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Kanji: Radical: (かね) : セン; ぜに; money
Joyo grade: 5 Stroke count: 14 Index in Nelson dictionary: 4851 Index in Halpern dictionary: 1725
Japanese Reading English
り銭つりせん(n) change (e.g. for dollar)/(P)/
こぜに (n) coins/small change/(P)/
きんせん (n) money/cash/(P)/
い銭こづかいせん(n) spending money/incidental expenses/(P)/
ちょくせんけいrectangular figures/
ゆせん (n) fee for public bath/
こうせん (n) commission/brokerage/(P)/
むせんいんしょく (vs) leaving a restaurant without paying bill/
べいせん(n) rice and money/money to purchase rice/
むせんゆうきょう merrymaking without paying/
賽銭さいせんばこ(n) offertory box/
いっしはんせん (n) a small sum/things of little value/
はせん(n) small change/
つりせん (n) change (e.g. for dollar)/
きどせん(n) gate money/admission fee/
きんせんしんたく (n) cash or money trust/
宿やどせん (n) hotel charges/
みぜに (n) one's own money/
てらせん (n) banker's cut or fee charged in a gambling saloon/
ダメージきんせんてきダ メージmonetary damages/
むせんりょこう hitchhiking/
い銭おいせん (n) money paid in addition/
じどうきんせんしゅつにゅうきautomatic teller machine/ATM/
あぶくぜに (n) easy money/
銭にかいきんせんにこまかいbe scimpy about money/
賽銭さいせん(n) monetary offering/
きんせんとうろくきcash register/
しゃくせん(n) debt/
しゅせんど (n) miser/niggard/(P)/
どうせん (n) copper coin/
ふところぜに pocket money/
し銭わたしせん (n) ferriage/
こせんがく(n) numismatics/
こせん (n) old coin/
あくせん (n) ill-gotten money/bad coin/(P)/
たばこせんtobacco money/
ちんせん(n) wages/pay/
むせん(n) without money/no need for money/
こぜにいれchange purse/
ひぜに(n) daily income in cash/money paid by daily installments/
き銭あなあきせん perforated coin/