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Kanji: Radical: (ふるとり) : シュウ; あつ(まる)、あつ(める)、つど(う); collect
Joyo grade: 3 Stroke count: 12 Index in Nelson dictionary: 5031 Index in Halpern dictionary: 2771
Japanese Reading English
じんこうみっしゅうりつ population density (said of a crowded area)/
たんぺんしゅう (n) collection of short stories/collected short stories/
し集めるめしあつめる(v1) to call together/
せんしゅう (n) selection/
でんどうしゅうかい evangelistic meeting/
さんしゅう (n) assembling (of people)/
ずいひつしゅう(n) collection of literary jottings (essays)/
くうしゅうごう (n) empty set/null set/
しょうしゅう (n,vs) calling together (e.g. parliament)/(P)/
ぜんたいしゅうごう(mathematical) universal set/
へんしゅうしeditorial-staff member/
蝟集いしゅう(n,vs) swarm/throng/flock together/
しゅうしゅう (n,vs) gathering up/collection/accumulation/(P)/
り集まるよりあつまる(v5r) to gather together/(P)/
譚集みんだんしゅう collection of folk stories/
ぼしゅうひrecruiting expenses/
たんきしゅうちゅうこう ざ(n) short, intensive course/
へんしゅうきのう editing capability/
りごうしゅうさん (n) alliance and rupture/
しかしゅう(n) private or personal collection (of poetry)/
しゅうしゅう(n,vs) gathering up/collection/accumulation/
ぼしゅうだん (n) population (statistics)/parent set/
しょかんしゅう collection of letters/collected letters/
しょうしゅうれい (n) mustering-out order/callup/
きねんろんぶんしゅう(n) essays (contributed) in celebration of something)/
とくしゅうきじspecial feature article/
しゃしんしゅうcollection of photographs/
いしゅう collection of writings by the deceased/
掻き集めるかきあつめる(v1) to gather up/to scrape up together/
い集めるひろいあつめる(v1) to gather/
ちょうだいきぼしゅうせ きかいろ(n) VLSI/very large-scale integration/
い集めるかいあつめる(v1) to buy up/
だいきぼしゅうせきかいろ(n) LSI/large-scale integration/
えいじしゅうごう alphabetic character set/
ぼしゅうじんいん number of people to be admitted or accepted/
き集めるはきあつめる(v1) to sweep up together/
しゅうしゅうま collecting maniac/
けっしゅう (n) concentration/regimentation/
れ集まるむれあつまる (v5) to gather in large groups/
り集めるかりあつめる (v1) to borrow money/to call for loans/
かしゅう(n) anthology/book of poetry/
せ集めるよせあつめる (v1) to put together/to gather/to collect/to scrape together/
しゅうしゅうか (n) collector/
ぐんしゅう (n) (social) group/crowd/throng/mob/multitude/(P)/
うんしゅう(n) swarm/throng/
しかしゅう(n) anthology (of poems)/florilegium/
ろんしゅう (n) treatise or essay collection/
ぼしゅうこうこく recruitment advertisement/
しょうしゅうれいじょう (n) draft papers/callup notice/
ぼしゅう (n,vs) recruiting/taking applications/(P)/
ぎょうしゅうりょく (n) cohesive power/
き集めるかきあつめる (v1) to collect (writings)/
ししゅう (n) poetry anthology/(P)/
ぶそうしゅうだん armed group/
ちゅうおうしゅうけん centralized authoritarian rule/
とくしゅうごうspecial number/
だいいっしゅうfirst series/
しょうしゅう(n,vs) calling or convening (a meeting, assembly, congress)/
しゃしんしゅうa photograph collection
くしゅう (n) collection of haiku poems/
ぐんしゅうしんり (n) mass or mob psychology/
へんしゅうきょく(n) editorial office (board)/
むげんしゅうごう infinite set/
しょうひんしゅう(n) collection of literary sketches/sketch book/
集めきってあつめ stamp collecting/
せつようしゅう(n) a Muromachi era Japanese dictionary/
ゆうげんしゅうごう (n) finite set/
ちゅうおうしゅうけんかcentralization of power/
こんちゅうさいしゅう insect collecting/(P)/
り集めるとりあつめる (v1) to gather/to collect/
ししゅう booklet of essays/magazine/
まんようしゅう(n) Manyoushuu (famous 8thC poetry)/Japan's oldest anthology of poems/(P)/
かいしゅうごう (n) set of solutions/open set/
り集めるかりあつめる (v1) to round up/to mobilize/
集りひとだかり (n) crowd/throng/
とくしゅう (n) feature (e.g. newspaper)/special edition/report/(P)/
ぐんしゅうこうどうcrowd behavior/
せ集めよせあつめ (n) mish-mash/miscellany/medley/odds and ends/(P)/
へんしゅうしゃ editor (in publishing, etc.)/
たんごしゅうword book/
へんしゅう(n,vs) editing/compilation/editorial (e.g. committee)/(P)/
ぶんしゅう(n) anthology/
ちょくせんしゅう emperor-sponsored anthology/
び集めるよびあつめる (v1) to call together/to convene/
り集めるかりあつめる to gather/to muster/
みっしゅう (n,vs) crowd/close formation/dense/(P)/
ひじょうこしゅうspecial call-up/
へんしゅうぶeditorial department/
しゅりょうさいしゅうみんhunters and gatherers/
かしゅう (n) poet's poetical works/
さいしゅう (n) collecting/gathering/(P)/
ちょうちょうだいきぼしゅうせきかいろ ULSI/ultra large-scale integration/
がしゅう(n) book of paintings in print/
ぜんしゅう (n) complete works/(P)/
ふほうしゅうかい unlawful assembly/
ふごうかもじしゅうごうcoded character set/
ゴミ集ゴミしゅうせきじょう village garbage collection point/
撰集ちょくせんしゅう (n) imperial-commissioned poem anthology/
しょうしゅうしゃ convenor/
ちょうちょうだいきぼ しゅうせきかいろULSI/ultra large-scale integration/
蒐集しゅうしゅう(n,vs) gathering up/collection/accumulation/
ひじょうしょうしゅうemergency summons/
へんしゅうしゅかん (n) editor in chief/
しょくぶつさいしゅう plant collecting/
ぎょうしゅう (n) cohesion/condensation/
しんようしゅうcollection of mythology/
しんぶぶんしゅうごうproper subset/
ちょうしゅう(n,vs) levying/recruitment/
ちしきしゅうやくがたさ んぎょうa knowledge-intensive industry/