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Kanji: Radical: (むら) : ロウ; ; young man
Joyo grade: 8 Stroke count: 9 Index in Nelson dictionary: 4762 Index in Halpern dictionary: 1289
Japanese Reading English
いちひめにたろう (n) It's good to have a girl first and then a boy/
鹿ばかやろう(int) (col) (id) (uk) idiot!/
ういろう (n) a type of sweet made from rice-powder/
げろう(n) servant/valet/menial/
ゆきじょろう(n) snow fairy/
あくたろう(n) bad boy/
おみなえし (n) patrinia (name of flower)/
郎蜘蛛じょろうぐも (n) a yellow spider/
やろう (n) rascal/(P)/
やろうじだい (adj-na,n) throwing one's weight around in a small group without knowing ones' real worth in a larger world outside/
しんろう(n) bridegroom/
よたろう(n) (obs) slow witted fellow/counter-hero/liar/
いえのころうとう(n) followers/adherents/
じょろうや(n) brothel/
はちろうがた Lagoon Hachiro/
冶郎ゆうやろう (n) libertine/man of pleasure/
じょろう (n) prostitute/entertainment woman/
しんろうしんぷbride and groom/(P)/
だんじゅうろうじょう Danjuro (kabuki actor)/