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Kanji: Radical: (むら) : ; ; department
Joyo grade: 3 Stroke count: 10 Index in Nelson dictionary: 4767 Index in Halpern dictionary: 1676
Japanese Reading English
きの部たたみじきのへやstraw-matted room/
べんきょうべや study room/
ちゅうこうおんぶ mezzo-soprano/
ぐんしれいぶ (n) military headquarters/
いちきょくぶone part/
疇部はんちゅうぶもん categorial component/
びぶ (n) tail/caudal/
にゅうぶ (n) joining a club/
がいじんぶたい Foreign Legion/
部アメリカちゅうぶアメ リカ(n) central America/
そうさほんぶ (criminal) investigation headquarters/(P)/
きぶ(n) base/foundation/
さんがくぶmountaineering club/(P)/
ないぶりゅうほ (of a company) internal reserves/
ていおんぶ(n) bass register/
いみぶもん semantic component/
かくとうせんぶたい shock troops/
ほんぶ (n) headquarters/(P)/
あんぶ (n) dark side (of nature, town, etc.)/
こうげきぶたいattacking forces/
がいぶ (n) the outside/external/(P)/
ぐんぶ (n) military authorities/army circles/
かすうぶ mantissa portion/
ぼうぎょぶたい defending forces/
かぶそしき (n) lower branch (of an organization)/infrastructure/
かいはつぶ Development Department/
がいこくぶたい overseas (military forces)/
頚部けいぶ(n) neck (region)/
しれいぶ(n) headquarters/
あいべや(n) sharing a room/
そうむぶちょう chief of the general affairs department (bureau)/chief of the executive section/
けんぶ shoulder/
もんぶ (n) (abbr) Ministry of Education, Culture, Sports, Science and Technology/
とうごうさんぼうほんぶJoint Chiefs of Staff/
じゅうぶもんぶんるいほ うDewey Decimal System/
ちのうじょうほうけんきゅうぶIntelligent Communication Laboratory/
ひとりべや (n) single room/
だいぶぶん(n-t) most part/greater part/majority/(P)/
膳部ぜんぶ(n) table/food (on a table)/cooking/a meal/
ぜんとうぶthe front/the forehead/
ぐんれいぶ(n) Naval General Staff/
せんたいほんぶ election headquarters/
じんじぶ(n) personnel department/
西ちゅうせいぶ(n) Mid-west/
やきゅうぶ baseball team/
ないぶとうそう internal struggle/
くっきょくぶ(n) elbow/elbow-shaped bend/
站部へいたんぶ commissariat/
だいいちぶちょう assistant chief of staff, g1/
ぜんしんぶたい advance troops/
きょうぶ (n) chest/breast/(P)/
りょうぶしんとう (n) Shinto-Buddhist amalgamation/dual-aspect Shinto/
ちゅうしんぶ (n) central part/heart (of a city)/
がいしょうぶ out-of-store sales department/
しゅようぶ(n) head/
鞍部 あんぶ(n) col/saddle between mountains/
にぶがっしょうtwo-part chorus/vocal duet/
きょくぶ (n) part/section/affected region/
かぶきかん subordinate offices or institutions/
だいさんぶちょうassistant chief of staff, g3/
しゅっぱんぶpublishing department/
じぎょうぶdivision (of company)/operations department/
かいこうぶ aperture/
しょうむぶLitigation Department (of the Ministry of Justice)/
がいいんぶ (n) pudenda/external genitalia/
かくのないぶ the inside of a shell/
すもうべや (n) stable/
しきぶしょう(Nara and Heian era) ministry of ceremonies/
にぶじゅぎょうdouble (school) sessions/
ろくぶ (n) Buddhist pilgrim/six copies/
こうとうぶ(n) back of head/(P)/
しぶ (n) branch/subdivision/(P)/
ちゅうおうぶ(n) centre/middle/(P)/
きょうぶ isthmus/
がくぶ department, faculty
頸部けいぶ(n) neck (region)/
しゅっぱんぶすう circulation/number printed/
もくぶ (n) wooden part/xylem/
びじゅつぶ(n) art club/
とくそうぶ (n) special investigation department/
こうぶ(n) rear/stern/
部アフリカちゅうぶアフ リカCentral Africa/
じょうぶこうぞう superstructure/
みずのぶ water radical/
たいぶ(adv,n) most (e.g. most part)/greater/fairly/a good deal/much/
がくぶ(n) department of a university/undergraduate/(P)/
かたりべ(n) (professional) storyteller/hereditary role of narrator in early imperial court/
りくじょうさくせんほんぶtactical operations center/
りこうがくぶ (n) department of science and engineering/
ざんぶ(n) remainder/the rest/
いみべ ancient Shinto priestly family/
にぶがっそう instrumental duet/two-part ensemble/
がくせいぶちょう(n) dean of students/
こどもべや (n) child's room/nursery/
きょうようぶ(n) college of liberal arts (general education)/liberal arts school/
そくぶ(n) the side/
阿部 あべAbe (Japanese surname)
こうばいぶ store/
ていじぶ(n) (musical) exposition/
こうおんぶ(n) treble/high singing voice/
ていおんぶきごうbass clef/
やねうらべや attic/garret/loft/
かんぶ (n) affected part/(P)/
しゃかいぶ local news section/the city desk/
さぎょうぶかい working group/
ほくぶ (n) north/northern part/(P)/
はんばいぶもん sales department/
いちぶ (n-adv,n) (1) one copy, e.g. of a document/(2) a part/partly/some/(P)/
もんぶしょう (n) (abbr) Ministry of Education, Culture, Sports, Science and Technology/(P)/
じょうほうぶ information bureau/
ちぶ (n) private parts/privates/genitalia/secret place/
そうむぶ (n) general affairs department (bureau)/executive section/
こうほうぶ public relations section or department/
いている部あいているへやvacant room/
たいこうぶたいopposing forces/
ゆうぐんぶたい friendly troops/
いちぶぶん(n) a part/(P)/
蛸部 たこべや(n) labor camp/
しきぶ (n) (Meiji era) official responsible for court ceremonies/
き部あきべや available room (hotel)/
さんぶがっそう instrumental trio/
ぐんぶどくさい military dictatorship/
さんぶ (n) three parts/three copies/
かふくぶ(n) abdomen/
きていぶもんbase component/
ぶんがくぶ(n) department (faculty) of literature/
なんぶ (n) southern part/(P)/
にぶ (n) two parts/two copies/the second part/
けいぶほ (n) assistant inspector/
だいひょうぶdiplomatic mission/
しゅのうぶgoverning body/executives/
しんぞうぶ(n) central part/
しゅようぶしゅうたんが たhead-final/
しぶがっしょう four-part harmony/
いんべ ancient Shinto priestly family/
いしべきんきち (n) man of incorruptible character/(P)/
ぜんぶほけんfull insurance/
にぶさく(n) two-part work/
かくぶ (n) all parts/various parts/every department/
ふくぶ(n) abdomen/
だいぶ(adv,n) most (e.g. most part)/greater/fairly/a good deal/much/
する部おかにたいするへやroom facing a hill/
かんだちめ(n) Imperial Court/court noble/the nobility/
きょうようがくぶcollege of general education/
さぎょうぶかいあんworking draft/
西せいぶげき (n) western (film genre)/
かぶ (n) substructure/lower part/subordinate (office)/
さんかんぶ mountainous region/
しんぶ (n) depths/deep part/
かんぶ (n) management/(executive) staff/leaders/(P)/
だいりぶ mail-order department/branch store/
しゅのうぶ (n) executives/top management/
そうしれいぶ (command) headquarters/
ぜんがくぶ(adj-no) forehead/frontal/
じしょぶもん lexicon/
かせんぶunderlined part/
きどうぶたい mobile troops/mechanized unit/
ちゅうぶたいへいようCentral Pacific/
へんけいぶもん transformational component/
ぜんぶ (n-adv,n-t) all/entire/whole/altogether/(P)/
どうにゅうぶ (n) entry/guide/
そうこうぶたい armored corps/
さんぶがっしょう 3 part chorus/vocal trio/
じょうぶ (n) top part/surface/
こうがくぶ(n) department (or school) of technology, engineering or science/(P)/
ないぶしようinternal method/inner resources/
しゅりょくぶたい main force/main troops/
じぎょうぶせい (n) company consisting of autonomous divisions/
部でぜんぶでin total
こうぶざせき(n) rear (back) seat/
しすうぶexponent portion/
りがくぶ(n) department of science/(P)/