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Kanji: Radical: (のごめ) : シャク、セキ; ; explain
Joyo grade: 8 Stroke count: 11 Index in Nelson dictionary: 4809 Index in Halpern dictionary: 1484
Japanese Reading English
けんぽうかいしゃくconstitutional interpretation/
きしゃく (n,vs) dilution/(P)/
えいぶんかいしゃく(n) interpreting an English text/
えんりょえしゃく reserve and consideration (to others)/
註釈ちゅうしゃく(n) annotation/note/commentary/
かいしゃく(n,vs) explanation/interpretation/(P)/
きしゃくねつ(n) heat of dilution/
かくだいかいしゃく (n) broad interpretation/
ほしゃく (n) bail/(P)/
ほしゃくきん(n) bail/
くんしゃく(n,vs) explaining the meanings of old words/
こうしゃくし (n) professional storyteller/
ひょうしゃく (n) melting like ice/dispelling doubts/
毀釈はいぶつきしゃく (n) anti-Buddhist movement at the beginning of the Meiji era/
ほしゃくちゅう being out on bail/
きしゃくえきdiluted solution/
えしゃく (n,vs) nod/salutation/greeting/recognition/bow/(P)/
ちゅうしゃくしょannotated edition/
ごしゃく (n) interpretation of a word/
ひょうしゃく (n,vs) commentary/annotation/
稀釈きしゃく(n) dilution/
ちゅうしゃく(n) notes/comment/(P)/
こうしゃく (n) lecture/exposition/
つうしゃく (n) explanation/commentary/
釈迦おしゃか (n) poorly made or ruined articles/
の釈なんかいぶんのしゃくelucidation of a difficult passage/
しんしゃく (n) new interpretation/
かりしゃくほう(n) release on parole/