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Kanji: Radical: (おつ) : ラン; みだれる; riot
Joyo grade: 6 Stroke count: 7 Index in Nelson dictionary: 3856 Index in Halpern dictionary: 1260
Japanese Reading English
らんよう(n,vs) abuse/(P)/
らんちょう(n) pages out of order/
らんとう(n) fray/
調らんちょう(n) confusion/
らんしんしゃ lunatics/
らんちきさわぎ(n) spree/
らんしん(n,vs) mental derangement/going mad/
乱れるみだれる(v1) to get confused/to be disordered/to be disturbed/(P)/
らんしゅ(n) drunken spree or frenzy/
乱杭らんぐいば(n) uneven teeth/
乱すみだす(v5s) to throw out of order/to disarrange/to disturb/(P)/
乱杭らんぐい(n) palisade/
らんぼうもの thug/hooligan/
らんばい(n) underselling/panic selling/
パーティーらんこうパーティー(X) a sexual orgy/
らんきりゅう (n) (air) turbulence/turbulent air/
らんかく(n) excessive fishing/overfishing/(P)/
らんしんらんりょう (n) unnecessary medical tests and treatments/
らんうん(n) rain cloud/
らんはんしゃ (n) diffused reflection/
らんどり(n) free exercises (in judo)/Japanese card game/
らんりゅう(n) (air) turbulence/
らんぱつ(n,vs) random firing/reckless firing/excessive issue/
らんすい(n) dead drunk/
らんでいりゅう turbidity current/
らんぎょう(n) violent conduct/misconduct/dissipation/profligacy/debauchery/
らんぶ(n,vs) boisterous dance/
らんしゃらんげき (n) random shooting/
乱れみだれ(n) disorder/disturbance/unrest/
らんそううん (n) nimbostratus/
らんぴつ(n) hasty writing/scribble/(P)/
らんし(n) astigmatism/
らんこう(n) promiscuity/
調らんちょうし (n) confusion/
らんだ(n) hitting/battering/
らんこうげ (n) violent fluctuation/
らんばつ(n) reckless deforestation/overcutting of forests/(P)/
乱をこすらんをおこす(exp) to rise in rebellion/
らんかいはつ (n) environmentally damaging (indiscriminate) development/
らんぞう(n) overproduction/
らんすうひょう (n) table of random numbers/
らんきりchopping (vegetables) into chunks/
らんさく(n) overproduction/
らんみゃく(adj-na,n) disorder/confusion/chaos/
らんざつ(adj-na,n) clutter/disorder/promiscuity/affray/confusion/muddle/(P)/
らんせん(n) melee/
乱れみだれがみ(n) unravelled hair/
らんま(n) anarchy/chaos/
乱れみだれとぶ(v5b) to fly wildly about/
らんぐん(n) melee/