晩酌 | ばんしゃく | (n) evening drink/(P)/ |
参酌 | さんしゃく
| (n,vs) comparison and choosing the
good/consultation/referring to/ |
媒酌 | ばいしゃく | (n,vs) matchmaking/(P)/ |
媒酌人 | ばいしゃくにん | (n) matchmaker/go-between/(P)/ |
しん酌 | しんしゃく | (n) consideration/(P)/ |
独酌 | どくしゃく
| (n,vs) drinking alone/solitary
drinking/(P)/ |
酒を酌み交わす | さけをくみかわす
| (exp) to help one another to sake/to drink
together/ |
献酌 | けんしゃく | offering a drink/ |
浅酌低唱 | せんしゃくていしょう
| (n,vs) getting slightly intoxicated and humming
a tune/ |
御酌 | おしゃく | (n) (apprentice) geisha/dancing girl/ |
手酌 | てじゃく
| (n) helping oneself to a drink/ |
情状酌量 | じょうじょうしゃくりょ
う | (n) taking the extenuating circumstances into
consideration/ |
斟酌 | しんしゃく | (n)
consideration/ |