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Kanji: Radical: (ほね) : コツ; ほね; bone
Joyo grade: 6 Stroke count: 10 Index in Nelson dictionary: 5236 Index in Halpern dictionary: 2654
Japanese Reading English
やたいぼね (n) framework/mainstay/support/supporter/
てっこつ(n) steel frame/(P)/
まいこつ (n) burial of ashes/
膝蓋骨しつがいこつ(n) kneecap/patella/
ふくざつこっせつ compound fracture/
せいこつし(n) osteopath/
きんこつ(n) muscles (sinews) and bones/structure/
顎骨がっこつ(n) jawbone/
ろこつ(adj-na,n) (1) frank/blunt/plain/outspoken/(2) conspicuous/open/(3) broad/suggestive/(P)/
じんこつ (n) human bones/
かこつ (n) ossification/
かいがらぼね(n) shoulder bone or blade/
骸骨がいこつ(n) skeleton/(P)/
骨のはんこつのせいしん backbone/spirit of defiance/
拳骨げんこつ(n,vs) fist/(P)/
はんこつせいしん rebellious spirit/
きこつ skin and bones/
けんこうこつ(n) shoulder-blade/
てっこつこうじ steel frame-work/(P)/
きょうこつ (n) breastbone/sternum/
蓋骨ずがいこつ (n) skull/cranium/
じしょうこつ(n) auditory ossicles/
こうこつ(adj-na,adj-no,n) hard bone/firmness/uncompromising/
じょうわんこつ (n) humerus (upper bone in arm)/
こぼね (n) small bones/
なんこつそしき cartilage tissue/
鏤骨るこつ(n) painstaking efforts/
せぼね (n) spine/backbone/(P)/
ざこつしんけい sciatic nerve/
ばんこつ (n) brute courage/recklessness/
きこつ(n) eccentric/
りゅうこつ(n) keel/(P)/
のうこつどう (n) crypt/charnel house/
はんこつ (n) (abbr) rebellious spirit/
しんこっちょう(n) showing one's true worth/
さこつ (n) collarbone/
びこつ (n) nasal bone/
とうこつ (n) skull/(P)/
どしょうぼね(n) one's innate character/spirit/backbone/
なんこつぎょるい cartilaginous fish/
ふんこつさいしん (n) making one's best exertions/
骨董しょがこっとうcurios and objets d'art/
胛骨けんこうこつ (n) shoulder blade/
なんこつ (n) cartilage/(P)/
椎骨ついこつ(n) vertebra(e)/
肋 骨あばらぼね(n) rib/frame (of a ship)/
肋骨ろっこつ(n) rib/frame (of a ship)/
ぶこつ(adj-na,n) uncouth/clumsy/brusque/
りゅうこつざ(n) the Keel star/
もっこつ(n) wooden frame/
しゃっこつ (n) the ulna/
はっこつ (n) white (bleached) bone/skeleton/
かたこうこつ (n) shoulder-blade/
すじぼね (n) muscles (sinews) and bones/structure/
腓骨ひこつ(n) fibula/
脛骨けいこつ(n) tibia/shinbone/
喉にさった骨のどにささったほねbone stuck in one's throat/
侠骨きょうこつ(n) chivalrous spirit/
いこつ (n) remains/ashes of deceased/
こうこつぶん (n) ancient inscriptions of Chinese characters on oracle bones and carapaces/
橈骨 とうこつ(n) radius/
ふんこつさいしん(iK) (n) making one's best exertions/
せんこつ (n) unusual physique/outstanding appearance/philosophic turn of mind/the sacrum/sacral bone/
せっこつい(n) osteopath/bonesetter/
にわとこ(n) red-berried elder tree/
きょこつ (n) talus/anklebone/
頬骨ほおぼね(n) cheekbones/
ぶんこつ (n) part of a person's ashes/
ぶこつ (adj-na,n) boorish/unrefined/rustic/
ちこつ(n) pubic/
雁骨 かりがねぼねscapula/shoulder blade/
せいこつ(n) bonesetting/
の骨うまのほね (n) person of doubtful origin/
こしぼね (n) hipbone/innominate bone/fortitude/
ろうこつ(n) one's old bones/old man/
こうこつかん(n) man of principle/
鏤骨ちょうしんるこつ(n) excellent literary work/
ざこつ (n) hipbone/
きこつ (n) (moral) backbone/spirit/soul/grit/
せっこつぼく (n) red-berried elder tree/
げいこつ (n) whale bone/
かんこつだったい (n) an adaptation/
ぼんこつ (n) ordinary person/
むだぼね(n) useless/waste of time and effort/pointless/vain efforts/
のうこつ(n,vs) laying (a person's) ashes to rest/depositing ashes/
ばんこつ(n) thousands of lives/
びこつ (n) the coccyx/
むだぼねおり laboring in vain or for no result/
せっこつ (n) bonesetting/
おやぼね (n) ribs of a folding fan/
顎骨あごぼね(n) jawbone/
せんこつ(n) sacrum/
腿骨だいたいこつ(n) thighbone/femur/
とうちょうこつ(n) the parietal bone/
蓋骨とうがいこつ (n) skull/cranium/
せんせんじょうこつscaphoid bone (in wrist near thumb)/