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Kanji: Radical: (かね) : コン、キン; かね; gold, money
Joyo grade: 1 Stroke count: 8 Index in Nelson dictionary: 4815 Index in Halpern dictionary: 2057
Japanese Reading English
捐金ぎえんきん(n) donation money/contribution/
け金てつけきん(n) a deposit/earnest money/
かちょうきん(n) charges (i.e. fees)/
かい金こまかいかね small change/
えっとうしきん winter bonus/
鬱金うこん(n) a turmeric/
うんえいしきん operating funds/
もくきん Thursday and Friday/
よきんこうざ (n) bank account/
にゅうかいきん(n) initiation fee/admission fee/
ききんぞくおろし wholesale (wholesaler) in precious metals/
ざがね(n) (metal) washer/
ぜんきん (n) advance payment/
はっきん (n) platinum (Pt)/
きょきん (n) subscription/contribution/
ちんぎんかくさ wage differential/
わりましりょうきん a surcharge/extra charge/
かいかけきん(n) accounts payable/
しょうきん (n) reparation/redemption/
いたがね (n) sheet metal/metal plate/
くの金をやすおおくのかねをついやす(exp) to spend (expend) a lot of money/
ちんぎん (n) wages/(P)/
しょうきん (n) prize/monetary award/(P)/
いちじしきん lump-sum grant/
しゅっきん (n,vs) withdrawal (of money)/payment/contribution/investment/financing/
ちょきんばこ(n) savings box/bank/(P)/
ちゅうきん (n) casting/
ちょうきん (n) metal carving/engraving/(P)/
に金をこじきにかねをめぐむ (exp) to give money to a beggar/
しんきん (n) credit union (guild)/
ていりきんlow-interest money/
ちょきんきょく(n) (Japan's) Postal Savings Bureau/
よびきん(n) reserve fund/emergency fund/
ほうきん (n) gun metal/
げんさいききん amortization fund/sinking fund/
しょうこきん(n) a deposit/guarantee money/
はしたがね (n) odd money/loose change/
おうごんじだい Golden Age/
じがね (n) ore/unprocessed metal/ground metal/(one's) true character/
こがねむし (n) scarab beetle/
ばんきんこうsheet metal worker/
しんたくしきん trust fund/
じゅうきんぞく(n) heavy metals/
じさんきん(n) dowry/
にゅうきん(n,vs) deposit/payment/money received/money due/(P)/
て金とりたてきん (n) money collected/
せいじしきん political funds/
こうしょうしほんきんnominal capital/
げ金てさげきんこ (portable) safe or cash box/
いっかくせんきん(n) getting rich quick/
鍍金めっき(n) (1) gilt/plating/(2) pretense/
しょうきんぎんこう specie bank/
かんきん (n,vs) realize/turn into money/
ゆいのうきん(n) betrothal money/
じょうとせいよきん(n) negotiable deposit/
し金かしだしきんmoney given as loan/
ていちんぎんlow wages/
かふきん (n) subsidy/
金でしむしゃっきんでくるしむto be distressed with debts/
繋ぎつなぎしきんemergency fund/
げんきんかきとめ registered mail/
こくれんぶんたんきん(n) financial contributions to the UN made by member nations/
しほんきん (n) capital stock/
がんきん (n) capital/principal/(P)/
にせがね (n) counterfeit money/
烏金からすがね(n) money lent at daily interest/
べっとよきん special deposit/
いちじせんきん(n) a word of great value/
かりばらいきん(n) temporary advance (of money)/
み金つつみきん (n) money tip wrapped in paper/
のりこしりょうきん excess fare (for going too far)/
げんきんじどうあずけばらいきautomatic teller machine/ATM/
そうきん (n) remittance/sending money/(P)/
じゅんびきん(n) reserve fund/
まえわたしきんadvance payments/
り金へそくりがね(n) secret savings/
すえおきちょきん deferred savings/
したがね (n) basic metal (in an art object)/old metal/
しょうきんとりひきcash transaction/
め金しめがね (n) buckle/clamp/clasp/
うちきん(n) bargain money/money paid on account/
じゅういちけんきん tithes/
はんきん (n) half the amount/
じゅんきん (n) pure gold/solid gold/
こうきん(n) bank money/
こくさいつうかききんInternational Monetary Fund (IMF)/
ていりしきん low-interest funds/
のうりつちんぎん efficiency wages/
でめきん(n) pop-eyed goldfish/
よきんつうちょう (n) (deposit) passbook/bankbook/
どるいきんぞく earth metal/
ちゅうしゃりょうきん (n) parking fee/
ほんきんこmain depository/
み金つつみがね (n) money tip wrapped in paper/
みかえりしきん collateral (money)/collateral or counterpart fund/
ぼきんばこ collection box/
賭け金かけきん(n) stakes/bet/
かんきん (n) government funds/
かけうりだいきん credit account/
雀のすずめのなみだほどの ほじょきんa mere particle of subsidy/
すじがね (n) a metal reinforcement/
しゅうきんにんbill collector/
だいきん (n) price/payment/cost/charge/the money/the bill/(P)/
たいきん(n) great cost/(P)/
鬱金うこんいろ(n) yellow/saffron (color)/
じょうのうきん(n) money paid to the government/
れ金くりいれきんmoney transferred/
りょうきんひょう (n) list or table of charges/tariff/price list/
まりはいきんしゅぎの かたまりmoney worshiper/
ぜいきんしんこく tax return/
金が嵩むしゃっきんがか さむ(exp) to get deeper in debt/
いろうきん(n) bonus/reward for one's services/
はいきん (n) money-worship/mammon worship/
醵金きょきん(n,vs) contribution/subscription/
みしゅうにゅうきん accounts receivable/
冶金やきんがく(n) metallurgy (the science)/
めいもくちんぎん nominal wages/
じゅんびしきん reserve funds/
わきん (n) Japanese wakin goldfish variety/
雁金かりがね(n) wild goose/
ひてつきんぞく(n) nonferrous metals/
ひきあてきん(n) reserves/
ぜにかね(n) money/
ついちょうきん (n) additional collection (funds)/additional imposition/
いちじきん (n) lump sum/
くちがね (n) (metal) cap/
ていきよきん fixed deposit/
め金とめがね (n) clasp/snap fastener/
かいがいけいざいきょ うりょくききんOverseas Economic Cooperation Fund/
じゅうたくきんゆうこうこ(n) Housing Loan Corporation/
とくべつはいとうきんspecial dividend/
しゅうしんねんきん a life pension or annuity/
むたんぽかしつけきん unsecured debt/
せいじけんきん political contributions/
よきん (n,vs) deposit/bank account/(P)/
みょうがきん(n) monetary offering/
にわかなりきんovernight millionaire/
かして金をおどかしてかねをとる(exp) to scare money out of (a person)/
なりきん (n) an upstart/the new rich (nouveau riche)/
ぶんたんきん share of expenses/contribution/
さいていちんぎんせい(n) minimum wage system/
ほしょうきん(n) bond payment/guarantee/deposit/security money/
げんきんせいかcash price/(P)/
を金にえるほんをかねにかえる(exp) to exchange a book for money/
いやくきん(n) penalty for contract breach/
りきん (n) interest (money)/
れんきんじゅつ (n) alchemy/(P)/
こうせいねんきん welfare pension/
よきんじゅんびりつ(n) cash-deposit ratio/
ちょうきかしつけきんlong-term loans/
だいきんひきかえ C.O.D./
かぶきん (n) (money for) stock investment/
ぜいきん (n) tax/duty/(P)/
しききん (n) (security) deposit/caution money/(P)/
けんきん(n,vs) donation/contribution/(P)/
したくきん(n) money to cover the cost of preparations or arrangements/
こうきょうりょうきんpublic utilities charge/
おうごんすうはいmammon worship/
贋金 にせがね(n) counterfeit money/
退たいしょくきん (n) retirement allowance/
うらがね (n) bribe/
りょうきん a fee, a charge
ぐんしきん(n) war funds/campaign funds/
こうきん (n) public funds/
じりんこんごうKalacakra/Wheel of Time (tantric Buddhist deity)/
ひきんぞく (n) nonmetal/
かりいれきん(n) loan/debt/
に金をれてやるこじきにかねを くれてやる(exp) to give money to a beggar/
を金にえるなまりをきんにかえ る(exp) to convert lead into gold/
けいごうきん(n) light alloy/
おうごんりつ(n) The Golden Rule/
ごうきん (n) alloy/