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Kanji: Radical: (しんにょう) : セン; えら(ぶ); choose
Joyo grade: 4 Stroke count: 15 Index in Nelson dictionary: 4744 Index in Halpern dictionary: 3169
Japanese Reading English
しょうせんきょくせい (n) single-seat constituency system/
きんせん(n) carefully selected/
せいせん (n) careful selection/(P)/
よびせんきょ preliminary election/a primary (election)/
とぎせん Tokyo Assembly elections/
こうしょくせんきょほう(n) Public Officers Election Act/
ふかのうせんたくunavailable choice/
じせん (n) (author) selection/
こうせんせい(n) popular election system/
を選ぶよいひをえらぶ(exp) to choose a lucky (auspicious) day/
こくせんべんごにんcourt-appointed attorney/
けっせんとうひょうfinal (decisive) vote/run-off ballot/
とうせんしゃsuccessful candidate/
さいせんきょ(n) re-election/
しゅしゃせんたく (n) selection/making a choice/decision to adopt or reject/
しょきせんたくこうもくinitial choice/
え選ひかえせんしゅsubstitute player/reserve/
しちょうせんきょ (n) mayoral election/
よせんつうかしゃ(n) qualifier/
ふせん(n) universal suffrage/(P)/
かんせん (n) government-appointed/
ちほうせんきょ local election/regional elections/
だいとうりょうせんきょpresidential election/
さんいんせん(n) (abbr) member of the House of Councillors/
さいゆうしゅうせんしゅ (n) MVP/the most valuable player/
せかいせんしゅけん(n) world (an international) championship (title)/
だいとうりょうせんpresidential election/
ちゅうかんせんきょ by-election/interim election/
かのうせんたく available choice/
ばんのうせんしゅ all-around athlete/
じゅうりょうけんとうせんしゅheavy weight boxer/
選りつぶより (adj-no,n) the pick/the choice/
選りひとつぶより(n) careful selection/
ちょくせつせんきょ direct election/
うんどうせんしゅ athlete/
さいせん (n) re-election/
かいせん (n) re-election/(P)/
そうせんきょ(n) general election/
やきゅうせんしゅ (n) baseball player/ballplayer/
しぜんせんたく natural selection/
ひせんきょけん (n) eligibility for election/suffrage/
こうせん(n) public election/
くりあげとうせん win an election due to another's death or disqualification/
よせん(n) nomination/primary/preliminary contest/(P)/
ふつうせんきょuniversal suffrage/(P)/
にゅうせん (n) chosen (in a competition)/(P)/
げんせん (n,vs) careful selection/
めいさくせんselection of masterpieces/
とういつちほうせんきょ nationwide local elections/
さんせん (n) third-term election/
ひせんきょしかくelectoral eligibility/(P)/
らくせん (n) election loss/rejection/
みんせん (n) popular election/
たしせんたくしきしもんmultiple-choice question/
よびせんしゅ reserve player/
ちゅうせんけんlottery ticket/
ほんせん (n) final selection/
とくせんひん(n) choice goods/
けいりんせんしゅ (n) professional cyclist/
くのから選ぶおおくのなかからえらぶto choose among many things/
がいじんせんしゅ foreign athlete/
にしゃせんいつほうcompletion test (one out of two choices)/
ひみつせんきょ secret ballot/
じゅうりょうせんしゅ heavyweight player/
に選ぶじょうずにえらぶ(exp) to make a good choice/
そうとうせんきょ presidential election/
ふせん women's suffrage/
ちょくせんしゅうemperor-sponsored anthology/
選りひとつぶえり(n) careful selection/
ぶんせんこう(n) typesetter/compositor/
らくせんしゃ(n) unsuccessful candidate/
しんせん (n) newly compiled, selected or edited/
ほけつせんきょspecial election/by-election/
ぶんせん (n) typesetting/
やせん (n) (baseball) a fielder's choice/
しちょうせんmayoral election/
婿選びむこえらびsearch for a husband for one's daughter/(P)/
にゅうせんしゃ winner/winning candidate/
しゆうせんたく sexual selection/
よせんかいprimary caucus/
とくせん (n) specially selected/choice/
じんせん (n) personnel selection/
ちょくせん (n) imperial nomination/
かんせつせんきょ indirect election/
しせん (n) personal selection/
ひせんきょにん (n) person eligible for elective office/
ごせん(n) mutual election/co-opting/(P)/
とうせん (n,vs) being elected/winning the prize/(P)/
しせんselected poems/
ちゅうせん (n,vs) lottery/raffle/drawing (of lots)/(P)/
ひゃくせん(n) selection of a hundred pieces (of music)/