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Kanji: Radical: (おおがい) : ガク; ひたい; forehead
Joyo grade: 5 Stroke count: 18 Index in Nelson dictionary: 5136 Index in Halpern dictionary: 1805
Japanese Reading English
たがく(adj-na,n) large amount of money/
の額ねこのひたい tiny/
こうじょがく (n) amount deducted (from)/deduction (from)/abatement/
きょがく(adj-na,n) great sum/
て額わりあてがく allotment/allocation/
びょうがくだいのとちnarrow strip of land/
はんがく (n-adv,n) half/half amount/half fare/(P)/
の額のようなねこのひたいのような(exp) very small (particularly of a room or flat)/
かがく(n) valuation/amount/
げつがく (n) monthly amount (sum)/
ちゅうかんはいとうがくinterim dividends/
さがく (n) balance/difference/margin/(P)/
しょうがく (n) small sum (e.g. of money)/small denomination/
そうがく(n) sum total/total amount/(P)/
ぶんたんがくamount allotted/contribution/
さんがく (n) (amount of) production/
こうがくしょとくしゃ(n) large income earner/people in the higher income brackets/
しょうがく(n) small sum (e.g. of money)/small denomination/
ぜんがく(n) forehead/
ほうのうがく votive tablet/
扁額へんがく(n) framed picture or motto/
ちょくがく (n) imperial scroll/
しゅっしがくamount of investment/
のうぜいがくamount of tax due/
しきゅうがく(n) allowance/
げ額すりあげびたいhigh and broad forehead/
でびたい (n) beetle brows/projecting forehead/
しゅうのうがく amount received/
ちょうかがくa surplus/an excess/
ぜんがくぶ(adj-no) forehead/frontal/
しゅっきんがくamount invested or contributed/
ししゅつがく(amount of) expenditures or disbursements/
たがくのうぜいしゃ(n) top taxpayer/
ざんよがくthe balance/
ゆにゅうがく level of imports/
い額ひろいひたい high brow/broad forehead/
ざんがく (n) remaining amount/balance (of an account)/
ねんさんがく annual production/
ていがくちょきん fixed amount (postal) savings/
ひがいがく(n) amount (extent) of damage/damage/
きんがく amount of money
ねんがく (n) yearly amount/
きんがく (n) amount of money/(P)/
せいさんがくamount of production/
ぜんがく (n) total/full amount/sum/
ぜいがく (n) amount of tax/
まんがく (n) full amount/
こうがく (adj-na,n) large sum (money)/
げんどがくcredit limit (on a credit card)/
な額きょだいながくcolossal amount/
ひたんぽさいけんがく secured claims/
げんがく (n) abatement/
そうきんがくamount of remittance/
ばいがく (n) double amount/
ふじびたい(n) brow resembling outline of Mt. Fuji/
ていがく (n) small amount/
ていがく (n) ration/fixed amount/
どうがく (n) the same amount/
そんがいがくamount of damages or loss/
ぞうがく (n) increased amount/
せいきゅうがくamount billed or claimed/