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Kanji: Radical: (めん) : メン; おも、おもて、つら; face
Joyo grade: 3 Stroke count: 9 Index in Nelson dictionary: 5087 Index in Halpern dictionary: 2087
Japanese Reading English
ちょうぶんめん hypertext/
きしょくまんめん be all smiles with joy/
ためん (n-adv,n-t) the other side/another direction/(on) the other hand/(P)/
きょくめん(n) curved surface/
かいめん (n) interface/
みなも (n) water's surface/
ぶっちょうづら(n) sour look/
だんめんず (n) a view in cross section/
そうめん (n) surface of a wound/
ぜんめんてき(adj-na) all-out/general/over-all/complete/extensive/full-scale/(P)/
はいめんひこう (n) inverted flight/
せんしきめん(n) ruled surface/
覿面てんばつてきめん(n) the certainty of divine punishment/Swift is Heaven's vengeance/
ひゃくめんそう (n) life's many phases/
ごめんそう(n) frightful face/
しょうめんむきfront view/
ほうめん(n) direction/district/field (e.g., of study)/(P)/
そくめん(n) side/flank/sidelight/lateral/(P)/
がんめん the front page of an application blank/
りめん(n) back/reverse/other side/inside/tails (of coins)/background/
げつめんlunar surface
しめんたい (n) tetrahedron/
ふまじめ (adj-na,n) unsteadiness/lack of sincerity/
かめん(n) mask/disguise/(P)/
せんめんき(n) wash basin/(P)/
き面に蜂なきつらにはち (exp,n) misfortunes seldom come alone/it rains, but it pours/
ひょうめん(n) surface/outside/face/appearance/(P)/
いちめんかん(n) one-sided view/
面玲瓏はちめんれいろう (n) beautiful from all sides/perfect serenity/affability/
へきめん(n) surface of a wall/
ばめん (n) scene/setting (e.g. of novel)/(P)/
しょうめんず (n) front elevation/
かわづら (n) river surface/
ひょうめんせき(n) surface area/
しめん (n) four sides/all sides/
の面わうどくしょのおもしろ みをあじわう(exp) to appreciate the pleasures of reading/
痕面あばたずらpockmarked face/
がいめん (n) exterior/surface/outward appearance/(P)/
れっ面ふくれっつら(n) sullen look/sulky look (face)/
覿面こうかてきめんbring an immediate result on/have an instant effect on/
ぎじゅつめん technical side/
しかくしめん (adj-na,n) square/formal/
かいめん (n) sea level/(surface of) sea/(P)/
しちめんちょう (n) turkey/
たほうめん(adj-na,n) many-sided/multifarious/versatility/
ちゅうめん(n) cylindrical surface/
ゆかめんせき(n) floor space/
そくめんず(n) side view/
まじめくさる(v5r) to pretend to be earnest/
きめん (n) mask of a devil/startling appearance/devil's face/
こうしめん lattice plane/
の面みずのおも surface of the water/face of the water/
ばんめん(n) surface of a board or record/
面にやおもてにたつ(v5) to bear the full brunt of/
じめん (n) impression derived from or appearance of kanji/face/appearance of written words/
きめんでんしん of a fearsome countenance, but kind as a Buddha/
うまづら(n) Black Scraper (fish)/
びぶんだんめん differential cross section (physics)/
のうめん(n) Noh mask/(P)/
きまじめ (adj-na,n) too serious/person who is too serious/honesty/sincerity/
えきめん(n) liquid surface/
ぜんめんこうこく (n) full page advertisement/
ないめんびょうしゃ psychological depiction of a literary character/
へいめんけい plane figure/
ひょうめんじょうon the surface/ostensible/
はんめん (n-adv,n) on the other hand/(P)/
とくいまんめん (adj-na,n) triumphant air/
せいためんたい (n) regular polyhedron/
ほうめんたい(n) army/
しぶづら(n) grimace/sullen face/(P)/
はんめんきょうし a bad example from which one can learn/
きちょうめん(adj-na,n,vs) methodical/punctual/steady/(P)/
がんめん(n) face (of person)/(P)/
まんめん (n-adv,n-t) (the) whole face/(P)/
まじめ(adj-na,n) diligent/serious/honest/(P)/
り面くないあまりおもしろくないnot very interesting/
ぜんめんきんし complete prohibition/
ちへいめん(n) horizontal plane/
りょうめん (n) both sides/two sides/(P)/
めいばめんfamous (impressive) scene/
ほくめん (n) north face/north side/the north/facing north/
ためんてき (adj-na) multifaceted/versatile/
へいめんきょう(n) plane mirror/
はちめん (n) eight faces/all sides/
はなづら (n) muzzle/snout/
がめん (n) terminal screen/scene/picture/the field (in TV)/photo/(P)/
面楚しめんそか (n) be surrounded by enemies on all sides/be betrayed (forsaken) by everybody/
かいめんかっせいざい (n) surfactant/
ぼうどくめん(n) gas mask/
面にたほうめんに at many levels/
面するとうめんする (vs) to confront (an issue)/to face/
せきめんきょうふしょう erythrophobia/
はちめんたい(n) octrahedron/
りょうめんずりprinting on both sides/
ずめん (n) drawing/diagram/plans/blueprint/
ぜんめん(n) whole surface/entire/
さんめんろっぴ(n) rush of business/versatility/man who can do the work of many/
ちゅうりつめん neutral plane/
ろめん (n) road surface/
たいめん (n) interview/meeting/(P)/
しんめんもく(n) one's true character/oneself/seriousness/earnestness/
たいめんこうつう walking so that one faces oncoming traffic/
髭面ひげづら(n) bearded or unshaven face/
こがめん sub-screen/
ぜんめんこうわ overall peace treaty/
ためんかく(n) polyhedral angle/
かためん (n) one side/
きゅうめんきょう(n) spherical mirror/
ためんせい(n) various facets (aspects)/
せんめんだい(n) washbasin/washstand/
しゃかいめん (n) society or local news page/
おやがめんmain screen/
ひょうめんてき (adj-na) on the surface/
面面ちょうめんづら (n) accounts/
ひょうめんちょうりょく (n) surface tension/
の面みずのおもて surface of the water/face of the water/
かめんげき (n) masque/
ひょうめんか(n,vs) coming to a head/becoming an issue/breaking/
ひょうめんice surface/
ふめんぼく (adj-na,n) shame/disgrace/
はんめん (n) half the face/one side/half/the other side/the reverse/the contrary/(P)/
きゅうめんさんかくほう spherical trigonometry/
ちょうめん (n) note book/account book/(P)/
とうめん (adj-no,n-adv,n-t) urgent/pressing/impending/
の面おきなのめんold mans mask/
はくめん(n) fair complexion/face without makeup/inexperience/
き面なきつら(n) tearful face/
しょうめんしょうとつ (n) head-on collision/(P)/
きゅうめん (n) spherical surface/
ないめん(n) inside/interior/(P)/
へいめんこうさ (n) grade crossing/level crossing/
こめん (n) lake surface/(P)/
ましょうめん(n) directly opposite/right in front/
面をずめんをひく(exp) to draw a plan/
面を掠めるすいめんをか すめる(exp) to skim over the water/
ぜんめん (n) front part/frontage/facade/
だんめん (n) cross section/
面にはんめんに on the other hand/
せきめん (n) blush/(P)/
しょめんしんり documentary examination/
おうだんめん (n) cross section/
せんめん (n,vs) wash up (one's face)/have a wash/(P)/
ないめんてき (adj-na) inner/internal/inside/
せんめんじょ(n) washroom/bathroom/(P)/
ほうめん direction
うめん right side/
へいめん (n) level surface/plane/(P)/
ぶめん (n) phase/
面にいているちょうめんについている(exp) to be written (entered) in a book/
じゅういちめんかんぜお ん11-faced Goddess of Mercy/
覿面てきめん(adj-na,n) immediacy/instantaneousness/promptness/
いちめんしき(n) a passing acquaintance/
すいめんか(adj-no) underwater/
っ面よこっつら (n) side of face/
しんめんもく(n) true character/seriousness/
しんめんぼく(n) true character/seriousness/
がくめんわれ(n) drop below par/
はいめんとび(n) Fosbury-back flop/backward jump/
ろくめんたい(n) hexahedron/
せつだんめんtransverse section/
へいめんずけい plane figure/
こうゆうすいめん public waters/
じょうめん (n) surface/appearances/top/exterior/
しんせいめん (n) a new phase or aspect/
うちづら (n) the face one presents at home/
かくめん (n) all phases/
とうめん (n) facing the east/east face/east side/the east/
そくめんかん (n) side view/
いんめん (n) face of a seal/
狐の面きつねのめんmask of the fox/
じづら (n) impression derived from or appearance of kanji/face/appearance of written words/
がくめん (n) face value/par/(P)/
くめん (n,vs) contrivance/raising (money)/
しちめんどう (adj-na,n) great trouble/difficulty/
しょたいめん (n) first meeting/first interview with/
いちばめん one scene (in play)/
よこつら (n) side of face/
にんめんじゅうしん (n) beast in human form/
じめん (n) ground/earth's surface/(P)/
りめんこうさく string-pulling/
うわつら (n) surface/appearances/top/exterior/
じゅうめん(n) grimace/sullen face/(P)/
けんめん (n) the face of a bond, draft or certificate/
きゅうめんきかがく spherical geometry/
はめん (n) wave surface/wave front/
ふくめん (n) mask/veil/disguise/(P)/
さんめんきじ human interest article/page-three news/police news/
すめん(adj-no,n) (1) (uk) sober/(2) sober face/
へいめんず(n) ground plan/plane figure/
おうめん (n) concavity/
はんめんしき(n) slight acquaintance/
きょくめん (n) checkerboard/aspect/situation/
臆面もなくおくめんもなく(adv) boldly/audaciously/impudently/unashamedly/unabashedly/
いんめん (n) hidden surface/
ぜんめんせんそう total war/all-out war/
ちひょうめん(n) ground surface/
鹿ばかづら(n) foolish face/stupid look on one's face/
なんめん (n,vs) (1) south face/south side/the south/facing the south/(2) ascending the throne/ruling/
てつめんぴ(adj-na,n) impudence/
せつだんめん(n) section (in drawing)/
まっしょうめん(n) directly opposite/right in front/
あんこくめん(n) the dark or seamy side/
まとも (adj-na,n) (uk) front/honesty/uprightness/direct/
けいしゃめん inclined plane/slope/
そとづら (n) exterior/surface/outward appearance/
ポテンシャル面とうポテンシャルめん equipotential surface/
げつめん (n) moon's surface/
こうどうめんplane of the ecliptic/
れっ面ふくれっつら (n) sulky look/(P)/
ふめんだいmusic stand/
しめん(n) page of a magazine/(P)/
りめんし(n) hidden historical background/
とつめん (adj-no,n) convex surface/convex/(P)/
へいめんさんかくほう planar trigonometry/
ためんたい(n) polyhedron/
はちめんろっぴ(n) competent in all fields/very active in many fields/versatile/all-round/(lit) 8 faces and 6 arms/
しらふ (adj-no,n) (1) (uk) sober/
おうめんきょう(n) concave lens/concave mirror/(P)/
しょうめんこうげき frontal attack/
みのも (n) water's surface/
しょめん (n) document/letter/
じんめんじゅうしん (n) beast in human form/
きっ面なきっつら (n) tearful face/
きょうめん (n) mirror surface/
ためん (n) many-sided/multifaceted/
臆面おくめん(n) shy face/
いちめん(adv,n) one side/one phase/front page/the other hand/the whole surface/(P)/
ちょくめん(n,vs) confrontation/
けんちくめんせき building area/
まとも (adj-na,n) the front/honesty/(P)/
やおもて (n) bearing the full brunt of something/
とつめんきょう (n) convex lens/
顰め面しかめつら(n) a frown or scowl/
ぶんめん (n) content of a letter/
ぐんじめんmilitary aspect/
ほそおもて (n) slender face/
ていめん (n) the base/
さくづけめんせき planted area/
せいしめんたい (n) regular tetrahedron/
しょうめん (n,pref) front/frontage/facade/main/(P)/
くそまじめ (adj-na,n) overly serious/
たいめん (n) honour/dignity/prestige/reputation/appearances/
へいめんきかがくplane geometry/
しめん (n) space (page)/(P)/
しらふ (n) sobriety/
そのそのはんめんon the other hand/
さんめん (n) three sides/three faces/page three (of a newspaper)/
かわも(n) river surface/
さんめんきょう(n) three-sided mirror/(P)/
吠え面ほえづら(n) tearful face/
せいめん (n) new field/
いさいめんだん (exp) details when I see you/
しゃめん (n) slope/slanting surface/bevel/(P)/
こうむこうしょうめん seat facing south side of sumo ring/
じんめん(n) human face/
じゅういちめんかんのん(n) 11-faced Goddess of Mercy/
面なしかくしめんなひとprim (stuffy) person/squared-toed person/
の面ざいせいのめんthe financial aspect/
よくめんせき(n) wing area/
いっせいめん (n) innovation/new vista or field/
あかつら (n) red face/kabuki villain/
っ面うわっつら (n) surface/appearances/
すいへいめん(n) horizontal plane/level surface/
ふめん (n) (written) music/(P)/
の面かわのおも river surface/
おおまじめ(adj-na,n) deadly serious/
ぶがくめん(n) mask worn by a bugaku dancer/
らかな面なめらかなめん smooth surface/
かめんぶとうかいmasquerade ball/
はいめん (n) rear/back/reverse/
すいめん (n) water's surface/(P)/
くいしゅうめんまさつ りょくpile shaft frictiion/
け面まぬけづらa foolish or stupid look/
いちせいめん(n) innovation/new vista or field/
けいざいめん(n) financial page/
ふめんもく(adj-na,n) shame/disgrace/
えずめん (n) a plan/
しぶつら (n) grimace/sullen face/
しめん surface of a tooth/