米騒動 | こめそうどう
| (n) rice riots/ |
人騒がせ | ひとさわがせ
| (adj-na,n) person that annoys or causes
trouble/false alarm/ |
乱痴気騒ぎ | らんちきさわぎ | (n) spree/ |
屁と火事はもとから騒ぐ | へとかじ
はもとからさわぐ | (exp) it is often the originator of
problems who kicks up a fuss or complains loudest/ |
馬鹿騒ぎ | ばかさわぎ | (n) horseplay/fooling around/ |
立ち騒ぐ | たちさわぐ
| (v5g) to make a din/ |
狂騒 | きょうそう
| (n) mania/wild excitement/ |
御家騒動 | おいえそうどう
| family troubles/ |
物情騒然 | ぶつじょうそうぜん
| (adj-na) public unrest/ |
物騒 | ぶっそう
| (adj-na,n)
dangerous/disturbed/insecure/(P)/ |
悪騒ぎ | わるさわぎ | (n) making an excessive fuss/disorderly
merrymaking/ |
喧騒 | けんそう | (adj-na,n)
tumult/ |
空騒ぎ | からさわぎ | (n) much ado about nothing/ |
胸騒ぎ | むなさわぎ
| (n) uneasiness/vague
apprehension/premonition/ |
祭騒ぎ | まつりさわぎ | festivities/merrymaking/ |
大騒ぎ | おおさわぎ
| (n) clamour/uproar/tumult/(P)/ |
物騒がしい | ものさわがしい
| (adj) noisy/boisterous/turbulent/ |
潮騒 | しおさい
| (n) sea roar/ |
御祭り騒ぎ | おまつりさわぎ | (n) festival merrymaking/ |