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Kanji: Radical: (おと) : オン、イン; おと、ね; sound
Joyo grade: 1 Stroke count: 9 Index in Nelson dictionary: 5110 Index in Halpern dictionary: 2070
Japanese Reading English
いくどうおん(n) in concert/with one voice/unanimously/
ぼうおんしつsoundproof room/
撥 音はつおん(n) the sound of the kana "n"/
るいおんご (n) similar-sounding words/
ちゅうこうおんぶ mezzo-soprano/
しゅおん (n) tonic/keynote/
つるおと (n) sound of vibrating bowstring/
せいおん (n) vocal sound/tone of voice/
しいんぐんconsonant cluster/
ぜんおんかい(n) diatonic scale/
ぎょくおん (n) the Emperor's voice/
きおん (n) fundamental tone (note)/keynote/
ゆうきおん (n) (phonetics) an aspirate/
じおん (n) the Japanese pronunciation of a kanji/
訃音ふいん(n) report of a death/
ぼうおんそうちsoundproofing (device)/
ていおんぶ(n) bass register/
音をよわねをはくcomplain, whine
てんおん (n) euphonic change of pronunciation/elision/
るいおん(n) similar sound/
はちぶおんぷ (n) 8th note/
かんのんさま(1) Kannon (Kwannon)/Goddess of Mercy/(2) (sl) clitoris/
轟音ごうおん(n) thunderous roar/
ごおん(n) Wu-dynasty reading of Chinese characters/
しぶんおんぷ(n) quarter note/crotchet/
ふくいんきょうかい Evangelical Church/
ちょうおんそく(n) supersonic speed/(P)/
げんおん (n) fundamental tone/
こうおん high sound
音テープろくおんテープ (n) audio tape/magnetic tape/(P)/
たんおんせつご monosyllable/
なみおと (n) the sound of waves/
どうじろくおん simultaneous or synchronous recording/
はんおん(n) half tone (music)/
音をはくよわねをはく (v5) to say die/to whine/to capitulate/
訛音かおん(n) accent/
しんおん(n) (sound of one's) heartbeat/
しょうおん (n) silencing (a machine)/
きゅうおん sound absorption/
だくおん(n) sonant/voiced sound/(P)/
あおんそく(n,adj-no) subsonic speed/
えいおん English pronunciation/
くつおと (n) walking sound/footsteps/
とおね (n) distant sound/
拗音ようおん(n) diphthong/
い音にぶいおとthick sound/
たんおんせつ (adj-no) monosyllabic/
さんどのわおん common chord/triad/
びおん (n) nasal sound/nasal/(P)/
蓋音こうがいおん (n) a palatal/
はつおんきごう phonetic symbol/
ゆうせいおんか vocalization/
ちょくおん (n) single-kana sound/
よわね complaint; whine
ひょうおんじぼ phonetic alphabet/
ぎょくおんばんrecording disc (as in Imperial surrender message)/
がくおん(n) musical note/
たかね (n) high-pitched tone/soprano/
訃音ふおん(n) report of a death/
ざつおん (n) noise (jarring, grating)/(P)/
たんおん (n) monosyllable/monotony/
ごうおん (n) signal (sound)/starting gun signal/
かんようおん (n) traditional (popularly accepted) pronunciation (e.g. of a kanji)/
かんえつおん Vietnamese reading (of Chinese characters)/
ぶいん(n) long silence/
こてんおんがく classical music/
そらね (n) imitated cry (of an animal)/lie/
はおと(n) buzz/hum/
ひょうおん(n) phonetic/
ごじゅうおんずthe Japanese syllabary table/
でんしおん(n) electronic sound/
ごおん (n) the sound of a word/
ろくおん (n,vs) (audio) recording/(P)/
ちょうおんかい(n) major scale/
ほんね (n) real intention/motive/(P)/
かんのんびらき(n) double doors/
さんじゅうにぶおんぷ 32nd note/
きんだいおんがくmodern music/contemporary music/
はんだくおんふ maru mark/semivoiced sound/p-sound/
ぼいんせい vocalic/
雁が音かりがね(n) wild goose/
ぜんおん (n) whole tone (music)/
ゆうせいおん (n) voiced sound/
でんしおんがく electronic music/
そうしょくおん(n) (musical) grace note/
でんおんきmegaphone/speaking tube/sound box/
そうおんぼうしほうNoise Abatement Act/
せんじゅかんのん (n) thousand-armed Goddess ofMercy/
あいおん(n) sad voices/sad sounds/
ぜんおんぷ(n) whole note/
きゅうおんざい(n) acoustic material/
えいこくはつおん British pronunciation/
よほうおんtelephone time-warning sound/
ト音トおんきごう (n) G clef/
だいおんじょう (n) very loud voice/
じきろくおん magnetic recording/
じゅうぼいん(n) diphthong/
こうおんぶ (n) treble/high singing voice/
ていおんぶきごうbass clef/
ぼいん(n) vowel/(P)/
の音なみのおとroar of waves/
ふきょうわおん(n) discord/dissonance/
こおん (n) old (pre-Wu dynasty) character pronunciation/
ヘ音ヘおんきごう (n) F clef/
どうおんご(n) homonym/
きょうかんふくいんしょ diatessaron/
あしおと (n) footsteps (sound)/(P)/
しいん (n) consonant/
みんぞくおんがく folk music/
ひょうだいおんがく program music/
しんおん (n) labial sound/(P)/
しょうおんき(n) (car) muffler/(piano) damper pedal/(gun) silencer/
つつおと(n) the sound of gunfire/
しおんき(piano) damper/
ろくおんほうそう transcribed broadcast/
かんのん (n) Kannon/Kwannon/Goddess of Mercy/
しょうおんそうち(gun) silencer/
び音しのびね (n) whispering/quiet weeping/
けいおんがく(n) light music/(P)/
けいこくおんwarning sound/
ものおと(n) sounds/(P)/
えいがおんがく film music/
はれつおん(n) plosive sound (ling)/
がいとうろくおん (recorded) man-on-the-street interview/
せいおん(n) correct Chinese (on) pronunciation of a character/
かいちょうおん (n) a teaching of Buddha related to the sound of the tide/sound of the tide/
ちゅうおん(n) (music) the mediant/
れる音このはのこすれる おとrustling of leaves/
こうおん (n) high-pitched tone/soprano/(P)/
そうじゅうせきおんせいきろくそうち (cockpit) voice recorder/
ぴんいん PinYin (Ch romanization system) (incorr. 1st kanji!)/
じゅういちめんかんぜおん11-faced Goddess of Mercy/
ふくいん (n) Gospel/Word of God/(P)/
こうかおんsound effect(s)/
じゅうろくおんぷ 16th note/
ちょうおん (n) long vowel/
ふくいんしょ(n) the Gospels/
じゃくおんき(n) damper/mute (on musical instruments)/
ほうこうおんち no sense of direction/
きょうわおん(n) consonance/
まさつおん(n) fricative sound/
ちょうおんぱ(n) ultrasonic waves/
どうおん (n) the same sound/one voice/(P)/
ていおん (n) low tone/bass/low voice/(P)/
嬰音えいおんsharp (musical note)/
せいおん (n) (in phonetics) an unvoiced sound/
きゅうていおんがくcourt music/
そうおん(n) noise/(P)/
爪音 つまおと(n) clang of hoofs/sound of a koto/
けいほうおん warning sound/
いおん allophone (ling)/strange noise/
ハ音ハおんきごう C clef/
ていおん (obs) rest (music)/
にじゅうぼいん diphthong/
の音かねのね chimes/toll of a bell/
こわね (n) vocal sound/tone of voice/
ゆうせいしいん (n) voiced consonant/
吃音きつおん(n) stammering/dysphemia/
むせいおん(n) voiceless sound/
ちょうおんぷ(n) macron/
こうおんぶきごう treble clef/
ごじゅうおんじゅん (n) the syllabary order/(P)/
ていおんぷ(obs) rest (music)/
かんぜおん(n) Avalokitesvara (bodhisattva of mercy and salvation)/Kwannon/Kuan Yin/
はさつおん (n) affricative sound (ling)/
ふくおん (n) compound note (on a harmonica)/
とうおん(n) Tang reading of Chinese characters/
ひょうおんもんじ phonetic symbol/phonogram/
ぎおん (n) imitative sounds (drama, broadcasting)/(P)/
ろくおんき (n) tape recorder/
りったいおんきょう stereophonic sound/
な音はのうくようなおと noise that sets one's teeth on edge/
こうかいろくおん(n) public recording/
ちょうおんき(n) listening instrument/
きょうおん accent/stress/
びおん (n) a sweet voice/
じゃくおん (n) soft sound/
きょうかいおんがく church music/
かんおん (n) Han reading of Chinese characters/
しおん(n) sibilant/
せいしいん voiceless consonant/
みんぞくおんがく ethnic music/
ばとうかんのん(n) Kannon image decorated with an ornament in the shape of a horse's head/
ちょうおん(n) (rare) sound of waves/
たんおんかい(n) minor scale/
音音ごおんおんかいpentatonic scale/
にぶんおんぷ (n) half note/minim/
ばんこくこくさいおん ぴょうもじInternational Phonetic Alphabet/
そいん(n) prolonged silence/
ぼうおん(n) soundproof(ing)/(P)/
ちょうおん (n) hearing/
しぶおんぷ (n) quarter note/crotchet/
いっくどうおん reading in unison/saying the same thing/
ちょうおんき (n) listening instrument/
はつね (n) first warbling heard in a New Year/
そくおん(n) assimilated sound (small "tsu" in Japanese)/geminate consonant/
ぜったいおんかんperfect pitch/
はんおんかい (adj-no,n) chromatic (scale) (music)/
ろくじゅうしぶおんぷ64th note/
はんぼいん (n) semivowel/
偲ぶ音しのぶおんがくmemorial concert/
ちくおんき(n) gramophone/
調ちょうおん (n) articulation/
ちょうおんぱせんじょうultrasonic cleaning/
噪音そうおん(n) noise/cacophony/
ほんね one's real intention
ら音べんきょうのかたわら おんがくをきく(exp) to listen to music while studying/
ばくおん(n) (sound of an) explosion or detonation/roar (of a machine)/
ごじゅうおん (n) the Japanese syllabary/(P)/
たんおん (n) short sound/
ろうおん (n) Workers Music Council/
ていおん low sound
ぜつおん (n) lingual sound/
じゅういちめんかんのん(n) 11-faced Goddess of Mercy/
ひょうおんもじ phonetic symbol/phonogram/
ごうせいおん(n) synthetic sound/
きょういん (n) bad news/news of a death/
むおん (n) soundless/
ちくおんき(n) gramophone/
にぶおんぷ(n) half note/minim/
わおん (n) (Japanese) On reading/Japanese music/
いんしょうしゅぎおんがくmusical impressionism/
よわね (n) complaints/(P)/
はつおん (n,vs) pronunciation/(P)/
かいおん (n) clear sound/
音にいくどうおんに in one voice/
ばいおん (n) overtone/harmonic/
びだくおん(n) nasal sound/
はんだくおん(n) semivoiced sound/p-sound/
りゅうおん (n) liquid sound (ling)/
諧音はんかいおん assonance/
どうおんいぎ having the same pronunciation but bearing different meanings/