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Kanji: Radical: (しんにょう) : ; さ(ける); avoid
Joyo grade: 8 Stroke count: 16 Index in Nelson dictionary: 4749 Index in Halpern dictionary: 3179
Japanese Reading English
さいばんかんきひ challenging a judge/
とうひてき(adj-na) evasive/
きひ (n) evasion/(P)/
とうひ (n) escape/evasion/flight/(P)/
ちょうへいきひ draft evasion/
たいひじょ(n) turnout/passing-place/
かいひ (n) evasion/avoid/(P)/
ちょうへいきひしゃdraft dodger/
を避けるせきにんをさけ る(exp) to shirk a responsibility/
を避けるくるまをよける (exp) to dodge a car/
きんきゅうひなん (n) emergency evacuation/
を避けるしょをさける (exp) to summer/to go away for the summer/
しを避けるひざしをよけ る(exp) to keep out of the sun/
けいこうひにんやく(n) oral contraceptives/
を避けるはんをさける (exp) to spare the trouble (of doing)/
かんぜいかいひtariff avoidance/
たいひせん(n) a sidetrack/a turnout/
かいひけいろをかくりつ re-route/
たいひ (n,vs) (take) shelter/shunt/
避けあまよけ (n) tarpaulin/
とうひこう(n) flight/elopement/
ぜいきんひなんち(n) a tax haven/
退たいひ(n,vs) taking refuge/evacuation/(P)/
へいえききひ evading the draft/
を避けるさんしゃをさける(exp) to be outshone/to be put to shame/
ふかひ(adj-na,n) inevitable/inescapable/unavoidable/(P)/
を避けるひとのめをさける(exp) to avert peoples eyes/