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Kanji: Radical: (はな) : ; はな; nose
Joyo grade: 3 Stroke count: 14 Index in Nelson dictionary: 5421 Index in Halpern dictionary: 2706
Japanese Reading English
鼻がめはながつく (v5) to take a concrete shape/
鼻咽喉じびいんこうせんもんいear, nose and throat specialist/(P)/
鼻腔ふくびくう (n) paranasal sinus/paranasal cavity/sinus paranasales/
け鼻つけばな(n) false nose/artificial nose/
めはなだち(n) looks/features/
じびか(n) otolaryngology/(P)/
てんびやくnose drops/
めはな(n) shape/form/
鼻咽喉じびいんこうか(n) ear, nose and throat section/
ししばな(n) pug nose/
こばな(n) wings of the nose/
りゅうびじゅつ(n) plastic surgery of the nose/
だんごばな(n) a snub or pug nose/
鼻蜂まるはなばち bumblebee/
鉤鼻かぎばな(n) hooked nose/
まえはなおsandal or clog strap/
阿鼻あびきょうかん (n) agonizing cries/a pandemonium/two of Buddhism's hells/(P)/
てばな(n) blowing one's nose with one's fingers/
ではな (n) projecting part (of a headland, etc.)/outset/starting out/
さんび(adj-na,n) appalling/awful/extreme pain/deep sorrow/
鼻咽喉じびいんこう(n) ear/nose/and throat/
ひこうせいびえん(n) hypertrophic rhinitis/
鼻腔ふくびくうえん(n) sinusitis/
鷲鼻 わしばな(n) aquiline or hook nose/
の鼻ぞうのはなtrunk of an elephant/
じび (n) nose and ears/
でばな (n) projecting part (of a headland, etc.)/outset/starting out/