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Kanji: Radical: (あめ) : ライ; かみなり; thunder
Joyo grade: 8 Stroke count: 13 Index in Nelson dictionary: 5049 Index in Halpern dictionary: 2791
Japanese Reading English
じらいげん minefield/
ぎょらい (n) torpedo/(P)/
きらい (n) (sea) mine/
ひゃくらい (n) hundred thunderclaps/
雷にあうらくらいにあう (v5) to be struck by lightning/
ひらいしん(n) lightning rod/(P)/
ぎょらいはっしゃかん(n) torpedo tube/
じらいか(n) (land) mine/
ばくらい (n) depth charge/
じしんかみなりかじおやじ(n) earthquakes, thunder, fires, fathers (this proverb compares the traditional Japanese father with other things which are generally feared)/
すいらい(n) (sea) mine/
ねつらい (n) heat thunderstorm/
しゅうらい lightning strike/
じんらい (n) thunderclap/(P)/
ふわらいどう (n) following blindly/
ぎょらい torpedo
てんらい (n) thunder/
しゅんらい (n) spring thunder/
ぎょらいてい(n) torpedo boat/
しかけじらい booby trap/
らくらい(n) thunderbolt/bolt of lightning/(P)/
えんらい (n) distant thunder/
ばんらい (n) heavy thunder/
じんこうらいartificial lightning/
すいらいてい(n) torpedo boat/
ふわらいどう (n) following blindly/following suit without reflection/
しっぷうじんらい(n) with lightning speed/
じらい (n) land mine/(P)/