世間 | せけん | the world; the public |
世界経済 | せかいけいざい | (n) world (international) economy/ |
世話役 | せわやく
| (n) mediator/manager/ |
世論調査 | よろんちょうさ | public opinion poll/ |
世界貿易機関 | せかいぼうえききかん | World Trade Organization (WTO)/ |
世態 | せたい | (n) social conditions/ |
世話 | せわ | (adj-na,n,vs) looking
after/help/aid/assistance/(P)/ |
世界チャンピオン | せかいチャンピオン | world champion/ |
人 | せじん | (n) the people/the public/the world/ |
世界一 | せかいいち
| (n-adv,n-t) best in the world/ |
世界交通の衝 | せかいこうつうのしょう
| focus of the trade routes of the
world/ |
世界一周旅行 | せかいいっしゅうりょこう | (n,vs) round-the-world trip/world cruise/ |
世帯を張る | しょたいをはる
| (exp) to keep (set up) house/ |
世間並み | せけんなみ
| (adj-na) ordinary/average/ |
世上 | せじょう | (n) the world/ |
渡り | よわたり | (n) making a living/getting on in the
world/subsistence/ |
世界新 | せかいしん
| new world record/ |
世間離れ | せけんばなれ
| (n) uncommon/out of the ordinary/ |
世界人 | せかいじん
| (n) cosmopolitan/world citizen/ |
世帯 | せたい | (n) household/(P)/ |
世代交代 | せだいこうたい | (n) alternation of generations/ |
世俗心 | せぞくしん
| worldliness/ |
世界記録 | せかいきろく | (n,vs) establishing a world record (in)/ |
世俗的 | せぞくてき
| (adj-na) worldliness/ |
世界ボクシング協 | せかいボクシングきょう | World Boxing Association/ |
世々 | よよ | (n-adv,n-t) for generations/hereditary/generation after
generation/ |
世事に疎い | せじにうとい
| inexperienced/unrealistic/knowing but little of
the world/ |
世話を焼く | せわをやく
| (v5) to bother/to meddle/to poke one's nose
(into other's business)/ |
世の中 | よのなか | the world; life |
俗主義 | せぞくしゅぎ | secularism/ |
| よなれる | (v1) to
become used to the (ways of the) world/to become worldly or
sophisticated/ |
世に出る | よにでる | (v1) to become famous/ |
世慣れる | よなれる | (v1) to become used to the (ways of the) world/to become
worldly or sophisticated/ |
世論調査 | せろんちょうさ | public opinion poll/ |
世間体 | せけんてい
| (n) appearance (in the eyes of
society)/decency/ |
世界選手権 | せかいせんしゅけん
| (n) world (an international) championship
(title)/ |
世界平和 | せかいへいわ | (n) world peace/peace of the world/ |
世界銀行 | せかいぎんこう | World Bank/ |
世評 | せひょう | (n) reputation/public opinion/ |
世子 | せいし | (n) heir/successor/ |
世代 | せだい | (n) generation/the world/the age/(P)/ |
世途 | せいと | the world/the path of life/ |
世界的 | せかいてき
| (adj-na)
global/international/world-famous/ |
世故 | せこ | (n) worldly affairs/ |
世界の果て | せかいのはて
| end of the world/ |
世界人権宣言 | せかいじんけんせんげん | Universal Declaration of Human Rights
(1948)/ |
世界政策 | せかいせいさく | world policy/ |
世変 | せいへん | change of times/ |
直し | よなおし | (n) world reformation/ |
世才 | せさい | (n) worldly wisdom/practical
wisdom/prudence/shrewdness/ |