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Kanji: Radical: (いち) : ヘイ; なら(ぶ)、なら(べる)、な(み)、なら(びに); line up
Joyo grade: 6 Stroke count: 8 Index in Nelson dictionary: 589 Index in Halpern dictionary: 2246
Japanese Reading English
並み並みならぬなみなみならぬ extraordinary/uncommon/
並みなみがたordinary or regulation size/
並みなみ(n,n-suf) average/medium/common/ordinary/(P)/
なみあし(n) walking pace/slow march/
なみはずれ(adj-na,adj-no,n) out of the common/far above the average/extraordinary/abnormal/unreasonable/
なみたいてい (adj-na,n) ordinary/
なみにく(n) meat of medium quality/
へいち(n) juxtaposition/placing side by side/
へいしん(n,vs) keeping pace with/keeping abreast of/
れるなみはずれる(io) (v1) to be uncommon/
なみきじ avenue of trees/
並べてるならべたてる(v1) to enumerate/
並びならびない(adj) unparalleled/unequaled/unique/
並並なみなみ(adv,n) ordinary/
並み並みなみなみ(adv,n) ordinary/
並びにならびに(conj) and/(P)/
並み なみあし(n) walking pace/slow march/
なみき(n) roadside tree/row of trees/(P)/
並ぶならぶ(v5b,vi) to line up/to stand in a line/(P)/
並みなみたいてい (adj-na,n) ordinary/
なみきみち avenue of trees/
へいりつ(n) standing abreast/
並べならべかた(n) arrangement/
なみいる(v1) to sit in a row/to be present (and lined up)/
へい line up/be in a row/rank with/rival/equal/
なみせいひん article of average quality/common article/
並みれるなみはずれる(v1) to be uncommon/
へいこう(adj-na,n,vs) (going) side by side/concurrent/abreast/at the same time/occurring together/parallel/parallelism/(P)/
なみはば(n) standard-width cloth (approx 36 cm)/
並みなみき(n) roadside tree/row of trees/
なみきみち (n) avenue/tree-lined street/
並びならび(n) line/row/rank/(P)/
へいこうゆにゅう(n) parallel import/
へいよう(n,vs) using together (jointly)/used at the same time/
へいぞん(n) coexistence/
並 べてるとならべてみるとin comparison/
並めて なめて(adv) all/
並みなみはずれ(adj-na,adj-no,n) out of the common/far above the average/extraordinary/abnormal/unreasonable/
並みなみあし(n) walking pace/slow march/
並巾なみはば(n) standard-width cloth (approx 36 cm)/
なみせい(n) ordinary make/
並々なみなみ(adv,n) ordinary/
へいれつ(n,vs) arrangement/parallel/abreast/(P)/
並べるならべる(v1,vt) to line up/to set up/(P)/
なみ(n,n-suf) average/medium/common/ordinary/(P)/
並びない ならびない(adj) unparalleled/unequaled/unique/