是非 | ぜひ | (adv,n) certainly/without fail/(P)/ |
理非 | りひ
| (n) judgement of right and wrong/ |
検非違使 | けびいし
| (n) statutory office in the Heian and Kamakura
periods/ |
似非理屈 | えせりくつ | sophistry/ |
是非共 | ぜひとも
| (adv) by all means (with sense of not taking
"no" for an answer)/ |
似非笑い | えせわらい
| (n) smirk/affected smile/ |
似非者 | えせもの | (n)
sham/fraud/counterfeit/impostor/pretender/ |
理が非でも | りがひでも
| (adv) by fair means or foul/right or
wrong/ |
我々に向けられた非難 | われわれにむけられたひなん | criticism leveled against us/ |
似非 | えせ
| (adj-na,n,pref)
false/would-be/sham/pretended/mock/spurious/pseudo/quasi/ |
前非 | ぜんぴ
| (n) post folly/past sin/ |
人非人 | にんぴにん | (n) brute of a man/ |
是是非非主義 | ぜぜひひしゅぎ | principle of being fair and just/fair and unbiased
policy/ |
似非事 | えせごと
| laughable affair/unlaudable affair/something
unreliable/ |
似て非なる | にてひなる | (exp) falsely similar/counterfeit/ |
是が非でも | ぜがひでも
| (adv,exp) rightly or wrongly/by all possible
means/ |
我我に向けられた非難 | われわれにむけられたひなん | criticism leveled against us/ |
是々非々 | ぜぜひひ
| (n) (ruling or judging) what's right is right
and what's wrong is wrong/fair and just (policy,
principle)/clear-cut/(P)/ |
浅学非才 | せんがくひさい | one's lack of learning or ability/ |
是か非か | ぜかひか
| right or wrong/ |
是是非非 | ぜぜひひ | (n) (ruling or judging) what's right is right and what's
wrong is wrong/fair and just (policy, principle)/clear-cut/ |
先非 | せんぴ
| (n) past sin/past folly/ |
然に非ず | さにあらず
| (exp) not so/ |
似非親 | えせおや | (n) distant disinterested parent/ |
理非曲直 | りひきょくちょく
| the rights and wrongs (of a case)/ |
似而非 | えせ
| (adj-na,n) false/pseudo-/ |
昨非今是 | さくひこんぜ
| (n) complete reversal of values or ways of
thinking/ |
是非とも | ぜひとも | (adv) by all means (with sense of not taking "no" for an
answer)/(P)/ |