelistic worker/
ごんごどうだん (adj-na,n) outrageous/preposterous/inexcusable/absurd/
こうどうきちにち (n) lucky day/
きしどう(n) chivalry/
えんどう(n) long walk/roundabout way/
がいじどう(n) external auditory canal (meatus)/
とうかいどうTokaido (name of Edo-Kyoto highway)/
び道とびどうぐ(n) firearms/missile/projectile weapon/
詭道きどう(n) deceptive methods/questionable means/
てんとうむし(n) ladybug/ladybird/
じみち (adj-na,n) steady/
とざんどう(n) mountain trail/path up a mountain/
ぐんどう military road/
こうどうしょくbrassy yellow/
きどう (n) respiratory tract/air duct/
ふるどうぐ(n) old furniture/curios/secondhand goods/
しょどう (n) (artistic) accomplishments/
おうどうきちにち (n) lucky day/
まどう (n) heresy/evil ways/
テレビテレビほうどうtelevision report/
ぶしどう(n) Bushido/samurai code of chivalry/
ごどう (n) (Buddh.) (the path of spiritual) enlightenment/
こうどう(n) public road/justice/
てつどうせんろ (n) railroad track/rail line/
すいどうきょくwater bureau or department/
すいどう (n) water service/water supply/(P)/
截拳道せっけんどう (MA) Jeet Kune Do/Way of the Intercepting Fist, martial art founded by Bruce Lee/
てつどうがいしゃ(n) railroad corporation/railway company/
の道ちのみち (n) assorted (female) medical disorders/
せきどう(n) equator/(P)/
ミサイルだんどうだんげいげきミサイル anti-ballistic missile/ABM/
の道けんのみち swordsmanship/
てんとうさまthe sun/providence/god/
がり道まがりみち (n) roundabout road/curving road/(P)/
しどう(n) municipal roads/
しちどう (n) the seven districts of ancient Japan/
まったゆきにうまったこみちlane buried deep in snow/
りょうりどうぐ cookware/cooking gear/
かどう (n) versification/tanka poetry/
あくぎゃくむどう (adj-na) treason/treachery/atrocity/
ほうどうばんぐみ(n) news program/
まちどうじょう(n) martial arts school situated in a town/
の道じかつのみちindependent living/
使い道つかいみち (n) use/(P)/
にじゅうどうとく double standard of morality/