色魔 | しきま | (n) masher/horny/ |
破魔弓 | はまゆみ | (n) (ceremonial) bow used to drive off evil/toy bow and
arrow/ |
お邪魔します | おじゃまします | (exp) Excuse me for disturbing (interrupting)
you/ |
妖魔 | よ
うま | (n) ghost/apparition/ |
放火魔 | ほうかま | pyromaniac/ |
悪魔払い | あくまばらい
| exorcism/ |
邪魔立て | じゃまだて | (n) a hindrance/ |
邪魔物 | じゃまもの | (n) obstacle/hindrance/ |
邪魔臭い | じゃまくさい | (adj,exp) troublesome/pain in the butt/ |
邪魔者 | じゃまもの | (n) someone who is a nuisance or a burden/ |
覗魔 | のぞきま | peeping tom/ |
誤魔化し | ごまかし
| (n) (uk)
hanky-panky/juggling/cheating/deception/ |
閻魔の庁 | えんまのちょう | judgment seat of Yama/ |
降魔術 | こうまじゅつ | demon invocation/summoning demons/ |
収集魔 | しゅうしゅうま | collecting maniac/ |
降魔 | ごうま
| (n) conquering the devil/ |
伏魔殿 | ふくまでん | (n) abode of demons/hotbed (of
graft)/pandemonium/ |
御邪魔します | おじゃまします
| (exp) Excuse me for disturbing (interrupting)
you/ |
夢魔 | むま | (n) nightmare/ |
| のぞきま | peeping
tom/ |
悪魔主義 | あくましゅぎ | satanism/devil worship/ |
好事魔多し | こうじまおおし
| (exp) Lights are usually followed by
shadows/ |
通り魔 | とおりま | (n) phantom killer/phantom thief/ |
白魔 | はくま
| (n) heavy snowfall/white devil/ |
邪魔 | じゃま
| (adj-na,n,vs)
hindrance/intrusion/(P)/ |
水魔 | すいま | (n) disastrous flooding/ |
悪魔 | あくま
| (n) devil/demon/fiend/Satan/evil
spirit/(P)/ |
断末魔 | だんまつま
| (n) death agony/ |
誤魔化す | ごまかす | (v5s) to deceive/to falsify/to
misrepresent/(P)/ |
天魔 | てんま | (n) demon/evil spirit/ |
閻魔 | えんま | (n) devil/ruler of Hades/ |
病魔 | びょうま
| (n) demon of ill health/disease/ |
睡魔 | すいま
| (n) sleepiness/drowsiness/ |
邪魔ッ気 | じゃまっけ | obstructive/troublesome/a nuisance/ |
破魔矢 | はまや | (n) (ceremonial) arrow used to drive off evil/ |