螢雪 | けいせつ | diligent study/ |
万年雪 | まんねんゆき | (n) perpetual snow/ |
除雪車 | じょせつしゃ | (n) snow-plow/ |
大雪 | たいせつ | (n) heavy snow/ |
人工雪 | じんこうゆき | (n) artificial snow/ |
粉雪 | こゆき
| (n) powdered snow/ |
薄雪 | うすゆき
| (n) light snowfall/ |
新雪 | しんせつ
| (n) new snow/(P)/ |
眉雪 | びせつ | (n) snow-white eyebrows/ |
白雪 | しらゆき
| (n) white snow/ |
大雪 | おおゆき
| (n) heavy snow/(P)/ |
着雪 | ちゃくせつ
| (n) accretion of snow/ |
粉雪 | こなゆき
| (n) powdered snow/ |
初雪 | はつゆき
| (n) first snow (of season)/(P)/ |
蛍雪の功 | けいせつのこう | the fruit of diligent study/(P)/ |
降雪量 | こうせつりょう | (n) amount of snowfall/ |
深雪 | しんせつ
| (n) deep snow/ |
風雪 | ふうせつ
| (n) wind and
snow/snowstorm/hardships/ |
氷雪 | ひょうせつ | (n) ice and snow/ |
暮雪 | ぼせつ
| (n) twilight snowfall/ |
薄雪草 | うすゆきそう | (n) type of flowering, high-altitude
perennial/ |
白雪姫 | しらゆきひめ
| Snow White/ |
雨混じりの雪 | あめまじりのゆき | snow mingled with rain/ |
除雪 | じょせつ
| (n) snow removal/ |
細雪 | ささめゆき
| (n) light snow fall/small snow
flakes/ |
粗目雪 | ざらめゆき
| (n) corn or granular snow/ |
蛍雪 | けいせつ
| (n) diligence in studying (e.g., continue to
study even in such poor light as offered by a firefly or that reflected by
snow)/ |
積雪量 | せきせつりょう
| snowfall/ |
表層雪崩 | ひょうそうなだれ
| surface avalanche/ |
冠雪 | かんせつ
| snow-capped peak/ |
豪雪地帯 | ごうせつちたい
| (n) area of heavy snowfall/ |
花吹雪 | はなふぶき | (n) falling cherry blossoms/ |
大雪 | おおゆき
| a heavy snow |
防雪林 | ぼうせつりん | (n) snowbreak (forest)/ |
降雪 | こうせつ
| (n) snowfall/snow/ |
積雪量 | せきせつりょう | snowfall |
紙吹雪 | かみふぶき
| (n) confetti/ticker tape/ |
小雪 | こゆき
| (n) light snow/ |
白雪 | はくせつ
| (n) white snow/ |
綿雪 | わたゆき
| (n) large snowflakes/ |
防雪 | ぼうせつ
| (n) anti-snow (device or facility or
measure)/ |
深雪 | みゆき | (n) deep snow/ |
淡雪 | あわゆき | (n) light snowfall/(P)/ |
吹雪 | ふぶき
| (n) snow storm/(P)/ |
霜雪 | そうせつ
| (n) frost and snow/ |
地吹雪 | じふぶき | (n) snow blown up from the ground/ |
雨後雪 | あめのちゆき | rain then snow/ |
豪雪 | ごうせつ
| (n) tremendous snowfall/ |
人雪崩 | ひとなだれ | (n) surging crowd/ |
排雪 | はいせつ
| (n) removal of snow/ |
残雪 | ざんせつ
| (n) remaining snow/lingering snow/ |
牡丹雪 | ぼたんゆき | (n) large snowflakes/ |
猛吹雪 | もうふぶき | furious snowstorm/ |
積雪 | せきせつ
| (n) fallen snow/(P)/ |
根雪 | ねゆき
| (n) lingering snow/ |
融雪 | ゆうせつ
| (n) melted snow/melting of snow/ |