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Kanji: Radical: (おおがい) : ガン; ねが(う); wish
Joyo grade: 4 Stroke count: 19 Index in Nelson dictionary: 255 Index in Halpern dictionary: 1845
Japanese Reading English
たいがんじょうじゅ(n) realization of a great ambition/
願いきゅうかねがいapplication for leave/
きがん (n) prayer/(P)/
だいがんにんone who offers prayer in place of another/
しょがん (n) wish/desire/
歎願たんがん(n,vs) entreaty/petition/appeal/
じしょくねがい(written) resignation/
そがん (n) petition/appeal/
いがんめんかんretirement at one's own request/
お願いしますおねがいいたします(hon) please/
しゅつがんしゃ applicant/
お願いしますおねがいします (hon) please/
にゅうがくしがんしゃapplicants for admission/
たいがん (n) ambition/(Buddhism) the Buddha's great vow (to save all people)/
たんがんしょ (n) (written) petition/
しゅつがん (n,vs) application/(P)/
ちょくがん (n) imperial prayer/
にゅうがくがんしょ application for admittance to a school/
せいがんけん oath of office/
けちがん (n) (Buddh.) expiration of term of a vow/
退いがんたいしょくretirement at one's own request/
たりきほんがん (n) relying upon others for attaining one's own objective/salvation by faith in Amida Buddha/
願いじしょくねがいletter of resignation/
しゅうどうせいがん vows of religious orders/
せいがん (n) oath/
しがんへい(n) volunteer soldier/(P)/
しゅつがんじ(at the) time of application/
しがん (n) aspiration/volunteering/desire/(P)/
ちょくがんじ (n) temple built at the order of the emperor/
しがんしゃ applicant/candidate/
しんがん (n) prayer/heartfelt wish/
りつがん (n) prayer to a god/
あいがん (n,vs) supplication/appeal/entreaty/petition/
かぬ願いとどかぬねがい unfulfilled wish/
ごうかくきがん prayer for school success/
いがん (n) in accordance with one's request/
せいがん(n) petition/(P)/
まんがん (n) fulfilment of a vow/
願いしますおねがいします(hon) please/
せつがん(n) entreaty/supplication/
ねつがん (n) ardent desire/
しがんしょapplication (form)/
ねんがん (n) one's heart's desire/earnest petition/(P)/
そがんにん petitioner/
しゅつがんしょるい file wrapper (patents)/
ほんがん (n) Amida Buddha's original vow/long-cherished desire/
だいがん(n) praying by proxy/applying by proxy/
せいがんしょ(a written) petition/
たんがん (n) entreaty/appeal/petition/(P)/
西にしほんがんじ temple in Kyoto/
宿しゅくがん (n) longstanding desire/
だいがんじょうじゅ (n) realization of a great ambition/
ひがん(n) one's dearest wish/Buddha's vow to save humanity/
こんがん(n) entreaty/supplication/petition/(P)/