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Kanji: Radical: (ぎふのふ) : ジョ、ジ; のぞ(く); exclude
Joyo grade: 6 Stroke count: 10 Index in Nelson dictionary: 4993 Index in Halpern dictionary: 456
Japanese Reading English
を除きばあいをのぞき excluding the case when/when not/
こうじょがく(n) amount deducted (from)/deduction (from)/abatement/
おおそうじ(n,vs) major cleanup/spring cleaning/(P)/
そうじきvacuum cleaner/(P)/
べつじょけん(n) right of exclusion/
除けゆきよけ (n) snow fence/snowbreak/
ね除けるはねのける (v1) to push aside/
おせんじょきょ decontamination/
剪除せんじょ(n,vs) cutting off/cut(ting) out/
除けなみよけ (n) sea wall/breakwater/
り除くとりのぞく (v5k) to remove/to take away/to set apart/(P)/
除けやくよけ(n) warding off evil/
ゆうじょ ablation shield (rocket)/
そうじとうばん (n) one's turn for doing the sweeping (cleaning)/
えんとつそうじふ chimney sweeper (cleaner)/
芟除さんじょ(n,vs) cutting away/
そうじきvacuum cleaner/
を除きこうじゅつのばあいをのぞきexcept as noted below/
ふようこうじょ tax exemption for dependents/
除けたまよけ (n) bulletproof/protection (or charm) against bullets/
そうじ(n,vs) cleaning/sweeping/(P)/
そうじふcleaning woman/(P)/
裾除けすそよけ(n) underskirt/
除けかぜよけ (n) windbreak/
はいじょ (n) (legal) exclusion or removal/
除けひよけ (n) sunshade/blind/
めんじょ (n) exemption/exoneration/discharge/(P)/
はきそうじ (n) sweeping and cleaning/
撥ね除けるはねのける(v1) to brush or thrust aside/to remove/to get rid of/
かじょ(n) insertion and deletion/
ぼうじょ (n) pest control/extermination/
さくじょ (n,vs) elimination/cancellation/deletion/erasure/(P)/
しょとくこうじょ income exemptions and deductions/
かいじょ (n,vs) cancellation/rescinding/release/calling off/(P)/
除けどろよけ(n) fender/mudguard/
しんくうそうじき(n) vacuum cleaner/
こうじょ (n) subsidy/deduction/(P)/
めいよじょたい honorable discharge/
きせいかいじょ (n) deregulation/removal (easing) of (official) restrictions/
きそこうじょbasic or standard deduction/
そうじ cleaning, sweeping
ひじょすう(n) dividend/
じょうじょ(n) multiplication and division/
除けどくよけ (n) protection against poison/
除けむしよけ (n) insecticide/insect repellent/
り除けるきりのける (v1) to cut off/to cut out/
拭きふきそうじ(n) cleaning/scrubbing/
除けひよけ (n) protection against fire/
剔除てきじょremoval (in surgery)/
けつじょ (vs) lusting/
せいじょ (n) exact division/
がいじょ (vs) removal/cut off/mowing/
扣除こうじょ(n) subtraction/(tax) deduction/
除けかざよけ (n) windbreak/
き除けるつきのける (v1) to thrust aside/
ちょうへいめんじょ draft exemption/
どうろそうじじんstreet sweeper (person)/
い除けるはらいのける (v1) to ward off/to brush away/to fling off/to drive away/
かげんじょうじょ(n) the four arithmetical operations/
くじょ (n) extermination/expulsion/destruction/(P)/
除けしもよけ (n) covering which protects against frost/
せいせんてきじょ castration/
除けまよけ (n) charm against evil spirits/talisman/amulet/
かいじょ(vs) removal/cut off/mowing/
せつじょ (n,vs) cut off/cut out/ablation/
でんきそうじき (n) electric vacuum cleaner/
はいじょ (n,vs) exclusion/removal/rejection/(P)/