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Kanji: Radical: (かぜ) : フ、フウ; かぜ; wind
Joyo grade: 2 Stroke count: 9 Index in Nelson dictionary: 5148 Index in Halpern dictionary: 3007
Japanese Reading English
かいふう(n) sea breeze/
淫風 いんぷう(n) lewd manners/immorality/
しょうふう(n) right style/
ようふう (adj-na,n) western style/(P)/
ぐんじんふう(adj-no) of military bearing/
かい風むかいかぜ (n) head wind/
凱風がいふうsoutherly wind/
っ風からっかぜ (n) a cold, strong, dry wind/
きたかぜ (n) north wind/(P)/
かみかぜ (n) divine wind/Kamikaze/(P)/
ひとふろ(n) a bath/
きょうふう(n) reform of morals/
かふう (n) subordinate position/lower position/
やくにんかぜ (putting on the) airs of an official/
はなかぜ(n) head cold/
蕉風 しょうふう(n) correct style in a haiku (like Basho's)/
いまふう (adj-na,n) modern style/
ぼうふう (n) storm/windstorm/gale/(P)/
たいふうこうぞう wind-resistant construction/
せいふう rectification/
びふう (n) gentle breeze/soft wind/breath of air/zephyr/
じゅんにほんふうclassical Japanese style/(P)/
やまかぜ (n) mountain wind/
ぼうふう (n) anti-wind (device or facility or measure)/
からはふ (n) Chinese cusped gable/
つうふう (n) ventilation/
あめかぜ (n) rain and wind/driving rain/
いふうどうどう (adj-na) majestic/pomp and circumstance/
しゃふうwinter street dust/
まめたいふう(n) small typhoon/midget typhoon/
まつかぜ (n) (sound of) the wind through pine trees/
りょうふう(n) good custom/
そよかぜ (n) gentle breeze/soft wind/breath of air/zephyr/
きょくちふう (n) local wind/
つむじかぜ (n) whirlwind/sensation/
じゅんぶう (n) favourable wind/
おうふう (n) European style/Occidental/
西へんせいふう(n) westerlies/
殿とのさまふうlordly air/
そうふうき (n) ventilator/
しおぶろ(n) saltwater bath/
はまかぜ (n) sea breeze/beach wind/
風駘蕩しゅんぷうたいと う(adj-na) warm and genial spring weather/genial and balmy/
醇風じゅんぷうびぞく warmhearted and genial manners and customs/
西せいふう(n) west wind/
のてんぶろ(n) open-air bath/
はしょうふう(adj-na,n) tetanus/lockjaw/
くんぷう (n) balmy breeze/summer breeze/(P)/
こくふう(n) sky darkening dust storm/
颶風ぐふう(n) tornado/hurricane/typhoon/
貿はんたいぼうえきふうantitrade winds/
おくびょうかぜ(n) loss of nerve/
ひがしかぜ (n) east wind/spring wind/
う風あれくるうかぜraving wind/
らかな風やわらかなかぜgentle breeze/
っ風からっかぜ(n) a cold, strong, dry wind/
よかぜ(n) night wind/
いふう (n) unusual customs/
たいようふう(n) solar wind/
からかぜ (n) dry wind/
ねっぷう (n) hot wind/
屏風びょうぶいわ(n) sheer cliff/
みんぷう national customs/
りくふう (n) land breeze/
ばじとうふう (n) utter indifference/talking to the wall/praying to deaf ears/
らかな風やわらかなかぜgentle breeze/
こくふう(n) (1) national customs and manners/(2) provincial song or ballad/
でんえんふうけいrural landscape/
せんぷう (n) whirlwind/sensation/(P)/
ちゅうふ (n) palsy/paralysis/
だんろんふうはつ spirited discussion/
じゅんぷう (n) favourable wind/
トルコ風トルコぶろ(n) Turkish bath (euph. for brothel)/
がくふう (n) academic traditions/academic school of thought/method of study/
しょうふう(n) (sound of) the wind through pine trees/
じゅんぷうまんぱん (n) smooth sailing/
がふう (n) style of painting/
せんぷうき(n) electric fan/(P)/
ようふう Western-style
こいかぜ (n) love's zephyr/
りょうふう (n) cool breeze/refreshing breeze/(P)/
し風むしぶろ (n) steam bath/
はかぜ (n) breeze caused by wings flapping/
そうふう(n) ventilation/
まかぜ (n) storm caused by the devil/evil wind/
枕屏風まくらびょうぶ(n) bed(side) screen/
しょふう(n) style of handwriting or calligraphy/
ゆうかぜ (n) evening breeze/
ぎゃくふう (n) head wind/adverse wind/
からかぜ (n) dry wind/
すきまかぜ(n) draft/
へいふう(n) evil or corrupt or abusive practice/
そうな風えらそうなふう air of importance/
かちょうふうげつ (n) the beauties of nature/
かふう (n) family tradition/
あまかぜ (n) rain and wind/driving rain/
屏風びょうぶ(n) folding screen/
屏風きんびょうぶ (n) folding screen covered with gold leaf/
おうふう(adj-na,n) cross wind/
うちぶろ(n) indoor bath/bath for family (not public) use/
すずかぜ(n) cool breeze/refreshing breeze/(P)/
はふ (n) gable/
風にうととうせいふうにいう とas we would say nowadays/
ぼうふうけん(n) storm zone/
むかしふう (adj-na,n) old fashioned/
りの風きたよりのかぜ northerly wind/
颱風たいふう(n) typhoon/
みる風みにしみるかぜ piercing wind/
しい風はげしいかぜ strong wind/
かふう (n) poetic style/
こうふう (n) school tradition/
とうようふう(adj-no) Oriental/
そよ風そよかぜ(n) gentle breeze/soft wind/breath of air/zephyr/(P)/
わふうJapanese style
わふう(n) Japanese style/(P)/
うみかぜ (n) sea breeze/
はるかぜ (n) spring breeze/
西にしかぜ (n) west wind/(P)/
おいかぜ(n) tailwind/fair or favorable wind/
りょうふうびぞく good customs/
すなぶろ(n) sand bath/
とうせいふう (adj-no,n) latest (fashion, hairstyle etc)/up-to-date/
しゅんぷう(n) spring breeze/
い風おいて (n) tailwind/fair or favorable wind/
ぼうふうう (n) storm/(P)/
ちゅうふう (n) palsy/paralysis/(P)/
おおぶろしき (n) big talk/a rodomontade/
いふう (n) tradition/hereditary custom/
かんぷう (n) cold wind/
いふう (n) majesty/dignity/
みずぶろ(n) cold bath/
ちゅうぶ(n) palsy/paralysis/
よふう (n) surviving custom/holdover influence/
貿ぼうえきふう (n) trade wind/
ねっぷうろ(n) hot-blast stove/
しまかぜ (n) island wind/
お風おふろにはいる (v5) to take a bath/
なみかぜ (n) wind and waves/discord/
さんぷう (n) mountain wind/
しっぷうどとうSturm und Drang (de:)/storm and stress/
れっぷう (n) gale/violent (strong) wind/
しい風はげしいかぜ strong wind/
朔風さくふう(n) north wind/
おとこぶろ(n) (public) baths for men/
たにかぜ (n) valley wind/
ろてんぶろ (n) open air bath/rotemburo/
こち (n) east wind/spring wind/
ぶふうりゅう(adj-na,n) lack of refinement/
い風わるいかぜbad cold/
つうふう(adj-na,n) gout/
きゅうふう (n) old customs/
きせつふう(n) seasonal winds/(P)/
きょうふう (n) raging wind/
の風きんけんのふうcustom (habit) of diligence and thrift/
せいふう (n) breath of fresh air/cool (refreshing) breeze/
かわかぜ(n) breeze off a river/
ばくふう (n) blast/
くにぶり (n) (1) national customs and manners/(2) provincial song or ballad/
風をかすせんぱいかぜをふかす(exp) to put on a patronizing air/
なんぷう (n) south (southerly) wind/
てふうきん(n) accordion/harmonica/(P)/
きたかぜ a north wind
たいふう (n) typhoon/(P)/
おんぷうだんぼう warm-air heating/
西せいようふう(n) western style/
ぼうふういきstorm area/
りくなんぷう (n) breeze blowing from land to sea/
い風むかいかぜ(n) head wind/
ばんぷう(n) barbarous customs/(P)/
さっぷうけい(adj-na,n) tasteless/dreary/tastelessness/
しゃふう (n) company spirit/the way a company does things/
しおかぜ(n) sea breeze/salt air/
とっぷう (n) squall/sudden gust/
りょくふう (n) early-summer breeze/
ちゅうぶう (n) palsy/paralysis/
の風いちじんのかぜgust of wind/
なつかぜ (n) a summer cold/
あきかぜ (n) autumn breeze/(P)/
狗風てんぐかぜ (n) sudden gust/
いなかふう(adj-na,n) rustic/country-style/
あさかぜ (n) a morning breeze/
さくふう (n) literary style/
風のたいふうのめeye of a typhoon/
しっぷう (n) squall/gale/hurricane/(P)/
こちかぜ (n) east wind/spring wind/
きょうふう (n) strong wind/(P)/
しゅうふう (n) autumn breeze/
あめたいふう(n) rain-laden typhoon/
あくふう (n) vice/bad manners/evil customs/
やかな風おだやかなかぜ gentle breeze/
なんぷう (n) breeze/
しんぷう (n) new style/
みなみかぜ (n) south (southerly) wind/
たいふうがん(n) eye of a typhoon/
じんぷう gust/gale/
んじる風しょうせいにや すんじるふうtendency to be content with small successes/
きょうふう(n) Kyoto style/urbanity/refinement/
おたふくかぜ(n) mumps/
っ風きっぷ(n) character/disposition/spirit/
いっぷう (n) eccentric/(P)/
い風おいかぜ (n) tailwind/fair or favorable wind/(P)/
きふう(n) character/traits/ethos/
こふう (adj-na,n) old customs/old style/(P)/
おいて(n) tailwind/fair or favorable wind/
ほくふう (n) north wind/
はなかぜ(n) head cold/
こうふう(n) noble character/
みやこふう city style/metropolitan/
げいふう (n) style of acting/
つうふうき(n) ventilator/
ぜんきょうふう whole gale/
たくえつふう(n) prevailing wind/
とうふう (n) east wind/spring wind/
こくふうはくう sudden rain shower in a dust storm/
したまちふう (n) downtown style/
おおかぜ (n) gale/strong winds/
はかぜ (n) breeze rustling through leaves/
しっぷうじんらい(n) with lightning speed/
うらかぜ (n) sea breeze/
じょうそうふう(n) winds aloft/
びふう (n) beautiful (laudable) custom/
むふう (n) calm/windless/(P)/
むふうたい(n) calm belt or zone/
にほんふう(n) Japanese-style/(P)/
よこかぜ (adj-na,n) cross wind/
きふう (n) one's style of playing shogi or go/
あさぶろ (n) a morning bath/