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Kanji: Radical: (あめ) : レイ、リョウ; たま; spirit
Joyo grade: 8 Stroke count: 15 Index in Nelson dictionary: 5056 Index in Halpern dictionary: 2805
Japanese Reading English
せいれい(n) the holy ghost/(P)/
そうれい poltergeist/
ちゅうれいとう(n) monument to the faithful who died in battle/
ごれいぜん (n) "before the spirit of the deceased" (written on the condolence-money envelope)/
殿こうれいでん(n) shrine of imperial ancestors/
しんれいげんしょう psychic phenomenon/
の霊をそせんのれいをまつる (exp) to perform religious services for the departed souls of one's ancestors/
ぜんれいspirit of goodness/
いれいさい(n) memorial service/(P)/
こくじんれいか (n) Negro spiritual/
ぜんしんぜんれい (n) complete devotion/body and soul/one's best/
しゅごれい guardian spirit/
ふなゆうれい(n) marine spirits/
みたましろ(n) something worshiped as a symbol for the spirit of the dead/
あくりょう(n) evil spirit/
しれい (n) spirit of a dead person/ghost/departed soul/
怨霊おんりょう(n) revengeful ghost/apparition/
ぜんれい(n) one's whole soul/
しんれい (n) spirit/
みたま(n) spirit of a deceased person/
ふなだま (n) guardian deity of a ship/
しんれいてじゅつ psychic surgery/
せいれいこうりんさい(n) (the feast of) Pentecost/
えいれい (n) spirits of war dead/great men/
ゆうれい (n) ghost/specter/apparition/phantom/(P)/
こだま(n) echo/the spirit of a tree/
ちれい (n) spirit residing in the ground/
ゆうれいがいしゃ bogus company/
ことだま (n) soul or power of language/
ゆうれいばなしghost story/
ゆうれいせん phantom ship/
せいれいしんこう animism/
ぼうれい (n) ghost/the dead/departed spirits/apparition/(P)/
こうれいじゅつ (n) spiritism/spiritualism/
しんれいじゅつ(n) spiritualism/
いれい (n) comfort the spirit (of the dead)/
ごうどういれいさい joint service for the war dead/
しょうりょう (n) (Buddhism) spirit of the deceased/
こうれい(n) communication with the dead/
ようれい literary term for the sun/
き霊いきりょう (n) vengeful spirit/
ゆうれいかぶ(n) watered stock/bogus shares/
みたまや(n) mausoleum/
ちゅうれい(n) the loyal dead/
しょうりょうながし(n) floating lanterns or offerings for the spirits of the deceased/
しりょう(n) spirit of a dead person/ghost/departed soul/
いれいとう memorial tower/
せいれい (n) spirit/soul/ghost/
の霊ばんぶつのれいちょう the lord of creation/man/mankind/(P)/
しんれい(n) divine spirit/
あくれい (n) evil spirit/
さんれい (n) a mountain's guardian deity/
ゆうれいじんこう ghost population/
ゆうれいやしき haunted house/