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Kanji: Radical: (おおがい) : ガン; かお; face
Joyo grade: 2 Stroke count: 18 Index in Nelson dictionary: 5139 Index in Halpern dictionary: 1808
Japanese Reading English
ところえがお (adj-na,n) look of triumph/
からぬ顔ぬからぬかお (n) shrewd face/knowing look/
わせはつかおあわせ(n) first meeting/first contest between/
い顔わらいがお (n) smiling face/
冴え冴えした顔さえざえしたかお cheerful look/fresh complexion/
にがおがきportrait painter/drawing portraits/
呆れ顔あきれがお(n) amazed or stunned expression/
たいがん (n) meeting/
おかお your (honorable) face/
よこがお (n) face in profile/profile/face seen from the side/(P)/
りょうがん(n) imperial countenance/
かぬ顔うかぬかお long face/look dejected/(P)/
こころえがお(adj-na,n) knowing look/
い顔こわいかお grim face/angry look/
そんがん (n) your countenance/
い顔うれいがお (n) sad face/sorrowful face/anxious look/sad countenance/(P)/
にがおえ (n) portrait/likeness/(P)/
い顔うれいがお (n) sad face/sorrowful face/anxious look/sad countenance/
め顔なぐさめがお(n) consolatory look/comforting look/
びを顔によろこびをかおにあらわす(exp) to show happiness on one's face/to express one's happiness/
翳りのる顔かげりのあるかおface shaded with pensiveness/
すいがん (n) a drunken face or expression/
い顔をしているしぶいか おをしている(exp) to be grim-faced/to look sullen/
しゃしんがお one's looks in a photo/
とくいがお(n) triumphant look/
しい顔すずしいかお (n) nonchalant (unruffled) air/
ち顔ひとまちがお(adj-na,n) look of expectation/
な顔かなしそうなかおsad-looking face/
しゅがん flushed face/
ぎょくがん (n) imperial face/
いをびた顔うれいをおびたかおsorrowful look/
だいがん (n) your face/
たいがん (n) your face/
まるがお (n) round face/moon face/
わがものがお(adj-na,n) looking or acting as if one owned the place/
ねがお(n) sleeping face/(P)/
わぬ顔なにくわぬかお(n) innocent look/
じ顔あんじがお worried look/
しんがお (n) newcomer/new face/(P)/
かんがん (adj-na,n) ashamed/(P)/
き顔なきがお (n) tear-stained face/(P)/
ゆうがお (n) bottle gourd/moonflower/
り顔ものしりがお(n) a knowing look/
れやかなはれやかなえがおbeaming smile/
った顔かくばったかお squarish face/
らぬ顔しらぬかお (n) pretending not to know/feigning ignorance/
赭顔しゃがん(n) ruddy face/
はがんいっしょう(n) smiling broadly/
まし顔すましがお composed expression/clear face/(P)/
しい顔けわしいかおgrim face/
しゅじんがお propriety air/
てんがん (n) emperor's countenance/
うんびんかがんbeautiful woman (metaphorical)/
顔のはいがんのえいhonor of seeing (a person)/
すがお (adj-na,n) face with no make-up/unpainted face/honest/frank/(P)/
わがものがお (adj-na,n) like one's own/
ようがん (n) features/looks/
らぬ顔そしらぬかおpretending not to recognize/feigned ignorance/
い顔いいかお(n) big shot/happy face/
おさながお (n) baby's face/
顔にわがものがおにin a lordly manner/
瑶顔ようがんbeautiful face/exquisite countenance/
しい顔つきけわしいかお つきgrim look/
り顔つくりがお (n) affected look/made-up face/
せんがん (n,vs) face-washing/
めがお (n) (a) look/signal/
あさがお (n) morning-glory (flower)/bell (i.e. of a trumpet)/funnel shaped/(P)/
にがお(n) portrait/likeness/(P)/
はいがん (n) meeting (with another person)/
こうがんむち (adj-na,n) shameless/brazen and unscrupulous/
うりざねがお(n) oval face (e.g. of a beautiful woman)/
こうがん (adj-na,n) impudence/audacity/(P)/
てがらがお(n) a look of triumph/
かない顔うかないかお (n) looking depressed/
びがんすいface lotion/
まるがお(n) round face/moon face/
り顔ほこりがお (n) triumphant look/
びがん (n) beautiful face/
えがお (n) smiling face/(P)/
りゅうがん (n) imperial countenance/
じぞうがお(n) gentle and round face/
ら顔あからがお (n) red faced/
どうがん (n) child-faced/(P)/
の顔もほとけのかおもさんど (exp) to try the patience of a saint/
ほとけがお(n) gentle face/
らん顔しらんかお (n) unconcerned air/indifference/(P)/
めしい顔いかめしいかおつき grave (stern) look/
った顔おこったかお angry face (countenance)/
った顔ひどくつくったかおface with heavy makeup/
びがんじゅつ(n) facial care or treatment/
ふるがお (n) familiar face/old timer/
こうがん (n) rosy cheeks/
はがん (n,vs) giving a broad smile/
に顔しにがお (n) face of a dead person/
り顔にがりがお sour (wry) face/
おんがん (n) kindly face/
寿えびすがお (n) smiling face/
まがお (n) serious look/