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Kanji: Radical: (くび) : シュ; くび; neck
Joyo grade: 2 Stroke count: 9 Index in Nelson dictionary: 5186 Index in Halpern dictionary: 2265
Japanese Reading English
っ首そっくび(n) head/
えりくび(n) nape of neck/(P)/
晒し首さらしくび(n) gibbeted head/
きしゅ (n) beginning of a term/
かんしゅ (n) chief abbot (of a Buddhist temple)/
れんぽうしゅしょうfederal chancellor/(P)/
かんじゅ (n) chief abbot (of a Buddhist temple)/
あしくび(n) ankle/(P)/
かんしゅ(n) beginning of a book or scroll/
鎌首かまくび(n) gooseneck/
まるくび(n) round-necked (T-shirt)/
雁首がんくび(n) pipe bowl/
そくび(n) head/
バイオリンの首 バイオリンのくびneck of a violin/
ねくび(n) head of a sleeping person/
なまくび (n) freshly severed head/
こくび (n) head/
てくび (n) wrist/(P)/
しあんなげくび be at one's wit's end/
猪首いくび(n) bull neck/
贋首 にせくび(n) falsified severed head/
こうしゅ(n) hanging/strangling to death/
らくしゅ (n) lampoon/satirical poem/
ひゃくにんいっしゅ (n) 100 poems by 100 famous poets/(playing) cards of one hundred famous poems/
梟首 きょうしゅ(n) exposure of a severed head/
げんしゅ(n) ruler/sovereign/(P)/
こうしゅけい(n) death by hanging/(P)/
匕首ひしゅ(n) dagger/dirk/
ふしゅび(adj-na,n) failure/fizzle/disgrace/disfavour/
じょうしゅび (adj-na,n) success/happy result/
もとしゅしょうformer Prime Minister/
鶴首かくしゅ(n) looking forward to/
馘首かくしゅ(n,vs) beheading/dismissal/
斬首ざんしゅ(n) decapitated head/decapitation/
うでくび (n) wrist/
り首しばりくび (n) (death by) hanging/(P)/
ぶしゅ (n) radical (of a kanji character)/(P)/
曝し首さらしくび(n) exposure of a severed head/
きしゅ(n) nose (of plane)/
ふくしゅしょうdeputy prime minister/vice prime minister/
鶴首してかくしゅしてまつto wait expectantly/to wait with a craned (outstretched) neck/
こうしゅだい (n) gallows/
げ首しあんなげくび (n) at one's wits end/
じしゅ (n,vs) surrender/give oneself up/(P)/
雁首かりくびgoose neck/
ちくび(n) nipple/teat/(P)/
かんしゅ (n) warship's bow/
いっしゅ (n-adv,n-t) a poem/
せんしゅ (n) bow/
ていしゅ (n) bow (of a boat)/
とうしゅ (n) party leader/(P)/
鳩首きゅうしゅ(n,vs) going into a huddle/
ちちくび (n) nipple/teat/
稽首けいしゅ(n) bowing to the floor/
げ首なげくび (n) being at a loss/
ち首うちくび (n) decapitation/
ばしゅ (n) neck of a horse/
匕首あいくち(n) dagger/dirk/