場合を除き | ばあいをのぞき
| excluding the case when/when not/ |
控除額 | こうじょがく | (n) amount deducted (from)/deduction
(from)/abatement/ |
集権排除 | しゅうけんはいじょ | decentralization/ |
大掃除 | おおそうじ | (n,vs) major cleanup/spring cleaning/(P)/ |
掃除機 | そうじき | vacuum cleaner/(P)/ |
別除権 | べつじょけん | (n) right of exclusion/ |
雪除け | ゆきよけ
| (n) snow fence/snowbreak/ |
跳ね除ける | はねのける
| (v1) to push aside/ |
汚染除去 | おせんじょきょ
| decontamination/ |
剪除 | せんじょ | (n,vs) cutting off/cut(ting) out/ |
波除け | なみよけ
| (n) sea wall/breakwater/ |
取り除く | とりのぞく
| (v5k) to remove/to take away/to set
apart/(P)/ |
厄除け | やくよけ | (n) warding off evil/ |
融除 | ゆうじょ
| ablation shield (rocket)/ |
掃除当番 | そうじとうばん
| (n) one's turn for doing the sweeping
(cleaning)/ |
煙突掃除夫 | えんとつそうじふ
| chimney sweeper (cleaner)/ |
芟除 | さんじょ | (n,vs) cutting away/ |
掃除器 | そうじき | vacuum cleaner/ |
後述の場合を除き | こうじゅつのばあいをのぞき | except as noted below/ |
扶養控除 | ふようこうじょ
| tax exemption for dependents/ |
弾除け | たまよけ
| (n) bulletproof/protection (or charm) against
bullets/ |
掃除 | そうじ | (n,vs) cleaning/sweeping/(P)/ |
掃除人 | そうじにん | janitor/cleaner/ |
掃除婦 | そうじふ | cleaning woman/(P)/ |
裾除け | すそよけ | (n) underskirt/ |
風除け | かぜよけ
| (n) windbreak/ |
廃除 | はいじょ
| (n) (legal) exclusion or removal/ |
日除け | ひよけ
| (n) sunshade/blind/ |
免除 | めんじょ
| (n)
exemption/exoneration/discharge/(P)/ |
掃き掃除 | はきそうじ
| (n) sweeping and cleaning/ |
撥ね除ける | はねのける | (v1) to brush or thrust aside/to remove/to get rid
of/ |
加除 | かじょ | (n) insertion and deletion/ |
防除 | ぼうじょ
| (n) pest control/extermination/ |
削除 | さくじょ
| (n,vs)
elimination/cancellation/deletion/erasure/(P)/ |
所得控除 | しょとくこうじょ
| income exemptions and deductions/ |
解除 | かいじょ
| (n,vs) cancellation/rescinding/release/calling
off/(P)/ |
課税控除 | かぜいこうじょ | exemption/ |
泥除け | どろよけ | (n) fender/mudguard/ |
真空掃除機 | しんくうそうじき | (n) vacuum cleaner/ |
控除 | こうじょ
| (n) subsidy/deduction/(P)/ |
名誉除隊 | めいよじょたい
| honorable discharge/ |
規制解除 | きせいかいじょ
| (n) deregulation/removal (easing) of (official)
restrictions/ |
基礎控除 | きそこうじょ | basic or standard deduction/ |
掃除 | そうじ
| cleaning, sweeping |
被除数 | ひじょすう | (n) dividend/ |
乗除 | じょうじょ | (n) multiplication and division/ |
毒除け | どくよけ
| (n) protection against poison/ |
虫除け | むしよけ
| (n) insecticide/insect repellent/ |
切り除ける | きりのける
| (v1) to cut off/to cut out/ |
拭き掃除 | ふきそうじ | (n) cleaning/scrubbing/ |
火除け | ひよけ
| (n) protection against fire/ |
剔除 | てきじょ | removal (in surgery)/ |
欠除 | けつじょ
| (vs) lusting/ |
整除 | せいじょ
| (n) exact division/ |
刈除 | がいじょ
| (vs) removal/cut off/mowing/ |
扣除 | こうじょ | (n) subtraction/(tax) deduction/ |
風除け | かざよけ
| (n) windbreak/ |
突き除ける | つきのける
| (v1) to thrust aside/ |
徴兵免除 | ちょうへいめんじょ
| draft exemption/ |
道路掃除人 | どうろそうじじん | street sweeper (person)/ |
払い除ける | はらいのける
| (v1) to ward off/to brush away/to fling off/to
drive away/ |
加減乗除 | かげんじょうじょ | (n) the four arithmetical operations/ |
駆除 | くじょ
| (n)
extermination/expulsion/destruction/(P)/ |
霜除け | しもよけ
| (n) covering which protects against
frost/ |
武装解除 | ぶそうかいじょ | disarmament/ |
性腺摘除 | せいせんてきじょ
| castration/ |
魔除け | まよけ
| (n) charm against evil
spirits/talisman/amulet/ |
刈除 | かいじょ | (vs) removal/cut off/mowing/ |
切除 | せつじょ
| (n,vs) cut off/cut out/ablation/ |
加除式 | かじょしき | looseleaf/ |
電気掃除機 | でんきそうじき
| (n) electric vacuum cleaner/ |
排除 | はいじょ
| (n,vs)
exclusion/removal/rejection/(P)/ |