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Kanji: Radical: (むら) : ジャ、サ; ; injustice
Joyo grade: 8 Stroke count: 8 Index in Nelson dictionary: 2849 Index in Halpern dictionary: 1124
Japanese Reading English
かぜけ (n) slight cold/
むじゃき(adj-na,n) innocence/simple-mindedness/(P)/
お邪しますおじゃまします(exp) Excuse me for disturbing (interrupting) you/
邪を惹いているかぜをひいている(exp) to have a cold/
はじゃけんしょう (n) (Buddhist sense of) crushing evil and spreading the truth/
かざごえ (n) hoarse voice/
はじゃ (n) (Buddhist sense of) crushing evil/
かぜぐすり (n) remedy for a cold/(P)/
邪をいているかぜをひいている(exp) to have a cold/
邪のせいじゃのくべつ discrimination between right and wrong/
かざけ (n) slight cold/
邪のかぜのけsigns of a cold/
邪をかぜをなおす(exp) to cure a cold/
しますおじゃまします(exp) Excuse me for disturbing (interrupting) you/
かぜa cold
かぜごえ (n) hoarse voice/
ふうじゃ (n) cold (illness)/common cold/
かぜぎみ slight cold/
せいじゃ (n) right and wrong/
わるいかぜbad cold/
かぜ(n) cold (illness)/common cold/(P)/
の邪あまのじゃく(adj-na,n) perverse person/devil beneath temple guardian deities/
邪をかぜをうつす (exp) to give (transmit) a cold (to someone)/
邪をひくかぜをひく(v5) to catch a cold/
邪にかぜによるはつねつfever caused by a cold/
かざぐすり(n) remedy for a cold/
なつかぜ(n) a summer cold/
おたふくかぜ(n) mumps/
邪で臥っているかぜでふせっているto be laid up with a cold/
はなかぜ(n) head cold/