下民 | かみん | (n) the masses/the lower classes/the common
people/ |
下線 | かせん | (n) underline/underscore/ |
下し薬 | くだしぐすり | (n) laxative/ |
下級職 | かきゅうしょく
| subordinate post/ |
下り上り | おりのぼり | (n) going up and down/ |
下巻 | げかん | (n) last volume (in set)/(P)/ |
下旬 | げじゅん | last third of the month |
下書 | げしょ | rough copy/draft/ |
下種女 | げすおんな
| (n) woman of low rank/term of degradation for a
woman/ |
下検分 | したけんぶん
| (n) preliminary examination/ |
下輩 | げはい | (n) inferior/low-class person/ |
下り場 | おりば | dismounting place/ |
下半身 | かはんしん
| (n) lower half of body/(P)/ |
下野 | げや | (n) retirement from public office/ |
下り列車 | くだりれっしゃ
| trains going away from the capital/down
train/ |
下水板 | げすいいた
| wooden sewer covers/ |
下風 | かふう | (n) subordinate position/lower position/ |
下表参照 | かひょうさんしょう | (see the) following table(s)/ |
下着 | したぎ | (n) underwear/(P)/ |
下二桁 | しもふたけた | last two figures of a number/ |
下す | くだす | (v5s) to lower/to let go down/(P)/ |
下卑 | げび | vulgar/coarse/ |
表 | かひょう | (n) diagram below/ |
下げ札 | さげふだ | (n) tag/label/ |
臣 | かしん | low-rank retainer/ |
下瞰 | かかん | (n,vs) looking down on/getting a bird's eye
view/ |
下生え | したばえ | (n) underbrush/undergrowth/ |
下紐 | したひも | (n) undersash/belt/ |
下劣 | げれつ | (adj-na,n) base/mean/vulgar/ |
下半期 | かはんき
| (n) the last half-year/ |
下げ幕 | さげまく | drop curtain/ |
下方に | かほうに | below/ |
下水溝 | げすいこう
| drainage ditch/canal/(P)/ |
下屋敷 | しもやしき
| (n) villa/daimyo's suburban
residence/ |
下の下 | げのげ | (exp) the lowest (of
its kind)/the poorest/ |
下馬先 | げばさき
| (n) dismounting place/ |
下熱 | げねつ | (n) lowering fever/ |
下限 | かげん | (n) lower limit/ |
界 | かかい | (n) lower bound/ |
足料 | げそくりょう
| (n) footwear-checking charge/ |
下衆 | げす | (adj-na,n) person of humble rank/humble
person/ |
下座 | げざ | lower seat |
| かたい | (n) lower
leg/lower part of the body/lower limbs/ |
馬評 | げばひょう
| (n) rumor/gossip/speculation/irresponsible
criticism/hearsay/ |
下院議員 | かいんぎいん | member of the lower house/commoner/ |
下げ振り | さげふり | (n) plummet/plumb bob/ |
下克上 | げこくじょう
| (n) juniors dominating seniors/retainer
supplanting his lord/ |
下半 | かはん | (n) lower half/ |
部組織 | かぶそしき | (n) lower branch (of an
organization)/infrastructure/ |
下帯 | したおび | (n) loincloth/waist cloth/ |