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Kanji: Radical: (てん) : ガン; まる; round
Joyo grade: 2 Stroke count: 3 Index in Nelson dictionary: 155 Index in Halpern dictionary: 3417
Japanese Reading English
まるがっこ parentheses/
丸まるまるまる(adv,n) completely/(P)/
まるぼん(n) reciter's book/complete set of books/
丸でまるでjust like, completely
まるうつし(n,vs) copying in entirety (verbatim)/
まるやき(n) barbecue/
になるまるはだかになる(v5) to strip a person of all his or her clothes/
まるまど(n) circular window/
丸めるまるめる(v1) to make round/to round off/to roll up/to curl up/to seduce/to cajole/to explain away/(P)/
まるざい(n) log/
まるたんぼう (n) log/
まるぼうず (n) close-cropped head/bald hill/
まるがた(n) (1) round shape/circle/(2) circular form/
まるた(n) log/
丸くなって まるくなってin a circle (ring)/
丸丸まるまる(adv,n) completely/
丸禿まるはげcomplete baldness/
丸鑿まるのみ(n) a gouge/
まるやけ(n) total fire loss/completely burned/
まるがち(n) complete victory/clean record/
まるくび(n) round-necked (T-shirt)/
まるこうround steel bar/
丸 儲けまるもうけ(n) clear gain/
まるごと(adv) in its entirety/whole/wholly/
丸っきりまるっきり(adv) completely/perfectly/just as if/(P)/
丸くまるまるくおさまるto settle peacefully/to become reconciled/
まるきづくり rustic work/
まるおび(n) one-piece sash/
まるじゅうcross in a circle/
まるぞこ(adj-na) round-bottom/
まるまけ(n) complete defeat/
まるごし(n) unarmed/
丸髷 まるまげ(n) married woman's hairdo/
丸ごとまるごと(adv) in its entirety/whole/wholly/
まるがかえ(n) completely financed/sponsored/under patronage/
まるがお(n) round face/moon face/
丸いまるい(adj) round/circular/spherical/(P)/
まるきぶね (n) dugout canoe/
まるたごやlog cabin/blockhouse/(P)/
まるだし(n) bare/exposed/undisguised/broad (provincial accent)/
けになったまるやけになったcompletely burned/
まるがり(n) close clipping/
まるほん(n) reciter's book/complete set of books/
まるもち(n) moneyed man/
まる(n) circle/full (month)/perfection/purity/suffix for ship names/(P)/
まるきばし (n) log bridge/
丸呑みまるのみ(n) swallowing whole/
丸っこいまるっこい(adj) round/spherical/circular/