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Kanji: Radical: (ぎふのふ) : ジン; ; camp
Joyo grade: 8 Stroke count: 10 Index in Nelson dictionary: 4992 Index in Halpern dictionary: 455
Japanese Reading English
リンピョウトウシャカイ ジンレツザイゼンnine cuts mudra/exorcism-purification spell/
えんじん(n) circle/ring/
しゅつじん (n) departure for the front/
ふじん (n,vs) battle formation/lineup/
けんじん (n) stronghold/
せんとうじんちのぜんえ んforward edge of the battle area/
ういじん (n) first campaign/one's first battle/
きょうじゅじん (n) faculty/professorate/group of professors/
こうじん(n) rear guard/reserve troops/
きょうさんじんえい the Communist camp/
たいじん (n) confrontation of armies/
ぐんじん (n) camp/battlefield/
せんとうじんち battle position/
そうさじん(n) criminal investigation squad (team)/
ぐんじんいがく military medicine/
ほんじん (n) troop headquarters/daimyo's inn/stronghold/
せんじん(n) battle array or formation/battlefield/
退たいじん (n) retreat/withdrawal/retirement/(P)/
西にしじんおり (n) Nishijin silk fabrics/Nishijin brocade/
たてし (n) man who teaches actors or actresses how to use swords/
陣をろんじんをはる (exp) to take a firm stand/to argue about/
ひつじん(n) (lineup of authors engaged in a) war of words/
しゅじんち main battle area/
ろんじん (n) argument/
けいえいじんthe management ranks/
たいじん (n) encampment/
まほうじん(n) magic square/
ほうどうじん(n) press corps/
の陣なつのじん summer battle/
いちじん (n) a gust of wind/vanguard/
とうしゅじん(n) pitching staff/
陣のいちじんのかぜgust of wind/
たんじゅうじん single column (in marching)/
じゅうじん (n) (military) column/
ないじん (n) inner temple/shrine/sanctuary/
ほうじん (n) square formation/magic square/
せんじん (n) vanguard/advance guard/
西にしじん (n) district in Kyoto/
たて (n) sword battle/
ある退めいよあるたいじん honorable withdrawal/honorable retreat/
せんじんあらそい (n) competition (rivalry) to first (e.g. rider in a charge)/
てきじん(n) enemy camp or line/