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Kanji: Radical: (もん) : カン、ケン; あいだ、ま; between, interval
Joyo grade: 2 Stroke count: 12 Index in Nelson dictionary: 4949 Index in Halpern dictionary: 3323
Japanese Reading English
せけんthe world; the public
べつま (n) separate room/special room/
にんげんどうし mankind/the human creature/works of man/(P)/
なみま(n) on the waves/between the waves/
ねまき(n) sleep-wear/nightclothes/pyjamas/nightgown/nightdress/(P)/
にどてま (n) double effort/
ちゅうかんしけん (n) midterm examination/
はんかん (n) counterintelligence/
じんぞうにんげん (n) robot/cyborg/
けいやくきかん contract period/
じしゅうじかん study time/
かそうくうかん virtual space/
間のにんげんのにくhuman flesh/
なかまはずれ (n) being left out/
間をしょようじかんをはかる(exp) to calculate the time required/
あさまさんそうじけん famous robbery and hostage-taking in 1972/
ないすくないじかん limited time/
たんきかん(n) short term/short time/
あさま (n) during the morning/
ながねんかんlong period of time/
いちねんかん(period of) one year/
とうめいにんげん (n) invisible man/
にんげんわざ(n) the work of man/
くかん (n,n-suf) section (of track, etc)/(P)/
あいま(n) interval/(P)/
しゃかんきょり (n) distance between two trains or vehicles/
間をてまをとる (exp) to be detained/to take time/
間のにんげんのだらく the fall of man/
れいきゃくきかん cooling-off period/
たにま (n) ravine/chasm/dell/valley/(P)/
ほかん (n) interpolation/
じかんきゅう(n) hourly pay/hourly wage/
てまひま(n) time and effort/trouble/
れ間きれま (n) interval/break/rift (in clouds)/
ぶつま(n) Buddhist family chapel/
いっていきかん (n-t) fixed interval/fixed period/
にんげんいじょう (adj-no) superhuman/
くうかん (n) space/room/airspace/(P)/
いっしゅうかんa week
ろしゅつじかん(n) exposure time/
しゅっきんじかん hour for reporting to work/
ひろま (n) hall/saloon/spacious room/guest room/
にんげんしゃかいhuman society/
せいげんじかんtime limit/
べんきょうじかん(n) one's study hours (time)/
え間なくたえまなく incessantly/(P)/
せけんなみ(adj-na) ordinary/average/
ふていけいりょうくう かんindefinite metric space (math)/
しゅうごうじかん (n) time appointed for meeting (assembling)/time one is supposed to meet/
にんげんそがい dehumanization/
りかんさく(n) scheme to provoke discord or alienation/
ちゅうかんたい(adj-na) intermediate (chem)/
かたてましごとside job/odd jobs/
ざいりゅうきかんこうしんきょかextension of visa permit/
の間しこのかんhailing distance/
なかまうけ(n) being popular among one's companions/
おおまちがいgreat mistake/
せけんばなれ (n) uncommon/out of the ordinary/
く間にまたたくまに (adv) in the twinkling of an eye/
なまえくうかん namespace/
間をめるぎょうかんをつめる(exp) to crowd the lines/
いくじじかん nursing time/
ちゅうかん (n-adv,n-t) daytime/during the day/
やかんがっこうevening school
せいかつくうかん(n) living space/
もちじかん(n) amount of time one has/
にっしょうじかん daylight hours/hours of sunshine/
しおま (n) ebb tide/
にんげんくさいfull of human traits/quite human/
いま (n) living room (western style)/(P)/
の間にやらいつのまにや らunawares/unnoticed/before you know it/
ベクトルベクトルくうかんvector space/
使こまづかい (n) maid/
にんげんいぜん (adj-no) prehuman/
ぶま (adj-na,n) clumsiness/stupidity/blunder/
の間いたのまかせぎ (n) bathhouse thievery/
こうかいきかん open period/
幇間たいこもち(n) professional jester/flatterer/
ひこうじかんflight time/number of flight hours/
あっとう間にあっというまに(exp) just like that (lit: in the time it takes to say "Ah!")/in the twinkling of an eye/in the blink of an eye/
ちゅうかんし(n) meson/mesotron/
椎間ついかんばん(n) intervertebral disk/
やまあい (n) ravine/gorge/
えるみまちがえる(v1) to take A for B/to mistake A for B/
げっかん (n) (during) month/
り間かりま rented room/
ようかん (n) hips/
れ間はれま (n) a break (in the rainy season)/
らない間にしらないあい だにI don't know for how long ..../
みんかん (adj-no,n) private/civilian/civil/popular/folk/unofficial/(P)/
あきじかんfree time/
なつじかん (n) daylight savings time/summer time/
ねるじかん bedtime/
ねんかんしゅうえき yearly revenue/
間をじかんをかせぐ(exp) to gain time/
ひとま (n) one room/
ちゅうかんえきway station/
ちゅうかんはいとうがく interim dividends/
ゆうこうきかん (n) term of validity/period for which (a ticket) is available (valid)/
しょっかん(n) between meals/
おおひろま(n) banquet or reception hall/
たじゅうなまえくうか んmultiple namespace/
ほしょうきかん (n) term of guarantee/warranty period/
ちょうじかん (n-adv,n-t) long period of time/long playing/(P)/
ちゅうかん(n-adv,n) middle/midway/interim/(P)/
くうかんげいじゅつ the plastic arts/
えいぎょうじかん business hours/
幇間ほうかん(n) professional jester/flatterer/
なかまぼめlogrolling/mutual admiration/
ちゅうげん (n) samurai's attendant/footman/
にんげんなみ(adj-na,n) the common run of people/
ゆうじんかんamong one's friends/
にんげんぞう(n) image of (an ideal) person/
にんげんこくほう living national treasure/
眉間みけん(n) (1) brow/middle forehead/(2) glabella/area between the eyebrows/
じつじかん real time/
せいぞんきかん lifetime/
ちゅうかんじんこう daytime population/
ねんかん (n-t) year/(P)/
ちゅうかんしょく(n) an intermediate color/a neutral color or tint/
なんじかん how many hours?/(P)/
みんかんひこう civil aviation/
じかんじくtime axis/
ねま(n) bedroom/
じょうえいじかん(n) running time (e.g. of movie)/
みんかんじん(n) non-government person/civilian/
にんげんみ(n) human kindness/human weakness/
なかまねだん trade price/
せけんてい(n) appearance (in the eyes of society)/decency/
間にきゃくまにとおる (exp) to enter the parlor/
きどうじかん startup (interval of) time/
のべじかんtotal man hours/
ればすうじかんすれば in a few hours/
ゆうこうきげん (n) term of validity/period for which (a ticket) is available (valid)/
うちゅうくうかんthe void of space/
ちゅうかんせんきょ by-election/interim election/
こまものや (n) haberdashery/sundries store/
しゅうぎょうじかん closing hour/
間テストちゅうかんテス ト(n) midterm (mid-semester) test or exam/
かたてま (n) in spare time/odd job/
じかんはんてん time reversal (physics)/
こまもの(n) sundries/
ぶんしかんりょく(n) intermolecular forces/
にんげんかい(n) the world of humans/
しゅうかんてんきよほう (n) weather forecast for coming week/
きゃくま(n) parlor/guest room/(P)/
じかんひょう(n) time-table/(P)/
じかん time
にんげんあい human love/
きゅうけいじかん rest time/intermission/(P)/
あまあい (n) break in the rain/
の間つかのま (adj-no,n) moment/brief time/brief/transient/(P)/
しょくぶつにんげんcomatose person/human vegetable/
間をけるじかんをあける (exp) to make oneself available (free)/
じゅんびきかんpreparatory phase/preparatory period/
にんげんせい(n) humanity/human nature/(P)/
やかんさつえい night photography/(P)/
隙間すきまかぜ(n) draft/
たいざいきかん(n) length of one's stay/
にんげんかんけい human relations/
にしゅうかんfortnight/two weeks/
ひにんげんてき inhuman/impersonal/(P)/
ようま (n) Western-style room/(P)/
すえおききかん period of deferment/
こうそくじかん total hours spent working/
にんげんかんきょうせん げんU.N. declaration on the human environment issued in Stockholm in 1972/
みまちがい (n) misjudgement/mistake in vision/
いっけん(n) one ken/six feet/
にじゅうよじかんせい (n) around-the-clock system/
なかまわれ(n,vs) split among friends/falling out/internal discord/
まにんげん (n) an honest man/a good citizen/
しゅっぱつじかん (n) starting (departure) time/
股間こかんせつhip joint/
ぐんでんぱんじかん (n) group delay (in fibre optics)/
じかんじゅんじょせきtime ordered product (physics)/
間がかるじかんがかかる(exp) to take time/
間にえるなかまにくわえる(exp) to include in the circle/
しゅっせけん(n) monastic life/
にんげん (n) human being/man/person/(P)/
たいくうじかん (n) duration of a flight/
せいかんぶっしつ (n) interstellar matter/
めんかいじかん visiting or office hours/
たんじかん(n-adv,n-t) short time/
ちゅうかんそう(n) the middle class/
いっしゅうかん(n) one week/
ひるま(n-adv,n-t) daytime/during the day/(P)/
間ドックにんげんドック (n) medical check up/
えの間ひかえのま anteroom/antechamber/
にんげん human being
やかんよきんきんこnight-deposit safe/
つうきんじかん commuting time/
ねんかんけいかく year's plan/
ちかま (n) proximity/nearby/
の間このま(n) in the trees/
いこうきかん (n) period of transition (e.g. from old to new system)/
にこくかん (adj-no) bilateral/
かかん between equipment/
胯間こかん(n) nether region/between the legs/
の間にえるべつのまにひかえる(exp) to wait in another room/
まちじかんwaiting time
じつじかんしょり (n) real-time operation/
殿の間てんじょうのまpalace floor/
ちゅうかんけいきtemporary boom/
まちじかん(n) waiting time/
なかまうち(adj-no,n) private/informal/among ones people (group, friends)/
しゅんかん(n-adv,n-t) moment/second/instant/(P)/
にんげんばくだん human bomb/
くかんれっしゃ local train/
せけんばなし(n) gossip/chat/
しょうわねんかん Showa era/(P)/
たんじかんa short time
いまliving room
にほんま (n) Japanese-style room/
じかんわり(n) timetable/schedule/(P)/
らんま (n) (in Japanese architecture) transom/
みんかんこうくうき private aircraft/
間になみまに on the waves/
にどでま (n) double effort/
たにあい (n) ravine/chasm/dell/valley/
間をしむじかんをおしむ(exp) to value time/
ぼうかん (n) all over town/
さんかんぶmountainous region/
かんすうくうかん functional space/
しゅうぎょうじかん work hours/(P)/
クローンクローンにんげん(human) clone/
やかんちゅうがくevening middle school/
しけんきかん (n) test (testing) period/
ていしじかん stop time/
間のじかんのもんだい just a matter of time/
いわま (n) among rocks/
すうじつかんseveral day period/
てまどる(v5r) to take time/to be delayed/
ちゅうかんしょうにん middleman/broker/
いまけんしょくどうliving room-cum-dining room/
ちゅうかんないかく interim cabinet/
肋間ろっかんしんけいつう(n) intercostal neuralgia/
ちゅうかんしょうせつ middle-brow novel/
まるいっしゅうかん the whole week/all the week/
かいまみる (v1) to take a peep at/to catch a glimpse of/(P)/
にんげんがく (n) anthropology/
せわにんげん person who looks after others/
ほうそうじかん(n) time (for a program)/broadcasting hours/air time/
らずせけんしらず (adj-na,n) to ignorance of the ways of the world/
きかん(n) period/term/(P)/
間をじかんをさく(exp) to spare time (for)/
やかん (n-adv,n-t) at night/nighttime/(P)/
にんげんてづくり(adj-no) man-made/
間の歪みじかんのひずみ time warp/
にんげんこうがく ergonomic (engineering)/human engineering/
りんかんがっこうcamp school
てまちん (n) wages (charge) for labor/pay/
やかんぶ(n) night-school season/
キロの間すうキロのあいだfor several kilometers/
しゅうぎょうじかんちゅう(n) during working hours/
ろうどうじかん working hours/man hours/(P)/
どま (n) dirt floor/(P)/
わりびきじかん discounted hours/reduced rate hours/
せんねんかん thousand-year period/
の間つぎのま (n) antechamber/next room/
間隙てまひま (n) time and effort/trouble/
むげんじごく Buddhist hell of uninterrupted suffering/
みっかかん three days/
此の間このあいだ(n-adv) the other day/recently/lately/during this period/
しゅうかん(n) week/weekly/(P)/
り間まかりまちがう(v5u) to go wrong/to turn for the worse/
こうそきかん term in which an appeal may be filed/
くうかんかんかく(n) sense of space/
いまけんしんしつliving room and bedroom/bed-sitter/(P)/
この間このあいだ(n-t) the other day/lately/recently/(P)/
りをじかんわりをなおす (exp) to alter the schedule/
くもま (n) rift between clouds/
さちゅうかん(n) between left and center fielders/
やかんきんむ night work/
え間たえま (n) interval/gap/
じかん (n) the space between letters or characters/
じかんわり (n) timetable/schedule/(P)/
い間ながいあいだ (n-t) long interval/(P)/
ぎょうかん (n) between the lines/(P)/
ミサイルたいりくかんだんどうミサイル ICBM/
あいちょうしゅうかんBird Week (starting on May 10 of each year)/
せけん(n) world/society/(P)/
せけんずれ(n) worldly wise/sophisticated/
つうようきかん period of validity/
らす間であるかんたんあいてら すあいだがらである(exp) to be quite in sympathy with each other/
すうねんかん several years/
使こまづかい(n) maid/
ちゅうかんほうこく(n) interim report/
じゅぎょうじかん (n) school hours/hours of teaching (instruction)/
きょうかん(n) between the mountains/
股間こかん(n) nether region/between the legs/
まくあい (n) intermission (between acts)/interlude/
のみなかま drinking companion/
やかんえいぎょう open at night/
さぎょうじかん (n) working hours/
みんかんしほん private capital/
間のじかんのゆるすかぎり as long as time allows/
やかんよきんきんこ night-deposit safe/
の間ほんのあいだ between the pages/between two books/
隙間すきま(n) crevice/crack/gap/opening/(P)/
此の間 このかん(n-adv) the other day/recently/lately/during this period/
にんげんばんじさいおう がうま(exp) inscrutable are the ways of heaven/fortune is unpredictable and changeable/
ちゅうかんさくしゅ kickback/
そうろうあいだ (exp) as.../
ぞっかん (n) the world/the public/
はざま (n) (1) interval/(2) valley/gorge/ravine/(3) loophole/eyelet/
にほんじかん(n) Japan time/
おうせつま(n) reception room/(P)/
こいちじかん nearly one hour/
の間とこのま (n) alcove/(P)/
シゾイドシゾイドにんげん(n) schizoid person/
しゅんかんでんだん power flicker/
じかんかせぎholding out/stalling/putting off/(P)/
そうこうじかん run time/(P)/
かきじかん daylight-saving time/
うちゅうかん(n) between right and center fielders (baseball)/
ていしゃじかん(n) stoppage time/
間をらってなかまをかたらってtogether with one's lot/
ひあい time/daily interest rate/
きかん (n) (railroad) gauge/
りんかん (n) in the forest/
間どおりにじかんどおりにpunctually/as regularly as a clock/
しようきかん trial period/
じかんがい(n) late/overtime/
かどうじかん number of hours worked/
じかんがいてあてovertime pay/
Πパイちゅうかんし pion (physics)/
しゅんかんせっちゃくざい(n) (tube of) instant glue/
にんげんくhuman suffering/
ちゅうかんこくbuffer state/
いちじかん one hour/
の間つゆのま (adj-na) instant/
ひらどま(n) pit/orchestra/parquet (in a theater)/
けいかん (n) ravine/(P)/