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Kanji: Radical: (ながい) : チョウ; なが(い); long
Joyo grade: 2 Stroke count: 8 Index in Nelson dictionary: 4938 Index in Halpern dictionary: 2556
Japanese Reading English
うらながや (n) rear tenement/
けいざいせいちょう economic growth/
長のしんちょうのひくいひと short person/
りょうちょう (n) dormitory leader/dormitory superintendent/(P)/
じょちょう(n) promotion/fostering/
かんじちょう(party) Chief Secretary/(P)/
かかりちょう (n) chief clerk/
が長いどうがながい having a long body/
しだんちょうdivision commander/
じむきょくちょう head of the secretariat/
ほっかいどうかいはつ ちょうちょうかんDirector General of Hokkaido Development Agency/
長をせいちょうをはばむ (exp) to hinder (check) the growth of (plants)/
がくちょう(n) bandmaster/conductor/
がいこういいんちょうHead of the Foreign Relations Committee/
じえいちょうcaptain of the guard/
ないかくかんぼうちょう かんChief Cabinet Secretary/
の長いちじつのちょう(n) superiority/
ゆうちょう (adj-na,n) slow/tedious/deliberate/leisurely/
かんちょう(n) captain (of a warship)/
れいちょう (n) leader with miraculous powers/humanity/
ぎちょう(n) chairman/(P)/
ぐんちょう combat commander/
こうどせいちょう advanced maturity/(P)/
きちょう (n) pilot/(P)/
こうじょうちょう(n) factory (works) manager/
長をめるぎちょうをつとめる(exp) to act as chairman/
えんちょうせん(baseball) extra innings/
けんじそうちょう attorney general/
くちょう (n) ward headman/
ぞくちょう (n) patriarch/head of a family/
りじちょうboard chairman/
おもなが (adj-na,n) oval-faced/
しょちょう (n) chief/head/(P)/
きゅうちょう (n) head of class/monitor/
としょかんちょう chief librarian/
ていちょう (n) captain/
がくちょう (n) university president/(P)/
せいちょうてん(n) point of growth/
かりぎちょう(n) acting chairman/acting president/
よなが (n-adv,n) long night/
そうむぶちょう chief of the general affairs department (bureau)/chief of the executive section/
えきちょう (n) station master/(P)/
じゅくちょう (n) principal of a private school/
どうなが (adj-na,n) possessing a long torso/
たいちょう(n) commanding officer/
ばんちょう (n) leader of a group of juvenile delinquents/
かふちょうせい(n) patriarchal authority/
けいざいきかくちょうちょうかんDirector General of Economic Planning Agency/
だいいちぶちょうassistant chief of staff, g1/
ひゃくまんちょうじゃ (n) millionaire/multimillionaire/
しちょう (n) leading private (JSDF)/
しちょうせんきょ (n) mayoral election/
しょきちょう(n) secretary general/chief secretary/
さいばんちょう(n) presiding judge/
だいさんぶちょう assistant chief of staff, g3/
いんちょう (n) director/
ぜいかんちょうchief customs inspector/
じむちょうかん chief secretary/
せいふくぎちょう chairman and vice-chairman/
ばくりょうちょう(n) chief of staff/
きゅうせいちょう(n,vs) rapid growth/
せんばんちょうじゃ multimillionaire/billionaire/
かんごふちょう head nurse/
ふちょう (n) head nurse/(P)/
えんちょう (n,vs) extension/elongation/prolongation/lengthening/(P)/
長にわせるしゃちょうにあわせる(exp) to arrange a meeting with the company president/
じじゅうちょう (n) grand chamberlain/
ぎてんちょうchief of protocol/(P)/
おきなわかいはつちょうちょうかんDirector General of Okinawa Development Agency/
じむちょう (n) manager/purser/
じょうちょうけいredundant system (string, line)/
かちょうせいど (n) patriarchal system/
酋長しゅうちょう(n) chieftain/
鬢長 びんなが(n) albacore (fish)/germon/
かんちょう(n) superintendent priest/chief abbot/
せいちょうき(n) growth period/growing season/
じむそうちょう secretary-general/director/
かがくぎじゅつちょうちょうかんDirector General of Science and Technology Agency/
がくせいぶちょう(n) dean of students/
さいちょう (n) the longest/the oldest/
きかんちょう(n) chief engineer/
めいよかいちょう (n) honorary president/
てんちょう (n) shop manager/
しょくちょう(n) foreman/
だいしゅうどういん ちょうabbot/archimandrite/
ぐんちょうdistrict headman/head county official/
の長ばんりのちょうじょう Great Wall of China/
かかりちょう (n) chief clerk/
やおちょう(n) put-up job/fixed game/
長くすえながく (adv) long/forever/
ちゅうはちょうmedium wave/
いみしんちょう(adj-na,n) profound (often hidden) meaning/pregnant with significance/
かんぼうちょう (n) Chief Cabinet Secretary/(P)/
ふくかいちょうvice president (of a club or organization)/
しゃちょう president of a company
せいちょう(n,vs) growth/grow to adulthood/(P)/
ごちょう (n) word-length/
こしゅちょうdrum major/
ホ長調へんホちょうちょう E flat major/
こうちょう (n) principal/headmaster/(P)/
かんごちょうchief nurse (in the army)/
長にかいちょうにおす(exp) to recommend (a person) for the post of president/
えんちょう(n) kindergarten principal/
かんちょう (n) superintendent/director/curator/chief librarian/
そうちょう(n) (college) president/secretary-general/
きなが (adj-na,n) patient/leisurely/
じゅんさちょう(n) head patrol officer/
とくちょう (n) forte/merit/(P)/
れいちょうるい(n) primates/
はちょう(n) wavelength/(P)/
じちょう (n) vice-/assistant director/vice-director/
いちょう(n) medical director/chief physician/
せんちょう (n) ship's captain/(P)/
はんちょうけいsemi-major axis/
せんそつちょうcaptain of a thousand/
ロ 長調ロちょうちょうB major/
けいざいせいちょうりつ rate of economic growth/
ねんちょうしゃa senior/elderly people/
おながどり(n) long-tailed cock/
ぼうちょうかんSecretary of Defence/
ぶちょう (n) head of a section/department/(P)/
イ長調イちょうちょうA major/
みんせいちょうかんcivil governor/
いっちょういったん (n) merits and demerits/(something having its) advantages and disadvantages/good points and shortcomings/
だんちょう (n) leader of a delegation (body, party)/
かんぼうちょうかんChief Cabinet Secretary/(P)/
長いほそながい (adj) long and narrow/(P)/
そうりふそうむちょうかんDirector General of Prime Minister's Office/
嬰ヘ長調えいヘちょうちょうF sharp major (music)/
はんちょう (n) squad leader/honcho/(P)/
長ブロックこていちょうぶろっくfixed length block/
しょちょう (n) chief (of police)/head (of office)/
しつちょう(n) room monitor/(P)/
しゅうぎいんぎちょうspeaker of the Lower House/
じょうちょう(n) one's superior/a senior/an elder/
びかちょう(n) amorous man/henpecked husband/
ゆうちょう (adj-na,n) leisurely/slow/deliberate/easygoing/(P)/
しゅうどういんちょう abbot/
長蜂あしながばち (n) long-legged wasp/
そんちょう (n) one's superiors/one's seniors/
じょうきゅうそうちょ うsergeant major/
おながざる(n) long-tailed monkey/
の長むようのちょうぶつ useless object/deadwood/
長にまるがくちょうにおさまる(exp) to take one's position as rector/
おくまんちょうじゃ billionaire/(P)/
しちょう (n) teachers, superiors, and men of prominence/
ちょうちょう(n) town headman/
むねわりながや (n) terraced or partitioned housing structure/
ぶちょうえつ revised by section chief/
せいちょうかぶ(n) growth stock/person with future promise/
の長いえのながいひしゃく long-handled ladle/
伍長ごちょう(n) corporal/
しんちょう(n,vs) expansion/extension/elongation/uncompression/
だいにぶちょう assistant chief of staff, g2/
えきちょうしつ(n) stationmaster's office/
かちょうsection chief
せいちょうりつ (n) growth rate/(P)/
かへんちょう(n) variable length/
ちゅうたいちょう(n) company commander/
おうえんだんちょう cheerleader/
ぎちょうしょっけん authority as chairperson or president etc./
こくぼうちょうかんSecretary of Defence/
かんきょうちょうちょうかんDirector General of Environment Agency/
たいちょう (n) length of an animal/(P)/
がっしょうたいちょう choir leader/
じぎょうぶちょう Senior Executive Manager/
せいちょうきょくせん logistic curve/growth curve/
とうかつぶちょうExecutive Manager/
せんちょうしつ(n) captain's cabin/
てながざる(n) long-armed ape/gibbon/
ぐんだんちょうcorps commander/
ていせいちょうsmall (low) growth/(P)/
かいちょう (n) president (of a society)/chairman/(P)/
長けるとしたける(v1) to grow old/
いいんちょう(n) committee chairman/
たんとうかちょう Manager/
たてなが (adj-na,n) oblong/vertical writing style, e.g. on envelopes/
しれいちょうかん(n) Commander-in-Chief/C-in-C)/
ヘ長調ヘちょうちょうF major/
しんちょう(n) height (of body)/stature/(P)/
てんちょうせつ(n) Emperor's Birthday/
してんちょう(n) branch manager/manager of a branch office/
さんぼうちょう (n) chief of staff/
いいんちょう head doctor/
しじょうせいちょう market growth/
げっちょうせき(n) moonstone/
ふくぎちょう (n) vice-chairman/
きょういくちょう(n) superintendent of education/
調ちょうさぶちょう assistant chief of staff, g2/
けいむしょちょう warden/
よこなが (adj-na,n) oblong/
そんちょう village mayor
ぞうちょう (n,vs) growing impudent/becoming arrogant/
ニ長調ニちょうちょうD major/
たけなが(adj-na,n) tall/
ひなが (n) long day/
あんていせいちょう stable growth/
しゃちょう (n) company president/manager/director/(P)/
そくちょうき length measuring machine/
そうちょう (n) master sergeant/sergeant major (JSDF)/
ぐんがくちょう military band master/
こくれんじむそうちょ うU.N. Secretary General/
ぼうえいちょうちょうかんDirector General of Defence Agency/
ちゅうちょうき(n) mid-range/mid-term/
せいちょうさんぎょう (n) growth industry/
てなが (n) long-armed/kleptomania(c)/
を長くしてくびをながく してlooking forward/expectantly/eagerly/
さいちょうふとうきょり(n) day's longest successful jump/
たんとうぶちょう Senior Manager/
くみちょう (n) boss (yakuza)/
ぼうえいぶちょう assistant chief of staff, g3/
翰長かんちょうCabinet (Chief) Secretary/
しちょうせんmayoral election/
の長はおんりのちょうじょう Great Wall of China/
しんちょう(adj-na,n) profound/
へいそうちょう(n) chief warrant officer/
はんながぐつ(n) fairly high shoes/
こくむちょうかん Secretary of State/(P)/
ねんちょう (adj-na,n) seniority/(P)/
てんちょうちきゅう (n) coeval with heaven and earth/
かいんぎちょう Speaker of the House (US)/
れんたいちょう(n) regimental commander/
データビット長データビットちょう data bit length/
こうちょうしつ(n) principal's office/
じょうちょう (adj-na,n) (1) tedious/verbose/(2) redundancy/(P)/
じょうきゅうふくしゃ ちょうsenior vice president/
の長いっかのちょうhead of a family/
おなが (n) azure-winged magpie/
はんなが (n) fairly high shoes/
しゅちょう (n) head (of organization)/
ぶたいちょうcommanding officer/
薩長さっちょう(n) Satsuma and Choshu/
じゅんさぶちょう police sergeant/
かちょう (n) patriarch/family head/
ばんぶつのれいちょう the lord of creation/man/mankind/(P)/
きょくちょう(n) bureau director/office chief/(P)/
こくどちょうちょうかんDirector General of National Land Agency/
き長らえるいきながらえ る(v1) to live long/to survive/
長須しろながすくじら(n) blue whale/
ぶちょう department chief
せいちょう (n) growth/increment/(P)/
へいちょう (n) lance corporal/
ト長調トちょうちょうG major/(P)/
こっかこうあんいいん ちょうChairman of National Public Safety Commission/
ぜんちょう (n) over-all length/span/
ホ長調ホちょうちょうE major/
ざちょう(n) chairman/
こていちょう fixed length (e.g. block)/
ハ長調ハちょうちょうC major/
せいちょうかてい(n) growth process/
ぶんたいちょう(n) squad leader/divisional officer/
しゃちょうしつ(n) president's office/
しょうちょう(n) prosperity and decay/rise and fall/ups and downs/ebb and flow/
かちょう(n) section manager/section chief/(P)/
そんちょう (n) village headman/(P)/
しちょう (n) mayor/(P)/