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Kanji: Radical: (あめ) : ; あめ、あま; rain
Joyo grade: 1 Stroke count: 8 Index in Nelson dictionary: 5042 Index in Halpern dictionary: 3561
Japanese Reading English
だんう(n) hail of bullets/
えんう (n) misty, fine or drizzling rain/
り雨とおりあめ (n) shower/
とうう (n) winter rain/freezing rain/
しゅうちゅうごうう local downpour/severe rain fall/
ほうしゃのうあめ (n) radioactive rain/
糠雨こぬかあめ (n) light or fine rain/
かいう rainfall of a strange, dark color/whirlwinds accompanied by rain which also drops strange objects such as fish/
にわか雨にわかあめ(n) rain shower/(P)/
じう (n) beneficial rain/
はくう (n) rain shower/
じゅうう refreshing rain once in ten days/
つゆあけ(n) the end of the rainy season/(P)/
糠雨ぬかあめ(n) a drizzle/
はるさめ(n) spring rain/bean-jelly sticks/noodles made from beans/
せいうけい (n) barometer/
ごうう (n) heavy rain/cloudburst/downpour/(P)/
むらさめ(n) a passing shower/
さつきあめ(n) early summer rain/
ながあめ (n) long spell of rain/
しぐれ (n) drizzle/shower in late autumn or early winter/(P)/
こううりょう (n) amount of rainfall/(P)/
なみだあめ (n) light rain/rain falling at a time of sadness/
れいう(n) chilly rain/
黴 雨ばいう(n) rainy season/rain during the rainy season/
さいう(n) drizzle/misty rain/
俄か雨にわかあめ(n) rain shower/
俄 雨にわかあめ(n) rain shower/(P)/
淫雨いんう(n) prolonged rain which damages crops/
からつゆ (n) (unusually) dry rainy season/rainless tsuyu/
せいこううどく(n) working in the field in fine weather and reading at home in rainy weather/living in quiet retirement dividing time between work and intellectual pursuits/
さみだれ (n) early summer rain/
り雨てりあめ (n) sunshower/
さんせいう(n) acid rain/
雨のふううのか disaster caused by wind and rain/
ぼうふうう(n) storm/(P)/
きりさめ(n) drizzle/light rain/(P)/
り雨ひでりあめ(n) sunshower/
ふうう(n) wind and rain/(P)/
あきさめぜんせん (n) autumn rain front/
せみしぐれ(n) outburst of cricket chirping/
たう (n) heavy rain/
ほうえんだんう the smoke of guns and a rain of bullets or shells/
おおあめ(n) heavy rain/(P)/
こうう (n) rainfall/rain/
りょうう (n) cool rain/
おおあめちゅういほうstorm warning/
やうnight rain/
じょうろ (ateji) (n) (uk) watering can/watering pot/sprinkling can/
りゅうせいう (n) meteor shower/
しゅんう (n) spring rain/bean-jelly sticks/noodles made from beans/
あきさめ(n) autumn rain/
つゆいり(n) beginning of the rainy season/(P)/
じんこううartificial rain/
じんこうこうう artificial rain/
はれいちじこさめclear, with brief light rain/
の雨ちのあめ (exp) bloodshed/
ひとあめ (n) shower/rainfall/
けいう (n) welcome rain/
ばいうぜんせん seasonal rain front/
じょろ(ateji) (n) (uk) watering can/watering pot/sprinkling can/
驟雨しゅうう(n) sudden shower/
つゆぞら (n) overcast sky in the rainy season/
つゆ(n) rainy season/rain during the rainy season/(P)/
ひさめ(n) hail/chilly chilly rain/
なたねづゆ (n) long spell of rain in early spring/
じう(n) welcome (beneficial) rain/(P)/
はるさめ spring rain; starch noodles
はれのちあめclear then rain/
らいう (n) thunderstorm/(P)/
びう (n) light rain/a drizzle/
つゆばれ(n) sunny spell during rainy season/
むらしぐれ(n) autumn shower/
ごううかflood devastation/
叢雨むらさめ(n) passing shower/
こくふうはくう sudden rain shower in a dust storm/
りょくう(n) early-summer rain/
せいう (n) (clear or rainy) weather/
ばいう (n) rainy season/rain during the rainy season/(P)/
こううりん rainforest/
こさめ (n) light rain/drizzle/(P)/
ばいうきrainy season/