藁靴 | わらぐつ | straw boots/ |
登山靴 | とざんぐつ
| (n) (mountain-)climbing boots/ |
紳士靴 | しんしぐつ | mens shoes/ |
舞踏靴 | ぶとうぐつ
| dancing shoes/ |
長靴 | ながぐつ
| (n) leather boots/long boots/ |
泥靴 | どろぐつ
| (n) muddy shoes or boots/ |
革靴 | かわぐつ
| (n) leather boots/(P)/ |
短靴 | たんぐつ
| (n) shoes/ |
製靴業 | せいかぎょう | the shoemaking industry/ |
長靴 | ちょうか
| (n) leather boots/long boots/ |
雪靴 | ゆきぐつ
| (n) snow boots or shoes/ |
製靴 | せいか
| (n) shoe-making/(P)/ |
運動靴 | うんどうぐつ | (n) sports shoes/sneakers/ |
雨靴 | あまぐつ
| (n) overshoes/ |
赤靴 | あかぐつ
| salt-water fish/ |
軍靴 | ぐんか
| (n) military shoes/ |
半靴 | はんか
| (n) low shoes/shoes/ |
乗馬靴 | じょうばぐつ | riding boots/ |
深靴 | ふかぐつ | (n) deep boots/ |
半長靴 | はんながぐつ | (n) fairly high shoes/ |
皮靴 | かわぐつ
| (n) leather shoes/ |
古靴 | ふるぐつ
| old shoes/ |
防寒靴 | ぼうかんぐつ | arctic boots/ |
編上げ靴 | あみあげぐつ
| (n) high lace shoes/ |
半靴 | はんぐつ
| (n) low shoes/shoes/ |
編み上げ靴 | あみあげぐつ | (n) lace-up boots/ |
上靴 | うわぐつ
| (n) overshoes/rubbers/galoshes/ |
木靴 | きぐつ
| (n) wooden shoes/clogs/ |
隔靴掻痒 | かっかそうよう
| (n) be frustrated because something is not
quite as hoped (just as one cannot scratch an itch from outside a shoe)/having
an itch that one cannot scratch/ |