多額 | たがく | (adj-na,n) large amount of money/ |
猫の額 | ねこのひたい
| tiny/ |
控除額 | こうじょがく
| (n) amount deducted (from)/deduction
(from)/abatement/ |
巨額 | きょがく | (adj-na,n) great sum/ |
猫額大 | びょうがくだい | tiny/ |
割り当て額 | わりあてがく
| allotment/allocation/ |
猫額大の土地 | びょうがくだいのとち | narrow strip of land/ |
半額 | はんがく
| (n-adv,n) half/half amount/half
fare/(P)/ |
猫の額のような | ねこのひたいのような | (exp) very small (particularly of a room or
flat)/ |
価額 | かがく | (n) valuation/amount/ |
月額 | げつがく
| (n) monthly amount (sum)/ |
中間配当額 | ちゅうかんはいとうがく | interim dividends/ |
差額 | さがく
| (n) balance/difference/margin/(P)/ |
少額 | しょうがく
| (n) small sum (e.g. of money)/small
denomination/ |
総額 | そうがく | (n) sum total/total amount/(P)/ |
分担額 | ぶんたんがく | amount allotted/contribution/ |
産額 | さんがく
| (n) (amount of) production/ |
高額所得者 | こうがくしょとくしゃ | (n) large income earner/people in the higher income
brackets/ |
小額 | しょうがく | (n) small sum (e.g. of money)/small
denomination/ |
前額 | ぜんがく | (n) forehead/ |
奉納額 | ほうのうがく
| votive tablet/ |
扁額 | へんがく | (n) framed picture or motto/ |
勅額 | ちょくがく
| (n) imperial scroll/ |
割当額 | わりあてがく | allotment/allocation/ |
出資額 | しゅっしがく | amount of investment/ |
納税額 | のうぜいがく | amount of tax due/ |
支給額 | しきゅうがく | (n) allowance/ |
上げ額 | すりあげびたい | high and broad forehead/ |
出額 | でびたい
| (n) beetle brows/projecting
forehead/ |
収納額 | しゅうのうがく
| amount received/ |
超過額 | ちょうかがく | a surplus/an excess/ |
前額部 | ぜんがくぶ | (adj-no) forehead/frontal/ |
出金額 | しゅっきんがく | amount invested or contributed/ |
支出額 | ししゅつがく | (amount of) expenditures or disbursements/ |
多額納税者 | たがくのうぜいしゃ | (n) top taxpayer/ |
残余額 | ざんよがく | the balance/ |
輸入額 | ゆにゅうがく
| level of imports/ |
広い額 | ひろいひたい
| high brow/broad forehead/ |
残額 | ざんがく
| (n) remaining amount/balance (of an
account)/ |
年産額 | ねんさんがく
| annual production/ |
定額貯金 | ていがくちょきん
| fixed amount (postal) savings/ |
被害額 | ひがいがく | (n) amount (extent) of damage/damage/ |
金額 | きんがく
| amount of money |
年額 | ねんがく
| (n) yearly amount/ |
金額 | きんがく
| (n) amount of money/(P)/ |
生産額 | せいさんがく | amount of production/ |
全額 | ぜんがく
| (n) total/full amount/sum/ |
税額 | ぜいがく
| (n) amount of tax/ |
満額 | まんがく
| (n) full amount/ |
高額 | こうがく
| (adj-na,n) large sum (money)/ |
限度額 | げんどがく | credit limit (on a credit card)/ |
巨大な額 | きょだいながく | colossal amount/ |
被担保債権額 | ひたんぽさいけんがく
| secured claims/ |
減額 | げんがく
| (n) abatement/ |
送金額 | そうきんがく | amount of remittance/ |
倍額 | ばいがく
| (n) double amount/ |
富士額 | ふじびたい | (n) brow resembling outline of Mt. Fuji/ |
低額 | ていがく
| (n) small amount/ |
定額 | ていがく
| (n) ration/fixed amount/ |
同額 | どうがく
| (n) the same amount/ |
損害額 | そんがいがく | amount of damages or loss/ |
増額 | ぞうがく
| (n) increased amount/ |
請求額 | せいきゅうがく | amount billed or claimed/ |