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Kanji: Radical: (あめ) : シン; ふる(う)、ふる(える); shudder
Joyo grade: 8 Stroke count: 15 Index in Nelson dictionary: 5055 Index in Halpern dictionary: 2806
Japanese Reading English
じしんは (n) seismic wave/
はんしんだいしんさいGreat Hanshin Earthquake (Jan 1995)/
じしんたい(n) earthquake zone/earthquake belt/
たいしんこうぞう earthquake-resistant construction/
じしんちたい (n) seismic part (zone, belt)/
げきしん (n) severe earthquake/
震のじしんのしるしsigns of an earthquake/
かんとうだいしんさい(n) Great Kanto earthquake of 1923/
じしんがく(n) seismology/
震いみぶるい (n) shivering/trembling/shuddering/(P)/
びしん(n) slight earthquake/
じんこうじしん artificial earthquake/
震盪のうしんとう (n) cerebral concussion/
じしんよち earthquake prediction/
震いどうぶるい (n) shivering/
よしん (n) preliminary tremor/
よしん (n) aftershock/
ちょっかがたじしん(n) earthquake which hits directly above its epicenter/
たいしんせい (adj-no) earthquake-proof/
じしんがくしゃ seismologist/
ぐんぱつじしん swarm earthquakes/
ちゅうしん (n) moderate earthquake/
じしんかみなりかじおやじ(n) earthquakes, thunder, fires, fathers (this proverb compares the traditional Japanese father with other things which are generally feared)/
ゆうかんじしん(n) earthquake large enough to feel/
ひょうしん ice quake/
じしんたんこう seismic mineral exploration/
だいしんさい(n) great earthquake (disaster)/
ほんしん (n) main shock (of an earthquake)/
震いむしゃぶるい(n,vs) shaking with excitement/
じゃくしん (n) mild earthquake/
たいしんかおく earthquake-resistant buildings/
じしんこく(n) quake-prone country/
じしんけい(n) seismograph/seismometer/
かいていじしん submarine earthquake/
かんたいへいようじしんたい(n) circum-Pacific seismic zone/
おおじしん(n) major earthquake/
たいしん (n) resistant to earthquakes/
きょうしん (n) severe earthquake/
けいしん (n) weak earthquake/
れっしん (n) disastrous earthquake/(P)/
げきしん (n) severe earthquake/
だいじしん(n) major earthquake/
じしん (n) earthquake/(P)/