邪鬼 | じゃき | devil/imp/evil spirit/ |
餓鬼共 | がきども | those damn kids/ |
裏鬼門 | うらきもん | (n) unlucky quarter (southwest)/ |
餓鬼道 | がきどう | (n) hungry ghost/hungry devil/ |
悪餓鬼 | わるがき | brat/ |
疑心暗鬼 | ぎしんあんき | (n) Suspicion will raise bogies/Once you suspect
something, everything else will look suspicious/ |
債鬼 | さいき
| (n) cruel creditor/bill collector/ |
悪鬼 | あっき
| (n) evil spirit/demon/devil/ |
百鬼夜行 | ひゃっきやぎょう
| (n) a veritable pandemonium/a large number of
people plotting and doing evil/a scandalous scene/ |
仕事の鬼 | しごとのおに | work fiend/devil for work/ |
吸血鬼 | きゅうけつき | (n) vampire/bloodsucker/ |
神出鬼没 | しんしゅつきぼつ
| (n) appearing in unexpected places and at
unexpected moments/elusive/phantom/ |
剣鬼 | けんき | devilish swordsman/ |
施餓鬼 | せがき | (n) (Buddhism) service for the benefit of suffering
spirits/ |
天の邪鬼 | あまのじゃく
| (adj-na,n) perverse person/devil beneath temple
guardian deities/ |
幽鬼 | ゆうき | (n) ghost/revenant/spirit (of the dead)/departed
soul/ |
殺人鬼 | さつじんき
| (n) devilish homicide/cutthroat/ |
百鬼夜行 | ひゃっきやこう
| (n) a veritable pandemonium/a large number of
people plotting and doing evil/a scandalous scene/ |
餓鬼 | がき
| (n) (uk) brat/kids/ghoul/(P)/ |
餓鬼大将 | がきだいしょう
| (n) boss of the children (in the
neighbourhood)/bully/ |