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Kanji: Radical: (しんにょう) : タツ; ; reach
Joyo grade: 4 Stroke count: 12 Index in Nelson dictionary: 4721 Index in Halpern dictionary: 3139
Japanese Reading English
はいたつにん delivery person/
便そくたつゆうびん special delivery mail/express delivery post/
べつはいたつ (n) special delivery/
したつ (n,vs) instructions/directions/
ともだちがいtrue friendship/
ともだち (n) friend/(P)/
はったつ (n) (roads) running in all directions/convenient transportation/ability in any line/
ちゃのみともだち crony/buddy/
じゅうたんさんそうだsodium bicarbonate/baking soda/
暢達ちょうたつ(adj-na,n) fluency/facileness/
ともだちづきあい friendly relations/
だておんな(n) flapper/
そくじつそくたつsame-day special delivery/
調ちょうたつ (n) supply/provision/raising/
わるだっしゃ(adj-na,n) fast slipshod work/
かたつ (n,vs) commanding a subordinate/
だてしゅう(n) dandy/gallant/chivalrous person/
ごようたし(n) purveyor to the government/purveyor to the Imperial Household/
はったつしんりがく developmental psychology/
そうたつ (n) conveyance/delivery/dispatch/serving (a summons)/
達しようたし(n) going about one's business/
姿だてすがた(n) flashy appearance/
ひだるま(n) body covered with flames/
おんなともだち(n) girlfriend/woman (lady) friend/
達てせんだって (n-adv,n-t) recently/the other day/
どうぶつたち animals/
げんたつ(n) strict order/
俺達おれたち(n) we/
そうだ(n) soda/
でんたつ(n) transmission (e.g. news)/communication/delivery/(P)/
ごようだち (n) purveyor to the government/purveyor to the Imperial Household/
めいたつ(adj-na,n) wisdom/
だてまき(woman's) undersash/rolled omelette mixed with fish (paste)/
ごようたつ (n) purveyor to the government/purveyor to the Imperial Household/
ないたつ(n) unofficial notice/
いたて (adj-na,n) dandyism/vainglorious/showy/gallantry/
じきたつ direct delivery/
わたくしたち (n) we/us/
ふたつ nondelivery/
はったつだんかい (n) developmental stage/
かいじょうたつconveyance of the opinions of the lower classes to the powers that be/
しつうはったつ(n) traffic network extending in all directions/
だておとこ (n) dandy/dude/
おとこだて(n) chivalrous man/
闊達かったつ(adj-na,n) openhearted/frank/broad-minded/
達でじぶんたちでby themselves/
じゅくたつ(n) mastery/
ゆきだるま (n) snowman/
使しとたちthe Apostles/
かんだちめ (n) Imperial Court/court noble/the nobility/
そくたつ(n) express/special delivery/(P)/
くちだっしゃ(adj-na,n) eloquence/glibness/
ひとたち (n) people/
きみたち (n) (fam) (fem) you (plur)/
せんだつ (n) guide/leader/pioneer/
だてしゃ(n) dandy/dude/
ともだち friend
かぞくたちfamily members/
達をめるともだちをとめる(exp) to put a friend up for the night/
豁達かったつ(adj-na,n) broad-minded/
でんたつかんすう transfer function/
しいしたしいともだちclose (intimate) friend/
達をってともだちをともなってaccompanied by a friend/
きんだち (n) kings/children of nobles/young nobleman/
じたつ(n,vs) instructions/directions/
ぼくたち (n) (uk) we/
しったつり(n) bailiff/
こくたつ(n,vs) notification/
そくたつ special delivery
せんだち (n) guide/leader/pioneer/
れんたつ (n) expert(ise)/skill/dexterity/
こうたつ (n) official announcement/
はいたつりょうdelivery charge/
だて (adj-na,n) dandyism/vainglorious/showy/gallantry/
つうたつ (n) notification/(P)/
はいたつしょうめい delivery certificate/
だてまき(n) under sash/omelet wrapper/
だてぎshowy clothes/
ちだるま (n) covered in blood/
はいたつ (n,vs) delivery/distribution/(P)/
はったつ (n,vs) development/growth/(P)/
しんぶんはいたつ (n) (newspaper) carrier/newspaper (delivery) boy (girl)/new/
便そくたつびん (abbr) special delivery mail/express delivery post/(P)/
とうたつ(n,vs) reaching/attaining/arrival/(P)/
じょうたつ (n,vs) improvement/advance/progress/(P)/
に達しないまとにたっしないfall short of the mark/
おさなともだち(n) childhood friend/
でんたつとくせい transfer characteristic/
達にんじられるともだちにうとんじられる (exp) to be treated distantly by one's friends/
はいたつさき destination/
じょういかたつ (n,vs) conveying the will of the governing to the governed/
わたしたち(n) we/us/
ごようだつ (n) purveyor to the government/purveyor to the Imperial Household/
達をはったつをうながす (exp) to accelerate development/
しんたつ (n) notification (from a high to a low official)/
殿とのたちthe nobility/(polite for) visitors/
おんなたち (n) women/womenfolks/
達しおたっし (n) notice or order handed down from above/
えいたつ (n) fame/distinction/rise/advancement/
どうぶんつうたつ(Papal) encyclical/