万葉仮名 | まんようがな | (n) early Japanese syllabary composed of Chinese
characters used phonetically/ |
万斛 | ばんこく | (n) copious
(tears)/ |
万々 | ばんばん | (adv) very
much/fully/never (neg)/ |
万国旗 | ばんこくき
| (n) flags of all nations/ |
万一を考える | まんいちをかんがえ
る | (exp) to be prepared for the
worst/ |
万年雪 | まんねんゆき
| (n) perpetual snow/ |
万朶 | ばんだ | (n) many branches/ |
万歳 | ばんざい | (int,n)
hurrah/longlife/congratulations/cheers/(P)/ |
万卒 | ばんそつ | (n) host of soldiers/ |
万国史 | ばんこくし
| world history/ |
万年青 | おもと
| (n) plant of the lily family/ |
万点 | まんてん | (n) perfect score/ |
万丈 | ばんじょう | (n) hurrah!/long life/congratulations/full
vent/ |
万年 | まんねん | ten thousand years/eternity/ |
万力 | まんりき | (n) vise/jack/capstan/ |
万感 | ばんかん | (n) flood of emotions/many thoughts/ |
万人向き | ばんにんむき
| all-purpose/suiting everybody/ |
万物 | ばんぶつ | (n) all things/all creation/ |
万民 | ばんみん | (n) all people/the whole nation/ |
万全 | ばんぜん | (adj-na,n) perfection/(P)/ |
万 | まん | 10 000 |
万年床 | まんねんどこ
| (n) leaving a bed unmade/ |
万古 | ばんこ | (n-adv,n-t) perpetuity/eternity/ |
万屋 | よろずや | (n) general merchant/Jack-of-all-trades/ |
万人向きである | ばんにんむきで
ある | (exp) to suit all tastes/ |
万緑 | ばんりょく | (n) myriad green leaves/ |
万里 | ばんり | (n) thousands of miles/ |
万福 | ばんぷく | (n) all health and happiness/ |
万劫 | まんごう | (n) eternity/ |
万場一致で | まんじょういっちで | unanimously/ |
万謝 | ばんしゃ | (n) many thanks/sincere apologies/ |
万状 | ばんじょう | (n) diversification/multifariousness/ |
万 | よろず | (adv,num) 10,000/ten
thousand/myriads/all/everything/ |
万般 | ばんぱん | (n) all things/ |
事窮す | ばんじきゅうす
| (n) There is nothing more that can be
done/ |
万芸 | ばんげい | versatility/ |
万万一 | ばんばんいち | (adv,n) by any chance/ten thousand to one/ |
万博 | ばんぱく | (n) world fair/(P)/ |
万全 | ばんぜん | perfect |
万能薬 | ばんのうやく
| cure-all/panacea/ |
万言 | まんげん | (n) many words/ |
国 | ばんこく | all countries |
万方 | ばんぽう | (n) many lands/many means/ |
万寿 | ばんじゅ | (n) longevity/ |
善 | ばんぜん | (adj-na,n) perfection/ |
万年新造 | まんねんしんぞう | woman of perennial youth/ |
万 | ばん | (adv,pref) many/all/(P)/ |
万一 | まんいち | (adv,n) by some chance/by some possibility/if by any
change/10E4:1 odds/(P)/ |
万来 | ばんらい | (n) many guests/ |
年青 | まんねんせい
| (n) plant of the lily family/ |