一髪 | いっぱつ | (n) a hair/a hair's breadth/ |
遺髪 | いはつ
| (n) hair of the deceased/ |
結髪 | けっぱつ
| (n) hairdressing/hairdo/ |
毛髪 | もうはつ
| (n) hair/ |
亜麻色の髪 | あまいろのかみ
| (n) flaxen hair/ |
日本髪 | にほんがみ | (n) Japanese coiffure/ |
短髪 | たんぱつ
| (n) short hair/ |
後ろ髪 | うしろがみ
| (n) hair in back/ |
付け髪 | つけがみ
| (n) false hair/ |
間一髪 | かんいっぱつ | (n) hair's breadth/(P)/ |
理髪店 | りはつてん | (n) barbershop/ |
間一髪のところ | かんいっぱつのところ | close call/narrow escape/ |
断髪 | だんぱつ
| (n) bobbed hair/ |
若白髪 | わかしらが | (n) prematurely gray hair/ |
襟髪 | えりがみ
| (n) scruff of neck/ |
緑の黒髪 | みどりのくろかみ | glossy black hair (young woman)/raven black
hair/ |
茶髪 | ちゃぱつ | (n) hair dyed brown/ |
白髪 | はくはつ
| (n) white or grey hair/trendy hair
bleaching/(P)/ |
怒髪天 | どはつてん
| furious/infuriated/ |
白髪交じりの髪 | しらがまじりのかみ | grizzly hair/ |
垂髪 | すべらかし | (n) hair tied behind and hanging down/long flowing
hair/ |
寝乱れ髪 | ねみだれがみ
| (n) hair messed up in sleep/ |
総髪 | そうはつ
| (n) wearing one's hair knotted in the
back/ |
整髪剤 | せいはつざい
| (n) hairdressing/ |
理髪師 | りはつし | (n) barber/ |
垂れ髪 | たれがみ | (n) hair tied behind and hanging down/long flowing
hair/ |
一房の髪 | ひとふさのかみ
| a tuft of hair/ |
整髪 | せいはつ
| (n) hairdressing/ |
落髪 | らくはつ
| (n) cutting one's hair before entering a
monastery/tonsure/ |
危機一髪の脱出 | ききいっぱつのだっしゅつ | escape by a hairsbreadth/ |
洗髪 | せんぱつ
| (n) shampoo/(P)/ |
怒髪天を突く | どはつてんをつく
| (v5) to boil with rage/to be
infuriated/(P)/ |
前髪 | まえがみ | (n) forelock/ |
| ていはつ | (n)
tonsure/cutting off the hair/ |
危機一髪 | ききいっぱつ | (n) by a hair's breath/in the nick of time/be touch and
go/be a close call/critical moment/ |
洗い髪 | あらいがみ | (n) freshly washed hair/ |
辮髪 | べんぱつ | (n) pigtail/ |
間髪を入れず | かんはつをいれず
| in no time/in a flash/ |
黒髪 | こくはつ
| (n) black hair/ |
地髪 | じがみ
| (n) natural hair/ |
下げ髪 | さげがみ
| (n) pigtail/ponytail/hair (hanging down the
back)/ |
垂髪 | たれがみ | (n) hair tied behind and hanging down/long flowing
hair/ |
波打つ髪 | なみうつかみ
| wavy hair/ |
海髪 | おご
| (n) ogo (seaweed)/ |
白髪頭 | しらがあたま | (n) gray or silver haired/ |
振り分け髪 | ふりわけがみ | (n) hair parted in the middle/ |
乱れ髪 | みだれがみ
| (n) unravelled hair/ |
ベン髪 | ベンぱつ | Chinese male pigtail/ |
美髪 | びはつ
| (n) beautiful hair/ |
黒髪 | くろかみ
| (n) black hair/ |
白髪染め | しらがぞめ | (n) hair dye/ |
白髪 | しらが | (n) white or grey hair/trendy hair
bleaching/(P)/ |
束髪 | そくはつ | (n) Western hairdo/ |
散髪屋 | さんぱつや | barber/barber shop/ |
乱髪 | らんぱつ
| (n) unkempt hair/ |
理髪 | りはつ
| (n) haircut/(P)/ |
散髪 | さんぱつ
| (n,vs)
hair-cutting/hair-dressing/(P)/ |
間一髪を入れず | かんいっぱつをいれず | in a flash/in no time/ |
長髪 | ちょうはつ
| (n) long hair/ |
金髪 | きんぱつ
| (n) blond hair/(P)/ |
弁髪 | べんぱつ
| (n) pigtail/queue/ |
銀髪 | ぎんぱつ
| (n) silver hair/gray hair/ |
洋髪 | ようはつ
| (n) Western hairdressing/ |
整髪料 | せいはつりょう | (n) hairdressing fee/charge for a haircut/ |
染髪 | せんぱつ
| (n) hair dyeing/ |
調髪 | ちょうはつ
| (n) haircut/barbering/ |
頭髪 | とうはつ
| (n) hair (of head)/ |
濡れ髪 | ぬれがみ | (n) newly washed hair/ |
共白髪 | ともしらが | (n) growing old together (a couple)/ |
有髪 | うはつ
| (n) untonsured (monk or priest or
nun)/ |
染髪剤 | せんぱつざい
| hair dye/ |
切り髪 | きりがみ
| (n) bobbed hair/ |